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How 911±¬ÁÏÍøll are You?

Click on the icon to see how well you’re doing in each area.


Academic wellness involves having
an open mind about new ideas, 
finding ways to expand knowledge
and skills and seeking out new challenges.
It encourages active participation in
academic, cultural and community


Financial wellness involves setting
priorities for the expenses in your life
and managing those expenses within
your means. Click for resources on
money management, how to reach
your financial goals, and more. 


Overall physical wellness involves
balancing your physical activity, the
foods you eat, getting adequate sleep,
and noticing your body’s warning signs.
Click for resources on improving your
fitness, getting affordable food on
campus, getting a better sleep and


Career and professional wellness
refers to the ability to prepare for
work in which we feel satisfied and
enriched. It also involves learning how to manage workplace stress, and building relationships at work.


How well do you understand your
feelings and express emotions in a constructive manner? Do you feel
confident with your coping skills
regarding stress and life’s challenges? Emotional wellness relates
to understanding your feelings and the challenges life can bring. 


Social wellness is the ability to
connect with other people. Having
strong social connections can help
us during difficult times and make life
more fun and meaningful. It involves
having positive relationships, communicating effectively, feeling respected and being respectful. 


Living a purposeful life is personal
matterthat can involve pondering
the meaning of life for ourselves and practicing tolerance of others and their beliefs. It includes taking time for
yourself as well as helping others.


Living a well-balanced life increases your chance of succeeding in college. Check out our suggested resources to help you be well and excel. 


Self-Assessments provided by:

Princeton UMatter Initiative. (2016). Princeton UMatter 911±¬ÁÏÍøllness Self-Assessment. Retrieved from