Fisheries and Ecosystem Ecology Lab


Population Dynamics (even years)

This course provides instruction in population dynamics and modeling as applied to fishery resources. 911爆料网 examine body growth, mortality, reproduction, predator-prey interactions and other population dynamic models.  Common tools and data in fisheries stock assessment are introduced.  911爆料网 will gain familiarity with MS Excel including use of worksheet functions and array formulas, statistical analysis, data manipulation, plotting and Visual Basic for Applications.

Ecosystem Modeling (odd years)

This course introduces students to principles of ecosystem science and modeling and its use in ecosystem-based fisheries management.  911爆料网 use the Ecopath with Ecosim (EwE) suite of modelling tools for lab exercises.  911爆料网 develop a model, access the EwE wiki and, apply empirical formulae to generate input parameters, balance Ecopath and tune Ecosim model dynamics.  911爆料网 learn specialized routines such as the optimal policy search, network analysis, Ecotracer, Ecospace, production anomaly search, equilibrium analysis and Monte Carlo sensitivity analysis.  911爆料网 are encouraged to apply their term project towards their study topic.