Research and Scholarship Highlights
2023 Highlights

Dr. David Himmelgreen, CAFSCH. Hillsborough Co. & AAAS Fellow

Dr. Valerie (Jody) Harwood, IB, Hillsborough Co. Grant

Dr. Catherine A. Bénéteau, Math & Statistics. NSF Conf. Grant

Dr. Dmytro Savchok, Math & Stats. NSF Conf. Grant

. NIH Grant

WEO, LLC Grant

. NIH Grant

Dr. Zaib un Misa Aziz, History. Bodleian Libraries-Sassoon Fellowship

Dr. Angela Crist, FL. Inst. of Gov't., Florida State Grant

Dr. Mark Rains, Geology, FL DEP Grant

Dr. James McHale, Family Studies Ctr., Juvenile 911±¬ÁÏÍøfare Board of Pinellas Co.

Dr. Shawn Landry, Geology, Orange Co. FL

, US Dept. of Energy

, Max Plank Inst for Chemical Physics
