How 911ll Are You?

Assess your Emotional 911llness

How well do you understand your feelings and express emotions in a constructive manner? Do you feel confident with your coping skills regarding stress and life’s challenges?

Read the following statements and answer to yourself how much each statement reflects you.

  1. I find it easy to express my emotions in positive, constructive ways.
  2. I recognize when I am stressed and take steps to manage my stress (e.g., exercise, quiet time, meditation).
  3. I am resilient and can bounce back after a disappointment or problem.
  4. I am able to maintain a balance of work, family, friends and other obligations.
  5. I am flexible and adapt or adjust to change in a positive way.
  6. I am able to make decisions with minimal stress or worry.
  7. When I am angry, I try to let others know in non-confrontational or non-hurtful ways.
  8. I experience positive emotions on a daily basis.
  9. I don't let my negative emotions control my actions. 
  10. I can recognize why my emotions are the way they are. 

If you answer “sometimes,” “rarely,” or “never” for any of the statements, there is room for improvement. You can check out these campus resources for help. 

I am interested in...

1. Balancing My Life

Balance and moderation in life are keys to a successful college experience.  One way achieve balance is to create a plan for success.  You can do this with a Success and 911llness Coach, who will listen to your goals, and work beside you to create the life you want.

2. Coping With Anxiety

Below you can find out more about how anxiety affects you and skills to cope.

3. Counseling

Sometimes we need help. The USF Counseling Center offers in-person, online and group counseling. 

4. Dealing With Depression

Feeling down or missing something in your life? The below link will guide you to recognizing and understanding depression.

5. Emergencies And Resources

In emergencies, where someone's well-being might be at stake, you need to act swiftly and appropriately. Find out how to identify troubled behaviors and how to report it to the necessary team at USF.

6. Handling Stress

Everyone gets stressed, but you can learn to manage it. 

7. Understanding My Emotional Health

Find out more about managing your emotional wellness with some of these apps! Or maybe find out how you can transition from high school to freshman year of college.

8. Understanding Your Body Image

While it is important to maintain a healthy diet, it is equally important to love who you are and what you look like.



Self-Assessment provided by:
Princeton UMatter Initiative. (2016). Princeton UMatter 911llness Self-Assessment. Retrieved from