911±¬ÁĎÍřdnesday, June 1
8:30 am – 4:30 pm
- Registration
LPH Atrium**
- Registration
9:00 am – 5:00 pm
- DESRIST Doctoral Consortium
Anol Bhattacherjee and Jeff Parsons, Chairs
LPH 123 Breakout: LPH 128
- DESRIST Doctoral Consortium
10:00 am – 10:30 am
- Coffee Break
LPH Atrium
- Coffee Break
12:00 pm – 1:30 pm
- Doctoral Consortium Lunch
LPH Atrium
- Doctoral Consortium Lunch
1:00 pm – 5:00 pm
- Industrial Workshop
Alison Barlow, Dennis Edwards, Joe Partlow, Isaiah Wilson, and Matthew Mullarkey, Chairs
LPH 229; Breakouts: LPH 213, LPH 214, LPH 222, LPH 223
- Industrial Workshop
3:00 pm – 3:30 pm
- Coffee Break
LPH Atrium
- Coffee Break
5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
- DESRIST 2022 Conference Reception
LPH 418 – Dean’s Reception Area
- DESRIST 2022 Conference Reception
Thursday, June 2
8:00 am – 4:00 pm
- Registration USC
Ballroom Atrium (Morning) LPH Atrium (Afternoon)
- Registration USC
8:30 am – 10:00 am
- Conference Opening Session
USC Ballroom (Second Floor)- 911±¬ÁĎÍřlcome and Introductions - Alan Hevner and Matthew Mullarkey
- USF 911±¬ÁĎÍřlcome & St. Petersburg 911±¬ÁĎÍřlcome
- Keynote Address – Dr. Agnis Stibe “Designing Transformation with Human Artificial
- Conference Opening Session
10:00 am – 10:30 am
- Coffee Break
USC Ballroom Atrium*
- Coffee Break
10:30 am – 12:00 noon
- Paper Session 1: Transdisciplinary Research and DSR
Session Chair: Sandeep Purao
USC Ballroom – Room A- “An Information Systems Design Theory for Digital Broker Platforms”
Katja Bley, Raoul Hentschel and Ilias Pappas - “Morphological Analysis for Design Science Research: The Case of Human-Drone Collaboration
in Emergencies”
Mateusz Dolata and Kiram Ben Aleya (Best Paper Nomination) - “All Good Things Come in Threes: A Digital Platform for Data-Driven, Interdisciplinary,
and Replicable Research” (Research in Progress)
Barbara Dinter, Sarah Hönigsberg and Oliver Specht
Download Paper - “Emerging Challenges of Evaluating Immersive Virtual Reality Safety Training: An Early
Design Science Perspective” (Research in Progress)
Amir Haj-Bolouri and Matti Rossi
Download Paper
- “An Information Systems Design Theory for Digital Broker Platforms”
- Paper Session 2: Education and DSR
Session Chair: Robert Winter
USC Ballroom – Room B
- “System Design Principles for Intergenerational Knowledge Sharing”
Irawan Nurhas, Xelia Mattick, Stefan Geisler and Jan Pawlowski - “User Experience Requirements of Digital Moderation Systems in South Africa: Using
Participatory Design within Design Science Research”
Vanitha Rajamany, Judy van Biljon and Corné Van Staden - “’Designing’ Design Science Research – A Taxonomy for Supporting Study Design Decisions”
Hanlie Smuts, Robert Winter, Alta Van der Merwe and Aurona Gerber (Best Paper Nomination)
- “System Design Principles for Intergenerational Knowledge Sharing”
- Paper Session 3: Emerging DSR Methods
Session Chair: Jan vom Brocke
USC Ballroom – Room C- “Toward a Method for Reviewing Software Artifacts from Practice”
Ulrich Gnewuch and Alexander Maedche - “A Granular View of Knowledge Development in Design Science Research”
Nicolas Prat, Jacky Akoka, Isabelle Comyn-Wattiau and Veda Storey - “Towards a Scheme for Contribution in Action Design Research”
Casper Solheim Bojer and Charles Møller
- “Toward a Method for Reviewing Software Artifacts from Practice”
- Paper Session 1: Transdisciplinary Research and DSR
12:00pm – 1:30 pm
- Lunch Keynote Address
Ben Shneiderman “Human-Center Artificial Intelligence”
USC Ballroom and Atrium (Second Floor)
- Lunch Keynote Address
1:30 pm – 3:00 pm
- Paper Session 4: Transdisciplinary Research and DSR
Session Chair: Pavankumar Mulgund
LPH 229- “A Personalized Conversational Agent to treat Depression in Youth and Young Adults
– A Transdisciplinary Design Science Research Project”
Florian Onur Kuhlmeier, Ulrich Gnewuch, Stefan Lüttke, Eva-Lotta Brakemeier and Alexander Mädche - “Design Principles in Transdisciplinary DSR: A Boundary Object for Boundary Spanning”
Frederik Möller, Leona Chandra Kruse, Thorsten Schoormann and Boris Otto - “Supporting Product Development by a Trend Analysis Tool applying Aspect-Based Sentiment
