Early Admission

Frequently Asked Questions



Can I take Early Admission for one-semester?

No. By Florida statute, Early Admission is a full-year, full-time program. 911爆料网 take 12-15 credits per semeser.

What is the difference between Dual Enrollment and Early Admission?

Dual Enrollment (DE) is an acceleration program that allows public, charter, private school, and homeschool students from 6th to 12th grade who meet GPA and standardized testing criteria to participate. DE students can take up to 11 credits once they complee 6 DE classes with a C or better. Qualifying students are able to take post-secondary coursework (college credit) and simultaneously earn credit toward a high school diploma as a Non-degree seeking university student.

Early Admission (EA) allows public, charter, private school, and homeschool students from 12th grade who meet GPA and standardized testing criteria to participate as Degree-seeking students.  EA students take 12-15 credits per semester. The EA students need to apply the summer before their high school junior year.

How old does a student need to be to participate in early admissions?

Any qualified rising senior whose school (public school district, private school, or homeschool administrator) has an articulation agreement with USF is eligible to participate in Early Admission.  Those interested must apply the summer before their senior year in high school, and need to have met GPA and testing critera. High school senior status, GPA and testing criteria, not age, determine qualification.

Can home-school students take part in the USF Early University programs?

Local area homeschool students are welcome to take part in the dual enrollment and early admission programs. Find more information in our Application Procedure section. 

Can private school students take part in USF Early University programs?

Local area private-school students are welcome to take part in the dual enrollment and early admission programs. The school must complete an articulation agreement first, and then the school/student would follow the Application Process.

What financial obligations are associated with early admissions?

Tuition, registration fees, lab fees, and other direct academic fees are covered. Parking stickers, student IDs, official transcripts, foods, housing, transportation etc. are not covered and must be paid for by the student.   

Do I need to reside near USF to take early admissions classes?

911爆料网 need to be associated with a public school district/charter or private school/homeschool.  An articulation agreement needs to exist between USF  the public school district/charter, the private school, or the homeschool administrator.

Can I apply to an Early University program if my family is in the process of moving to Florida?

If students are registered with a partner school or school district by the Fall deadline, they could take part in either early admission or dual enrollment. If not, a student could not do early admission, but may start mid-year in dual enrollment.

How do I know if I'm a good candidate for the dual enrollment program?

Information about the requirements is found online under the Requirements and Deadlines section of the website. However, there are other things to consider such as the student's maturity, proximity to campus, and long-term educational goals. It is important to remember that early admissions is a full-time, immersive experience that students should approach holistically.

Why is it important to meet with my high school counselor before I apply?

School counselors are responsible for making sure that students meet Florida high school graduation requirements. They are also familiar with the early admissions program, making them best qualified for helping students make a choice.

Who is responsible for making sure my classes taken in dual enrollment or early admission meet Florida high school graduation requirements?

School counselors (at the student's main institution) are responsible for making sure that students meet Florida high school graduation requirements.

What do counselors need to do to assist a student in applying for the early admissions program?

Counselors are responsible for verifying all information and submitting the EA Approval form. Counselors also should work with students to submit official transcripts and official SAT or ACT scores, similar to what they would do for graduating seniors preparing to attend a university.  

What forms are needed/not needed by USF for early admissions?

In general, students need to submit an online degree-seeking application, official transcripts, official SAT/ACT test scores, early admissions approval form, and immunization documentation. All of these forms can be found in the Admissions Procedure area.

What is considered an "official" transcript?

Official transcripts are those that come directly from the institution to USF. High school students need to ask their high school to send their official transcripts to USF electronically. If students' high school cannot send the official transcripts electronically, please mail them to: 
Early University Programs
8350 N. Tamiami Trail
Sarasota, FL 34243

Will USF accept college credit awarded through other accelterated programs such as AICE, IB, or Advanced Placement?

Please read about undergraduate admissions policies for . 

Does the counselor need to notify the EUP coordinator that a student is taking FLVS or other online or dual enrollment classes?

USF should receive any and all transcripts during onboarding. This allows every possible opportunity to grant permits and satisfy prerequisites.

Why and how do I need to setup a NetID?

The NetID is a student's user ID at the University. 911爆料网, faculty, and staff are automatically eligible to obtain a NetID. With its associated password, the NetID allows students access to a variety of online services offered at the entire University system. Read more about resources students can access with their NetID. 

How can I submit my application paperwork?

Early admissions functions similar to any student coming to USF as a freshmen student. Please follow the steps outlined on the Application Checklist for all academic documentation. The EA approval form should be submitted directly to dualenrollment@usf.edu.

How will I know if I am admitted to the early admissions program?

911爆料网 and school counselors will be notified by both email and hard copy letter. Parents will not be directly notified by USF of a student's admission status, but the high school or student may choose to share the admissions status.

How will the counselor be notified if a student has been admitted to the DE program? When do counselors receive student schedules?

Counselors can communicate with EUP staff to learn students' admission status. All EA students' counselors will be notified of students admitted into the program.


How do I register for courses?

This process will be covered during your orientation. Please check out this registration overview for general information.

After I'm admitted to the early admissions program, what are my next steps?

After students are admitted, they will want to make sure that their residency is correct and immunization history are confirmed. 911爆料网 will also go through an Orientation. Check out the New 911爆料网 Toolkit for more information.

Is there a maximum number of credit hours allowed for registration? How about over one's total dual enrollment career?

For students who successfully complete six or more dual enrollment credits, they can take up to 11 credits (3 classes). For students with less than six credits, they can only take two classes. Sixy (60) credit hours is the maximum allowed over one's dual enrollment career.

Will I have a USF academic advisor as an early admissions student?

