Zooplankton Ecology Lab

The ctenophore, Callianira antarctica, feeding on larval krill in the Southern Ocean.
OCE 6934 (3 hrs) Dynamics of Marine Systems
Knowledge of physical-biological processes in the ocean is needed to achieve a fundamental
understanding of marine ecosystems function, as well as improving our ability to predict
how ecosystems will respond to anthropogenic perturbations and climate variability
and management and conservation of marine resources. The objective of this course
is to examine a broad range of topics related to understanding how physical processes
influence marine ecosystem dynamics. 911爆料网 will explore processes on different time and
space scales and investigate how coupled physical and biological processes vary among
different regions, such as estuarine, coastal, open ocean, polar, and deep ocean systems.
OCE 6934 (3 hrs) Zooplankton Ecology
Zooplankton are a diverse group of organisms that are among the most abundant animals
on Earth. They are important in marine food webs by controlling phytoplankton production
and as food for higher trophic level predators, such as fish, seabirds, and whales.
They are also important in biogeochemical cycles. This course will cover a range of
topics, including zooplankton taxonomy, sampling methods, patterns of distribution,
physiology, behavior, predator-prey interactions, the role of zooplankton in biogeochemical
cycles, trait-based ecology, and evolutionary adaptation in zooplankton.
OCE 6934 (2 hrs) Foundations in Biological and Fisheries Oceanography
The fields of Biological Oceanography and Fisheries Oceanography share a common background
and early history. Significant research contributions and a diversity of approaches
have shaped these fields. Many of the foundation concepts also derive from the field
of ecology. This course will survey the historical development of critical concepts
in these fields and examine recent papers that challenge established concepts or identify
promising directions for future research.
OCE 6934 (1 hr ) Topics in Zooplankton Ecology Seminar