Janik Woerner, Isabel Schmid, Daniel Konadl and Susanne Leist
- “A Personalized Conversational Agent to treat Depression in Youth and Young Adults
– A Transdisciplinary Design Science Research Project”
- Paper Session 5: Education and DSR
Session Chair: Aurona Gerber
LPH 223- “Designing Virtual Toolboxes to Guide Educators in Creating Online Learning”
Lea Blecher, Lara Riefle and Tomi Kauppinen - “DSR Teaching Support: A Checklist for Better DSR Research Design Presentations”
Marcel Cahenzli (Best Student Paper Nomination)
- “Designing Virtual Toolboxes to Guide Educators in Creating Online Learning”
- Paper Session 6: Emerging DSR Methods
Session Chair: Alta van der Merwe
LPH 214- “SeniorDT: A Design Thinking-Based Approach to Requirements Engineering Involving
Elderly Users”
Alexandra Jussli, Kathrin Kim, Heiko Gewald and Jason Thatcher - “Toward an Information Systems Ontology”
Roland M. Mueller, Sebastian Huettemann, Kai R. Larsen, Sen Yan and Abram Handler - “Uncovering Strategies of Design Principle Development” (Research in Progress)
Thorsten Schoormann, Frederik Möller and Leona Chandra Kruse
Download Paper - “Addressing the Dichotomy of Theory and Practice in Design Science Research Methodologies”
(Research in Progress)
Christian Daase, Matthias Volk, Daniel Staegemann and Klaus Turowski (Best Student Paper Nomination)
Download Paper
- “SeniorDT: A Design Thinking-Based Approach to Requirements Engineering Involving
Elderly Users”
- Paper Session 4: Transdisciplinary Research and DSR
3:00 pm – 3:30 pm
- Coffee Break
LPH Atrium
- Coffee Break
3:30 pm – 5:00 pm
- Session 7: Blockchain Information Systems
Session Chair: Kaushik Dutta
LPH 229- “Transient Random Number Seeds in Permissionless Blockchain Systems"
Riaan Bezuidenhout, Wynand Nel and Jacques Maritz - “Blockchain-Enabled Secure and Smart Healthcare System”
Debendranath Das, Amudhan Muthaiah and Sushmita Ruj - “Design Principles for Establishing Trust in Decentralized Intercompany Capacity Exchange”
(Research in Progress)
Nick GroĂźe
Download Paper
- “Transient Random Number Seeds in Permissionless Blockchain Systems"
- Session 8: Sustainable Design
Session Chair: Nicolas Prat
LPH 223
- “Towards Designing Smart Home Energy Applications for Effective Use”
Saskia Bluhm, Philipp Staudt and Christof 911±¬ÁĎÍřinhardt (Best Student Paper Nomination) - “An Enterprise Risk Management Framework to Design Pro-Ethical AI Solutions” (Research
in Progress)
Quintin McGrath, Alan Hevner and Gert-Jan de Vreede
Download Paper - “Emancipatory Design Science: A Philosophical Theory Alternative to Value Sensitive
Design” (Research in Progress)
Amber Young, Yaping Zhu and Syed Shuva
Download Paper
- “Towards Designing Smart Home Energy Applications for Effective Use”
- Session 9: Cybersecurity
Session Chair: Richard Baskerville
LPH 214- “Designing Information Security Culture Artifacts to Improve Security Behavior: An
Evaluation in SMEs”
Olfa Ismail - “Towards a Taxonomy for Classifying Knowledge on Ransomware as a Service (RaaS) Specializations”
(Research in Progress)
Tim Smith and Miloslava Plachkinova
Download Paper - “Words Are Louder Than Actions – Design Requirements for Facilitating Restorative
Justice in Data Breaches” (Research in Progress)
Till Ole Diesterhöft, Marvin Braun, Aycan Aslan, Maike Greve and Lutz M. Kolbe
Download Paper
- “Designing Information Security Culture Artifacts to Improve Security Behavior: An
Evaluation in SMEs”
- Session 7: Blockchain Information Systems
5:00 pm – 6:00pm
- DESRIST Business Meeting
LPH 229
- DESRIST Business Meeting
6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
- Conference Gala Dinner Presentation
Mark Cantrell – President and CEO, Florida Orchestra
USF Student Center (USC) Ballroom
- Conference Gala Dinner Presentation
8:00 pm – 10:00 pm
- Conference Social Event Salvador Dali Museum – Exclusive Access to Exhibits Presentation by Dr. Kim Macuare, Co-Director of Dali Innovation Labs
Dali Museum
- Conference Social Event Salvador Dali Museum – Exclusive Access to Exhibits Presentation by Dr. Kim Macuare, Co-Director of Dali Innovation Labs
