For 911

Group Student Travel


Two or more travelers (1 of whom is a student) participating in the same international activity is considered a group. Policies and processes have been established to support the registration of student travelers and accompanying associate travelers participating in an international experience separate from an Education Abroad Faculty-led program.  

Registration must be initiated 6-8 weeks before departure.  Failure to complete the registration process in a timely manner may result in the trip not being approved.  

USF Health faculty and students planning a group trip are governed by the policies of USF Health, found within the . 

Faculty, staff, or students leading a group of students abroad are required to complete the group travel registration and process found here: .

required trainings

Group leaders and other associate travelers are also required to complete the following mandatory trainings: 

USF World Safety and Health Orientation
This is a live training for anyone leading or accompanying a group of students abroad, conducted by the Global Travel Safety Health Office of USF World. When possible, the training includes staff from the Student 911llness Center focusing on mental health issues. For current training schedules and to register for this training please contact us at

Title IX Responsible Employee (RE) Training
All USF faculty, staff, or employees who supervise or teach even one USF student or employee in any capacity (including Adjunct, Teaching Assistants, and Graduate Assistants) are designated as Responsible Employees (REs). Click the link above to register.

Clery Act Campus Security Authority (CSA) Training
Log into Under Business Systems, select GEMS Self-Service. At the Main Menu (top left of screen) select Self Service> Learning and Development> Request Training Enrollment. Search by Course Name: CSA Orientation-Online Trng and View Available Sessions. (Hint: Search "CSA"). Click the link above and follow the noted instructions to register.

family members and guests

Please note, faculty or staff must follow all Guest Requirements listed below. Student leaders are not permitted to bring guests.

Click to view Guest Requirements

Associate Traveler Family Members and Guests: 
Group Leaders and Associate Travelers may decide to bring accompanying family members with them on the international experience. USF reserves the right to impose limits and/or conditions on the roles, activities, and presence of family members or guests who accompany Group Leaders and Associate Travelers. Such limits or conditions derive from programmatic concerns: health, safety, risk, academic, and other concerns. In some cases, accompanying family members or guests may not be permitted to join some or all activities.
USF assumes no responsibility for accompanying family members or guests. It is the responsibility of all family members (including spouse/partner and dependent children) of the Associate Travelers to read the U.S. State Department information sheets if they participate in any group travel by land, sea, or air. The family members and guests are responsible for their own safety.
Accompanying family members and guests may participate in program excursions and field trips, provided that such participation does not create increases in costs that would be transferred to student travelers AND that their participation in the program in no way interferes with the academic nature of an experience. Program excursions are planned to accommodate all students plus the Group Leaders and Associate Travelers. If there are empty seats on the bus, boat, or other arranged travel, accompanying family members and guests may travel with the group at no extra cost. However, at no time will a bigger or additional bus, boat, or other mode of transportation be arranged in order to accommodate accompanying family members and guests and thus pass on additional costs to the student travelers.
Excursion Expenses: 
If participating in group excursions, accompanying family members and guests must separately pay all per person expenses (i.e. entrances to parks or museums, theatre tickets, etc.). In no case is program money to be used to fund family members and guest participation in special events. If the cost for the family member and guests is included on the group receipt, it must be deducted before the receipt is submitted for reimbursement to the University.
Group Meals: 
If participating in group meals, the Associate Traveler must reimburse the program for any expenses incurred by accompanying family members and guests if a separate bill cannot be obtained. Program money should not be used to buy meals for accompanying family members and guests. The exception to this policy is entertainment of host institution guests to which a couple is invited for a meal. The Group Leaders and Associate Travelers may bring his/her spouse/partner/guest to such an event and receive reimbursement for the meal.

Minor Children: 
Minor children accompanying Group Leaders and Associate Travelers must be adequately supervised at all times. The presence of minor children or other family members and guests should not disrupt or alter the international experience in any way.
International Health and Evacuation Coverage:  
Guests must be insured under the USF policy and the costs must be paid for personally by the traveler. Please refer to the Insurance Information section if you have any questions about coverage.