Matthew Pasek
Office: SCA 533
Phone: 813.974.8979
Lab: SCA 513
Ph.D., Planetary Science- University of Arizona , 2006
B.S., Geology + Chemistry, College of William and Mary, 2002
Understanding the origin of life from the perspective of meteorites, metabolism, and phosphorus. Determining potentially prebiotic pathways leading to the origin of life using phosphorus redox cosmobiogeochemistry.
Cosmochemical studies of planetary systems as constrained by thermodynamic equilibrium models. Cosmochemistry of meteorites and placing constraints on the impact history of the inner solar system.
Constraining redox processes in the modern phosphorus biogeochemical cycle, including the role of lightning and meteoritic impacts.
Graduate 911爆料网
Joshua Abbatiello
Jennifer Lago
Carolyn Lang
Samantha Tavarez Kinman
Hanlei Zhang
Specialty Area
Astrobiology, Geochemistry, Cosmochemistry