Friday, June 3
8:30 am – 12:00 pm
- Registration
LPH Atrium
- Registration
8:30 am – 10:00 am
- Session 10: Healthcare Systems
Session Chair: Monica Chiarini Tremblay
LPH 229- “Empowering refugees for European bureaucracy: Designing a trustworthy mobile app
for document management”
Alexandre Amard, Alexandra Hoess, Alexander Rieger, Tamara Roth and Gilbert Fridgen - “A Design Science Approach to Blood Donation Apps”
Helena Müller and Melanie Reuter-Oppermann (Best Paper Nomination) - “Fathers with postpartum depression: A problem-space exploration” Pavankumar Mulgund,
Sandeep Purao and Lavlin Agrawal
- “Empowering refugees for European bureaucracy: Designing a trustworthy mobile app
for document management”
- Session 11: Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Session Chair: Henrik Berglund
LPH 223- “Developing an innovation accounting system for a professional service firm: A design
science research project”
Simon David Arsenidis and Christoph Seckler - “Market of Makers – How to Promote Corporate Entrepreneurship with an Effectuation
Sophia Braun and René Mauer (Best Student Paper Nomination) - “Models of Impact: A Methodology and a Toolkit to Generate Sustainable Business Models”
Matthew Manos, Samir Chatterjee and Nagla Alnosayan
- “Developing an innovation accounting system for a professional service firm: A design
science research project”
- Session 12: Intelligent Systems and HCI
Session Chair: Ulrich Gnewuch
LPH 214- “Can Artificial Intelligence Help Used-Car Dealers Survive in a Data-Driven Used-Car
Sven Eckhardt, Kilian Sprenkamp, Liudmila Zavolokina, Ingrid Bauer and Gerhard Schwabe - “Assessing the Reusability of Design Principles in the Realm of Conversational Agents”
Edona Elshan, Christian Engel, Philipp Ebel and Dominik Siemon - “Let’s Team Up with AI! Toward a Hybrid Intelligence System for Online Customer Service”
Mathis Poser, Christina Wiethof, Debayan Banerjee, Varun Shankar Subramanian, Richard Paucar and Eva A. C. Bittner (Best Student Paper Nomination)
- “Can Artificial Intelligence Help Used-Car Dealers Survive in a Data-Driven Used-Car
- Session 10: Healthcare Systems
10:00 am – 10:30 am
- Coffee Break
LPH Atrium
- Coffee Break
10:30 am – 12:00 noon
- Session 13: Healthcare Systems
Session Chair: Debra VanderMeer
LPH 229- “A Digitization Pipeline for Mixed-Typed Documents Using Machine Learning and Optical
Character Recognition”
Tizian Matschak, Florian Rampold, Malte Hellmeier, Christoph Prinz and Simon Trang - “Just what the Doctor ordered – Towards Design Principles for NLP-based Systems in
Marvin Braun, Aycan Aslan, Till Ole Diesterhöft, Maike Greve, Alfred Benedikt Brendel and Lutz Kolbe - “Towards Space Mining: A Smart Space Management Solution to Minimize Indoor Spreading
Risk of COVID-19” (Research in Progress)
Markus Otto, Gregor Kipping, Michael Gau, Thomas Grisold and Jan vom Brocke
Download Paper - “Towards an IoT Implementation Framework - About a New Building Project of a Hospital
in a European Microstate” (Research in Progress)
Manuel 911±¬ÁĎÍřber, Gregor Kipping and Jan vom Brocke
Download Paper - “Investigating Symptom Recognition in Colloquial Patient Narratives” (Research in
Jennifer Xu and Tamara Babaian
Download Paper
- “A Digitization Pipeline for Mixed-Typed Documents Using Machine Learning and Optical
Character Recognition”
- Session 14: Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Session Chair: Sophia Braun
LPH 223
- “The chimera of the simple organization: What is the relevant design knowledge needed
to guide small business digital transformation?”
Sarah Hönigsberg, Malshika Dias, Barbara Dinter and Munir Mandviwalla (Best Paper Nomination) - “How to make smart collaboration work in multidisciplinary teams”
Jolanda Burgers-Pas, Christoph Seckler and Jolanda Burgers - “How to Valuate Impact Startups – Towards a Taxonomy” (Research in Progress) Christin
Eckerle, Sarah Manthey and Orestis Terzidis
Download Paper
- “The chimera of the simple organization: What is the relevant design knowledge needed
to guide small business digital transformation?”
