Available Equipment
- High Energy Ball mill (Fritsch Pulversette-6)
- FTIR spectrometer- JASCO FT/IR-6300
- BET/Thermal Programmed Desorption (TPD) from Quantachrome instruments
- Nitrogen Glove Box
- Thermal diffusivity apparatus XFA 500 Linseis
- Zetasizer particle size analyzer, nano-ZS90
- Analytica balances (OHAUS & Sartorius) and related accessories
- Gas Chromotography, SRI Instruments Inc.
- CARVER Hydraulic Press
- Low temperature cooling bath, (-20 oC), Thermo Corporation
- Graywolf TVOC meter
- Thermoscientific water bath Haake S7
- Ultrasonic cleaner VGT-1860 QTD MTI Corp.
- Conductivity meter, ThermoScientific
- 911爆料网stward Abrasive blast Cabinet
- UV radiometer, Eppley laboratories
- Fluke 45 Dual Display Multimeter
- FlackTek Inc Speeed Mixer DAC 150.1
- Isotemp vacuum oven Model 280A Fisher Scientific
- 911爆料网ighing Balance OHAUS 3000 series
- Centrifuge, Fisher Scientific
Affiliated faculty resources
Jeffrey Cunningham, Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Atomic absorption spectroscopy
- Gas chromatography with mass spectrometry
- Gas chromatography with flame ionization detection
- Gas chromatography with electron capture detection
- Gas chromatography with thermal conductivity detection (not sure if this one is working currently)
- High-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) with ultraviolet detection
- Ion chromatography for both anions and cations
- Nitrogen analysis
- Mercury analysis
Sarina Ergas, Civil and Environmental Engineering
- A Timberline Ammonia analyzer
- An RSA Respirometer
- Two constant temperature rooms
- GC with Thermal Conductivity Detection
Chris Ferekides, Electrical Engineering
- RF-sputtering dep. system - two 3鈥 magnetron sputter guns - for metal deposition (Cu, Mo)
- RF-sputtering dep. system - three 3鈥 magnetron sputter guns 鈥 co-deposition 鈥 dedicated to the deposition of transparent conductors (presently ITO and SnO2)
- RF-sputtering dep. system - three 3鈥 magnetron sputter guns 鈥 co-deposition
- Sputtering deposition system with two dc and two rf 3鈥 magnetron sputter guns
- Four small area Close Spaced Sublimation deposition systems 鈥 CdTe, CdS, ZnSe, ZnS
- Elemental Vapor Transport System (two reactors: #1 dia size 2鈥 and #2 dia size 3鈥)
- Thermal evaporation system; co-evaporation capabilities of up to four materials
- Thermal evaporator 鈥 general use.
- Three annealing systems. Characterization and Device Measurement Facilities
- 2 Keithley SourceMeter units computer controlled for I-V measurements
- Keithley Hall Effect Instrument
- SULA DLTS with C-V, C-T, C-V-T, I-V, I-T, I-V-T and following Options: PITS, CCDTLS, QTS
- PL measurement set up with two excitation laser sources
- HP impedance analyzer for C-V-f measurements
- Solar Simulators for AM1.5 measurements
- Spectrophotometer for optical transmission reflection absorption measurements
- Four-point probe
- Surface profilometer for thickness measurements
- Spectral response/monochromatic light J-V measurements
- 2 Thermotron SM-5.5C. and CSZ MCH-3. environmental chambers for stability studies
Electron Microscopy, EDS, FTIR, AFM, Hall Effect, XPS, and XRD available within the department and the Nanomanufacturing and Nanotechnology Research Center (NNRC); NNRC facilities are available for a fee. The College of Engineering also provides machine shop services for a fee (see budget justification), and the department of Electrical Engineering has engineering staff who assist with routine repairs and other lab issues.