Camera-ready submissions
Carefully read and follow the template instructions before submitting the camera-ready manuscript. The templates can be found here:
Insert your names, affiliations and ORCID into the manuscript. This procedure is described in the template instruction. Instructions of how to get your ORCID can be found here:
Download, fill out, and sign (digital signature is not accepted) the copyright form
Upload all of the following files to EasyChair:
- The finalized camera-ready manuscript as PDF file.
- The response letter addressing the reviewers’ comments as PDF file.
- The finalized camera-ready manuscript as source file
- The signed copyright form.
The deadline for your camera-ready submissions is March 28, 2022.
Questions regarding the camera-ready manuscript and the proceedings can be sent to:
About submissions
Submissions should be formatted following the .
For all the accepted submission, at least one author has to register for the conference.
Submissions should be in PDF format (file extension.pdf)
Transdisciplinary DSR Research Tracks
Submissions will designate a preferred research track. Track chairs will manage the review process to ensure a minimum of two substantive peer reviews.
Paper Submission
Full research papers and research-in-progress papers related to design science research are welcome. Submitted manuscripts should follow the guidelines below:
- All submissions must be formatted according to the Springer LNCS guidelines
- The page limit for full research papers is 12 pages, which includes all related pages (including first page, references, etc.)
- The page limit for research-in-progress papers is 6 pages, which includes all related pages (including first page, references, etc.)
- All paper submissions must be anonymized for double-blind review
Prototypes Submissions
The Prototypes Track is intended to showcase implementations of innovative IT artifacts (i.e., constructs, models, methods). The track provides an opportunity to demonstrate and discuss emerging IT artifacts with researchers and practitioners. Submissions for the Products & Prototypes Track should comprise the following sections in no more than 6 pages (including first page, references, etc., and formatted according to the Springer LNCS guidelines):
- Title page with information about the designers
- Design of the artifact (e.g., problem statement, use cases, intended user groups, description of features)
- Significance to research (e.g., innovativeness of the artifact)
- Significance to practice (e.g., usefulness of the artifact)
- Evaluation of the artifact (e.g., in laboratory or field settings)
- If available, screencast of or link to an implementation of the artifact
Panel and Workshop Proposals
Panel sessions bring together researchers and/or practitioners with complementary or conflicting perspectives on a research topic or another issue of importance to the field of Design Science Research. Submitted proposals should follow the guidelines below:
- Introduction: General description of the panel or issues to be discussed or debated
Controversial Issues and Panelists’ Positions: Issues that will be discussed and the names of those who will take opposing viewpoints - Structure: Description of timing of the session and the format of interaction among participants and with the audience
- Participation Statement: A statement that all participants have made a commitment to attend the conference and serve on the panel if the panel is accepted
- Biographies: A brief description of each participant’s background, including expertise related to the topic and views of the issues
- References
The DESRIST Proceedings with the full research papers accepted to the conference will be published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS).
Best Paper Award
911±¬ÁÏÍø will award three prizes: (1) the best paper of the conference, (2) the best student paper, and (3) the best prototype.
Opt-out Policy
Authors of accepted full papers can choose whether their manuscript should be included in the LNCS proceedings or not.