Yes. You choose a major when you are applying. Your academic will be assigned based on campus and program. They will take the information from your approval form and help you find classes that satisfy both needed high school credits and classes going toward your intended major. 

Can I register for online courses? Can I register for courses on any USF campus?

Yes, students can register for any modality of a course. However, EA students are expected to take some classes on campus, therefore, they may want to choose their closest campus.

What classes can I take? Are there areas of study a student cannot pursue in dual enrollment?

In comparison to part-time dual enrollment, EA students may take any class they want, declare a major, and pursue classes toward that major. Classes should be determined in consultation with an academic advisor.

How do I check for holds on my account?

1 LOG INTO THE MYUSF ACCOUNT: 911爆料网 log into the MyUSF account using their NetID and password. Click the OASIS tab under "My Resources".
2 CLICK THE STUDENT TAB: Once students have clicked the "Student" tab, they should see a link for Registration. Within the Registration Tab, click "Registration Status".
3 REVIEW WHAT IS LISTED: students can check a list of holds on the Office of Undergraduate Studies鈥 website and should remove remaining as early as possible.

What should I do if I need departmental consent to take a course?

Each college/department at USF has a different process for providing departmental consent for certain courses. Email dualenrollment@usf.edu with your rationale for why you think an exception should be made and you will be advised on how best to proceed.

Do I have to apply for every semester I plan to dual enroll?

S911爆料网 do not have to apply every semester, however, students must submit the 1st and 3rd page of the EA enrollment approval form each semester.


Can I withdraw from a class in which I am not doing well?

911爆料网 may withdraw from courses between the second and tenth week of the semester. Withdrawn courses are noted with a 鈥淲鈥 grade on the transcript, but does not affect the GPA (after drop/add week - the first week of each semester). All undergraduate students will be limited to a total of five course withdrawals while enrolled as a degree-seeking or a non-degree seeking undergraduate student. 

Will the high school counselor be informed if a student withdraws from a class?

If a student withdraws from a class after drop/add, the counselor will be notified at the end of the semester. In some cases, this may lead to the student not being able to continue in the early admissions program and having to return to their high school to finish the year.

Can I repeat a course while in the dual enrollment program?

Yes. Unlike the part-time dual enrollment program, students may repeat classes like any other student. However, EA students are subject to the same as any other USF student.

What will my class schedule look like?

911爆料网 work with their school counselors, along with USF academic advisor, to create their schedule. The class schedule will likely be a mix of modalities, as well as general education, prerequisite, and in-major courses.

How do I know which books are required for my courses? How do I get my books?

After students are registered, they can go to the bookstore website. The required materials for every USF course are published online by each of the USF campus Follett bookstores at least 45 days before the start of the semester. 

Do I have to check my USF email address?

Yes. The USF email is the official email of record for the university. 911爆料网 setup their USF email at the same time they setup their NetID; 2 to 3 days after submitting the online, non-degree application.

How does my high school receive my grades?

USF will provide a grade report to all schools at the end of each semester, which allows schools to add the early admissions grades to their HS transcript. If students need an official transcript it can be ordered online via the Registrar's Office.

When and how will counselors receive student grades?

After the final grades being posted, EUP will provide a grade report to the district/school's dual enrollment liaison.

How will students know if they are achieving successfully in their classes?

The syllabus of every course explains how the grade is determined and students receive a midterm average. It is the responsibility of the student to inform counselors and parents if they are struggling in class(es). Many, but not all in progress grades may be tracked through the Canvas system. 911爆料网 should seek academic assitance, such as tutoring, as soon as their is a hint that a class may cause the student to struggle.

What is the First Day Attendance Policy?

USF has a First Day Attendance policy making it mandatory to attend courses on the first day of the semester. Failure to attend a course could result in the course being dropped from a student's registration. For more, check out the online orientation on Canvas.

Am I able to take Judy Genshaft Honors College courses?

Early admissions students may request to be admitted to the Judy Genshaft Honors College on their EA Approval form. That being said, it is not required to join the Honors College to take part in early admissions.

What are the best practices for contacting the EUP Office?

911爆料网 are always welcome to email dualenrollment@usf.edu to speak with a coordinator. Specific information is on our Contact Us page.
While EUP is always here to serve our constituents, we do ask schools to choose 1-2 school administrators to serve as a liaison to USF. This liaison would receive general information and would be the spokesperson for the department/school. EUP staff still may reach out to specific counselors in regard to specific student questions.

May parents contact USF faculty regarding how their child is doing in their class?

911爆料网 are the primary stakeholder in their education, and therefore, should be the ones to reachout to faculty. Parents, however, can help coach students on how and what questions to ask. It is highly likely that if a parent reaches out without including the student, the reply will bring the student into the communication.


Can I participate in on-campus activities?

A far majority of on-campus activities are available to early admissions students. EA students are strongly encouraged to take part in events such as 911爆料网ek of 911爆料网lcome to learn more about student organizations and events throughout USF.

Will University faculty and others outside of the EUP program know that I am in high school? Will I receive special treatment because I'm in an Early University program?

For students taking classes online or in-person, there is nothing that designates a dual enrollment or early admission student from any other USF student. They will not receive any special treatment.

How will I be able to meet other dual enrollment students?

The goal of the dual enrollment program is to give students as immersive of a college experience as possible. Therefore, USF does not sponsor dual enrollment/early admissions social events.

Can I live in campus housing while in the DE Program?

Yes. Student housing is available to early admissions students, at the rate designated on the website, if they so choose.

What restrictions will I have as a dual enrollment student on a USF campus?

911爆料网 have access to most USF resources such as tutoring, career counseling, Student Accessibility Services, etc. However, some resources may be restricted due to being supported by student life fees.