- Session 13: Healthcare Systems
- Session 15: Intelligent Systems and HCI
Session Chair: Frederik Moller
LPH 214
- “Gamified Expert Annotation Systems: Meta-Requirements and Tentative Design” Simon Warsinsky, Manuel Schmidt-Kraepelin, Scott Thiebes, Martin Wagner and Ali Sunyaev
- “Chatbot Design Features to Increase Productivity” (Research in Progress) Lukas Ramming,
Daniel Konadl and Susanne Leist
Download Paper - “Designing AI-driven Inspiration for Design Professions” (Research in Progress) Hans
Christian Klein, Sebastian 911±¬ÁĎÍřber and Bjoern Niehaves
Download Paper
- Session 15: Intelligent Systems and HCI
12:00 noon – 2:00 pm
- Lunch and Awards Ceremony
Keynote by Peter Warren Singer “How to Use The Power of a Story 911±¬ÁĎÍřll Told”
LPH Atrium and Auditorium
- Lunch and Awards Ceremony
2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
- Session 16: Collaborative DSR
Session Chair: Pascal Le Masson
LPH 229- “Action Design Research – Models for Researcher-Practitioner Collaboration” Stefan Cronholm and Hannes Göbel
- “A Proposed Model of Design Knowledge Appropriation and Recommended Practices to Improve
Design Knowledge Accumulation”
Oscar Diaz, John Venable and Xabier Garmendia - “Analyzing Design Knowledge Representation in Design Science Research and Deriving
Recommendations to Support Design Knowledge Codification” Ernestine Dickhaut, Andreas
Janson and Jan Marco Leimeister
- Prototype Demonstrations
Chairs: Clinton Daniel and Sidney Fernandes
LPH 4th Floor – Faculty Suites- “Evaluating design science research artefacts: A case of augmented AI”
Danie Smit, Sunet Eybers and Lee-Anne Bierbaum
Download Paper - “Persuasive Systems to Support Behavior Change in the Context of Higher Education”
Vanessa Maria Steinherr, Simon Graeber and Alexander Simon Rudenko
Download Paper - “Open Data Product Specification”
Jarkko Moilanen
Download Paper - “A Serious Game as Online-Application for Dynamic Business Model Adaptation” Ricarda
Schlimbach, Benjamin Karatschinez and Susanne Robra-Bissantz
Download Paper - “A Rapid Prediction and Response System (RPARS) to Facilitate Guided Self-Regulation
During Pandemics”
Jeffrey Sweeney, Karthik Srinivasan and Peter Vervest
Download Paper - “Designing Resilient AI-based Robo-Advisors: A Prototype for Real Estate Appraisal”
Max Schemmer, Patrick Hemmer, Niklas Kühl and Sebastian Schäfer
Download Paper - “Introducing Vicky: A Pedagogical Conversational Agent for the Classification of Learning
Bijan Khosrawi-Rad, Paul Keller, Linda Grogorick and Susanne Robra-Bissantz
Download Paper - “How to assemble an Automatic Water Dispenser System – Design of a Learning Station
feat. Augmented Reality”
Jan Wagener and Lukas Rudolf Germut Fitz
Download Paper - “An Extension of PlanDigital: Software Support for Collaborative Idea Management in
Jörg Becker, Andreas Hermann, Torsten Gollhardt, Constantin von Herbay and Ann-Kristin Cordes
Download Paper - “Designing a Tool to conduct Real-Time Delphi Studies in Research Projects” Julien
Hofer, David Walter and Ralf Knackstedt
Download Paper - “Video Avatars: A Form of Artificially Intelligent Synthetic Media Used to Augment
Communication in the B2B Customer Experience”
Jill Schiefelbein
Download Paper - “Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT) in Additive Manufacturing: A Digital Tool for Enhancing
IPR Protection”
Alireza Jaribion, Adriaan Knapen, Alberto Xamin, Jan Holmström and Siavash H. Khajavi
Download Paper - “Development of a Strategic Decisional Support System for Soccer”
Katja Bley, Martin Holthe Rønningen, Paolo Spagnoletti, Ilias Pappas and Raoul Hentschel
Download Paper
- “Evaluating design science research artefacts: A case of augmented AI”
- Session 16: Collaborative DSR
3:30 pm – 4:00 pm
- Coffee Break
LPH Atrium
- Coffee Break
4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
- Closing Session DESRIST 2022
Capstone Discussion: Reflections and Future Directions
Moderator: Alan Hevner
Discussants: Richard Baskerville, Samir Chatterjee, Sandeep Purao, Maung Sein
LPH Auditorium
- Closing Session DESRIST 2022
*LPH denotes Lynn Pippenger Hall, USC denotes University Student Center