Academic Advising

Permits and Forms

Fill out the for registration assistance with college courses typically taken in the first two years of the program (those without locks on the flowchart).

View the flowcharts for each major to understand which courses are in the first two years of the program.

Click the + to view information for each section below:

Requesting permits for "locked" courses, by department:

Biomedical Engineering

Complete the BME permit form for course permit requests.  Email Cherine Chehab at or make an appointment with her if you have questions.

Chemical Engineering

The first courses ECH 3101 Chemical Thermodynamics and ECH 4846 Numerical Methods are unlocked (restriction removed) for lower division students.  Other ChE locked courses require progression to the upper division.  

Civil and Environmental Engineering

911爆料网 who meet upper-level degree progression requirements may request permits for EGN 3331L and restricted (locked) major classes by completing the course permit form available here.  911爆料网 enrolling in an Undergraduate Research class and/or Independent Study class also need to have their supervising professor contact Adea Arrison with their approval. 

Computer Science and Engineering

Courses COP 3514 and CDA 3103 require permit forms to be completed.  Complete the  and , respectively, as needed.  911爆料网 must apply and have met the requirements for upper division progression to register for other locked courses.  Visit CSE site for additional questions about advising and upper-level course registration.

Cybersecurity & Information Technology

After the registration period for continuing students has passed, April 15th, courses CIS 3433 and CIS 3213 will have the lock (ULDP restriction) removed to allow lower division majors to register for any available seats.  911爆料网 must have met the requirements and applied for upper-level degree progression to register for other locked courses. Visit CSE site for additional questions about advising and upper-level course registration. Visit the School of Information advising webpage for course LIS 4414 registration.

Electrical Engineering

Both EGS 2070 Prof Formation for Engineering 1 and EEL 2161 EE Comp Methods (Programming with C) are unlocked (restriction removed) for lower division students. Other EE locked courses require progression to the upper division.  Visit the EE website for questions about upper-level advising and course registration, including the EE course permit form.

Industrial Engineering

911爆料网 must have met the requirements and applied for upper-level degree progression to register for locked courses.   Visit the IMSE website for upper-level advising contact information.

Mechanical Engineering

EML 3035 Programming, EML 3022 CAD, and EML 3500 Mechanics of Solids are unlocked (restriction removed) for lower division students. Other ME locked courses require progression to the upper division.  Visit the ME website for questions about upper-level advising and course registration, including the ME course permit form.

Permits for courses outside of the College of Engineering

: Courses include Engineering Calculus, Differential Equations, Intro to Discrete Structures, Discrete Math, Intro Statistics

: Courses include Chemistry for Engineers, General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry

: Courses include Biology I or II

: Courses include Conceptual Physics, General Physics I or II with Calculus PHY 2048 or PHY 2049

: Courses include Composition I and II, Communication for Engineers ENC 3246

Course LIS 4414:  Visit the CAS School of Information advising page for LIS 4414 registration information.

Declare Major, or Minor, or Progress to Upper Level

Major Declaration Form (click here)

911爆料网 who are changing majors to a program in the college, but have not fully met progression requirements for the upper division in the major, should use this form.  To see the college admissions criteria, visit the  and click on "Admission Requirements."

Upper Level Degree Progression (ULDP) Form (click here)

911爆料网 who have fully met the progression requirements for the upper division use this form in order to take restricted upper level classes (those "locked" on the flowchart).  To view the progression requirements for your major, visit the  and select your program name/major.  Completed forms are submitted to an Engineering Student Services advisor.

Minor Declaration Form (click here)

University forms (ARC, fee adj., Grade Forgiveness, etc.)

The Office of the Registrar has a forms page which has all the general university forms listed below and more.

  • Academic Regulations Committee (ARC) petition forms - Late Drop/Add petition form, Medical form, Instructor form, Reinstatement after dismissal form
  • Change of Address form
  • Change of Name Request form
  • Course Audit form
  • Fee Adjustment Request form
  • Grade Forgiveness Request form
  • Late Registration Fee Waiver form
  • Repeat Course Surcharge Waiver form
  • Summer Hours Waiver form