
Teach for OLLI

Thanks for thinking about leading a course for OLLI-USF! Our programs, for adults age 50+, nurture body, mind and spirit.

Who teaches for OLLI-USF?

A culturally diverse community of volunteer instructors who share their knowledge, expertise, or skills. Most are retired and members of OLLI-USF. Some are former professors and some have advanced degrees. A number of our most popular instructors had never taught before. 911爆料网 look for evidence that prospective instructors have some degree of expertise or mastery over their topic, however they acquired it, and the ability to communicate their knowledge effectively to our members.

Who takes OLLI-USF courses?

Most members are 66-75 years old, but we have members age 50 to 99. Over 50% have a graduate degree, are primarily interested in intellectual stimulation and in exploring ideas with their peers. Most use a smartphone, tablet or computer. Supportive of OLLI's faculty, they bring a wealth of knowledge and experience with them. Teachers tell us our members are the best audience of learners they've ever had!

When does OLLI-USF offer classes?

OLLI-USF operates year-round. 911爆料网 offer more than 300 courses each year over three seasonal terms. Courses are scheduled six months or more in advance.

  • Fall: September through December. Course proposals are due June 1.
  • Winter/Spring: January through April. Course proposals are due Sept. 1.
  • Summer: May through August. Course proposals are due Jan. 1.

What types of courses does OLLI-USF offer?

Any topic of potential interest to our audience! Because OLLI-USF is about learning for the joy of it, greater flexibility is possible in regard to course topic, length and method. Members enjoy a wide variety of interests: current affairs; history; science and nature; comparative religion; philosophy; languages; Florida living; using social media, smartphones and mobile devices, apps for those devices, Windows 10, "hands on" art, art history and art appreciation; music; memoir writing; fiction writing; reading Great Books, poetry, plays; Bridge, Poker, Mah Jongg; yoga, Tai Chi and meditation. View any OLLI-USF catalog to sample the array.

Classes meet from one up to ten weeks. Class meeting times range as appropriate to the topic. The size of the course is often dependent on the course format, instructor preferences, room sizes, and of course, member interest. Courses may utilize any combination of discussion, lecture, demonstration, hands-on experiences and field trips.

Where do OLLI-USF courses meet?

911爆料网 shifted to programming online, via Zoom, in April 2020, and have returned to again offer many face to face learning opportunities. 911爆料网 expect to continue to offer some courses online for the foreseeable future. Our faculty support resources can help teachers transition effectively to online instruction.

What resources are available to support instructors?

  • OLLI-USF Program Coordinators are experienced teachers who work actively to help ensure instructor success.
  • Our catalog is a resource for course ideas, venue locations and instructor listings
  • Skill-building workshops offered summers, help our instructors develop and improve their skills and practice.
  • Our Faculty Support Team offers orientations for new instructors, "Lunch and Learn" programs for all instructors, advice and informal mentoring.

How do I get started?

to start the conversation.

If you would like to discuss your ideas before completing a proposal form, contact:
Joseph McAuliffe, Programming Manager: 813-974-5166,
Jeanne Dyer, Technology Training Coordinator: 813-974-8037,