Faculty and students in the Mathematics Education program participate in multiple research projects and grant-funded activities. Below is an overview of some of the program's current initiatives.

Attaining Excellence in Secondary Mathematics Clinical Experiences with a Lens on Equity
A collaborative research project with the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities' (APLU's) Mathematics Teacher Education Partnership (MTE-P)
An aim of many mathematics teacher education programs is to produce teachers who can use teaching practices that enable all secondary students to reason with and make sense of mathematics. Clinical experiences enable teacher candidates to teach, observe other teachers, and collaborate with mentor teachers, thus applying what they learned from their coursework. In fact, clinical experiences have been cited as more influential on long-term teaching practices than coursework.
Through a $373,729 award from the National Science Foundation (NSF), this project will study how different types of clinical experiences affect preservice teachers' implementation of equitable teaching practices. The project will use a networked improvement community (NIC) design to develop clinical experiences that build candidate teachers' skills in equitable teaching strategies, with the goal of increasing the success of secondary school students in meeting college- and career-ready standards in math.

USF Robert Noyce Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Scholars Program
The USF Robert Noyce (STEM) Scholars program provides $30,000 stipends to 31 graduating seniors, recent graduates, and career changers who are interested in earning their teaching credentials in mathematics or science by enrolling in a one-year accelerated Master of Arts in Teaching program as a full-time student. The stipend is intended to cover the cost of attendance (i.e. tuition and fees) and other expenses.
In return for this stipend, Robert Noyce STEM Scholars commit to teaching for at least two years in one of the following school districts: Hernando, Highlands, Hillsborough, Manatee, Pasco, Pinellas, Polk, or Sarasota.
Tampa Bay Robert Noyce Master Teacher Fellows Program
The Tampa Bay Robert Noyce Master Teacher Fellows Program is a partnership effort between USF, Hillsborough County Public Schools, and the Helios Education Foundation. This program provides stipends to effective mathematics and science teachers who will engage in an extended teacher development program to become effective teacher leaders.

Helios STEM Middle School Residency Program
Transforming STEM Teacher Preparation for the Transition Years
The Helios STEM Middle School Residency Program aims to produce, support, and enhance the retention of middle grades (5-9) mathematics teachers who enter the field ready to teach rigorous content standards understand the unique needs of early adolescent learners, and to teach diverse student populations, including those in high needs environments.
The Helios STEM Middle School Residency Program is supported by a $2.7 million award from the Helios Education Foundation, a philanthropic, public charity focused exclusively on education in Arizona and Florida.
Read the latest newsletter for the Helios STEM Middle School Residency Program.