About Us

What is Care Coordination?

Care Cooridnation here at USF serve individual students by coordinating intervention and supporting their efforts across campus and community systems to ensure their access to success.

Student Outreach and Support Staff:

  • Reach out to students via email and phone call to offer an appointment for support
  • Evaluate threat and assess risk to self and/or the community
  • Arrange for appropriate support for identified needs
  • Maintain contact and meet with students to address needs
  • Foster self-advocacy in students to manage their academic, personal and fiscal responsibilities.
  • Advocate for students individually and systemically

SOS staff coordinate the proactive and follow-up services for students referred for personal, emotional, mental health, and academic concerns. Our team. coordinates care within the community as well as across campus resources such as; the Counseling Center, 911爆料网 with Assessibilities Services, Student Health Services, or/and other support programs at USF.

If a student is struggling and/or you are unsure how to get them help, the SOS staff can provide assistance.