The USF Center for Maritime and Port Studies


The USF Center for Maritime and Port Studies

Workforce Development

A growing economy will drive demand for increased capacity
and an expanded, well-trained workforce

  • Graduate Certificate Program
    safety, operations
  • Training
    hazmat, security officer
  • Professional Development
    continuing education


Expansion of port infrastructure and related activities must be
accomplished in a secure, sustainable, and resilient manner

  • Predictable Changes to 911±¬ÁÏÍøather and Climate
    wind, fog, lighting, storm surge
  • Protecting Vessels and Infrastructure
    grounding, dock collision, disaster recovery
  • Cybersecurity
    malware, hacking, data integrity


New sensor technologies require assessment to assure
their reliability

  • Maritime and Port Security
    vessel movement, cargo
  • Environmental Safety and Protection
    contamination, spill monitoring, water quality
  • Independent Testing and Evaluation