
Industry Internships

ECH 5945 General Information about Industry Internships (S/U Grading) 

Industry Internship form 


This course is designed to encourage graduate students to earn credit during research internship in industry.

You can earn 1- 3 credits during a semester. The actual credits depend on the number of hours worked. The purpose of this course is to enhance your graduate studies with industrial experience. If you think you are interested in earning credits while working you should contact the Graduate Advisor before you start your internship to guide you through the process of registering etc.

What will qualify for Industry Internship credit?

Any type of PAID engineering/scientific research related job can qualify. Unpaid internships do not qualify. It is best to consult your advisor if you are in doubt.


  •  A job offer letter from the company stating that they are offering you an industry internship. The offer letter should preferably include the number of hours per week and the beginning and ending dates of the initial appointment.
  •  Complete the application form for registration available for download from the department website. Also attached with this document.
  • Submit both electronically to your Graduate Advisor. If approved, you will be issued a permit for the course.
  • Upon completion of the internship, submit the written report and slides as explained in the attached to Canvas and inform the Instructor. Please include the name; email and phone number of the Supervisor so that the Instructor can contact the supervisor.
  • The Instructor will contact your industry supervisor to confirm that you have successfully completed the internship.
  • The Instructor will grade your report (S/U)
  • You may be requested to present your report in the following semester. The Instructor will let you know how this is to be done.

Information for 911爆料网: FAQ

How many credit hours can I sign up for?

You can sign up for 1-3 credit hours during the semester (spring, summer or fall). The number of credits is based upon number of hours worked. You must register during the semester that your hold the internship.
120-240 hours: 1 credit hour
241-360 hours: 2 credit hours
Greater than 360 hours: 3 credits (This is the maximum permitted per semester)
There will be no fractional credits.
The number of hours worked must be verified by the company supervisor.

What kind of work/job qualified for credits in this course?

The work done must be relevant to practice of engineering and/or scientific research. For example if you work as an assistant to an engineer doing projects that would qualify. Work in a production environment doing engineering tasks such as quality control, time-motion studies, data collection and analysis would qualify. Work that is not related to engineering such as filing work in an office, working as a manager in a non-engineering company or manual labor will not qualify. If you are in doubt you can fill out the application detailing your duties and the advisor will make the final decision.

What will be required of me to complete the course?

Your supervisor will be contacted by us to verify that you have successfully completed the hours of Industry Internship. You will have to submit a written report that summarizes the Industry Internship. A format of the report required is attached. In addition you should also submit the slides for a 5-min PowerPoint presentation which you are requested to present in the following semester to other students.

What if I quit or get fired in the middle of my internship?

If you have completed at least 150 hours, you may drop this course and sign up to get credit for hours completed. Be aware that you will have tuition penalties associated with dropping a course.

My employer forbids me to write anything about my work for confidential reasons. What should I do?

Some employers want to protect their data and intellectual property. You should comply with the agreements signed with your employer regarding confidentiality. However, the employer cannot forbid you from talking about your experience without divulging any company data or secrets. You can talk about the general nature of the experience touching upon the engineering experience without getting into details about the specific aspects of the engineering task. You can include any public domain information that you obtained independently.

What if I am not able to complete the course for medical reasons?

The same rules that apply to on campus courses will apply here as well. You can get an incomplete and complete the internship at a later date. It does not have to be with the same company.

What if my internship dates do not conform to the start and end dates of the semester?

This can arise during summer when the semester starting and end dates are short. If you do not meet the full number of hours required for the credits then you may request an incomplete while you work to complete the hours needed. Just email the instructor and the Program Administrator if this happens. Please note that the majority of the work must be done during the semester in which you are registered for the course.

What if I am an international student and interested in this course?

You will need to contact ISSS office at USF to get proper employment authorization and follow the rules governing off-campus employment.