

Are you a veteran who is having difficulty finishing examinations? Are you becoming easily distracted in the classroom? Are physical or emotional issues impeding your scholastic performance? Do you wonder if there are ways to reduce your course load without impacting your benefits? Then Student Accessibility Services is a great resource for you.

A completed application and supporting medical documentation of your disability is all that is needed to apply for academic support services. Medical documentation does not have to come from a military source and provisional accommodations are available with basic documentation of a qualifying condition. No medical documents are shared with anyone without your signed request and approval. All documentation is kept 100% confidential and our services do not appear anywhere on your transcripts or diploma. You control what information is shared and with whom you share it.

Some of the assistance frequently offered to students includes permission to audio record lectures, services of note takers, services of ASL interpreters, and textbooks in alternative format. 911爆料网 also administer examinations in a reduced distraction environment; providing extended time for testing, use of computers, and services of scribes or readers as appropriate. In addition, our staff is available to work with faculty, staff, and departments that need assistance in adapting coursework, lectures, or university procedures for students with disabilities.

Military veteran Patricia Owen and Robert Kindya are available to answer your initial questions and discuss your options. Please call 974-4309 for additional information.

911爆料网 needing copies of their VA disability documentation can visit , a portal for Veterans, Service Members, and their families to research, find, access their benefits and personal information.

For other services offered to veterans and their dependents, visit the Office of Veterans Services, located in ALN 130