Office of the Registrar

Fee Adjustment Requests

911爆料网 who can supply acceptable proof they withdrew no more than six (6) months ago under certain state defined conditions may file for consideration of up to a 100% refund of tuition and fees.

These are the five (5) conditions and examples of acceptable forms of applicable proof per USF Regulation 4.0101 listed on the Fee Adjustment Request Form itself:

  1. Student illness of such severity or duration that precluded course completion. Acceptable proof including the signature and license number of a healthcare provider on either a completed USF Medical Form or medical practice letterhead must be provided. NOTE: Diagnosis disclosures are never required, just that the medical professional recommended withdrawal or course load reduction.

  2. Death of student鈥檚 immediate family member as defined by the State of Florida; i.e. parent, grandparent, step-parent, sibling, spouse or child. Acceptable proof the decedent is of immediate relation to the student must be provided via death certificate or obituary.

  3. Voluntary or involuntary call to active duty as confirmed by military orders.

  4. University error as confirmed in writing by an appropriate USF officer responsible for committing the error. NOTE: Faculty members not dropping a student for first day non-attendance isn鈥檛 university error as students are solely responsible to ensure any course they do not wish to attend is dropped self-service via Student Self-Service (formerly OASIS) by the published end of the Add/Drop period.

  5. Exceptional circumstances beyond the control of the student to drop by the end of the Add/Drop period. Examples include proof of approved homeowners or renters insurance claims after a fire, inclement weather or another dire event not the student鈥檚 fault that occurred after the Add/Drop period that displaced the student or proof, on company letterhead, of a mandatory change in work hours after the Add/Drop period in a job the student was employed in before the semester began. NOTE: It is the Fee Adjustment Committee members who determine whether circumstances meet the definition of exceptional, not the petitioner. 


If you are graduate student, and you successfully withdrew from a course on Student Self-Service (formerly OASIS) by the published deadline to do so self-service, you may submit a Fee Adjustment Request Form for consideration as long as you are filing within six (6) months of the semester to which any approval would be applicable.

If you are a graduate student and were approved for withdrawal via a , the same six (6) months moratorium for filing a Fee Adjustment Request Form for consideration applies.

If you are an undergraduate or non-degree-seeking student and successfully withdrew from a course via Student Self-Service (formerly OASIS) by the published deadline to do so self-service, you may submit a Fee Adjustment Request Form for consideration as long as you are filing within six (6) months of the semester to which any approval would be applicable.

If you are an undergraduate or non-degree-seeking student and were approved for withdrawal via an Undergraduate Academic Regulations Committee Petition, the same six (6) months moratorium for filing a Fee Adjustment Request Form for consideration applies.

The outcome of either petition for withdrawal has no bearing on fee adjustment eligibility. Both graduate and undergraduate petitions for withdrawal alike only impact your grade point average and/or academic standing. Decisions regulated by entirely separate processes and are rendered by different committees with no membership crossover with the Fee Adjustment Committee.

All fee adjustment decisions are considered final; however, one appeal may be filed only if you can supply supporting documentation not yet seen by the committee. The outcome of the second filing cannot be appealed.

You must download the Fee Adjustment Request Form, complete, sign and date it, and submit the form along with acceptable proof of the condition under which you file to


Lack of awareness of the forms, process, or time frame for filing DOES NOT CONSTITUTE an exception for a fee adjustment to be filed past the six months of the end of the semester to address fee liability.

If a student was misdirected by a department or college personnel and can provide documentation that constitutes an exception. A letter from an advisor or staff member that misinformed the student of the process is required for further consideration.

Military personnel who are not here or able to process these documents in a timely manner because they had orders can provided their orders as documentation for an exception.

If a student is hospitalized or they are a caregiver to an immediate family member (parents, step-parents, grandparents, siblings, spouse or child) and unable to complete or submit the paperwork and supplies documentation to support the hospitalization and/or care-giving status as well as relationship to the family member may constitute an exception.

Acceptable proof of physical or mental incapacity to take care of USF financial affairs within six (6) months of the end of the semester to which any fee adjustment may be applicable may also qualify for further consideration

Fairness for all students is the reason for the policies in place and are strictly adhered. If you are not sure your exception will qualify or have additional questions, please email us at

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