About the ICUDDR



What is ICUDDR?

The International Consortium of Universities for Drug Demand Reduction (ICUDDR) was established to encourage the use of evidence-based academic curricula to develop a skilled global workforce to prevent and treat substance use disorders, to reduce the human, social, and economic costs, borne by communities throughout the world. Toward this end, the ICUDDR facilitates networking among Universities to promote high quality education and training in the field of addiction prevention, treatment, and public health interventions. Through its work, the ICUDDR stimulates improvement in competencies and skills among current and future generations of addiction professionals, to meet the increasing demand for prevention, treatment and public health services. THE ICUDDR also pursues and promotes related applied addictions research, outreach and advocacy.

ICUDDR members have an opportunity to network with other Universities and to learn about creating and implementing addiction studies programs. Members can access profiles of other university programs in addiction studies, and share information regarding course sequences, academic standards and requirements, and credentialing systems and international certificates for substance use professionals. ICUDDR promotes and supports research and scientific activities among its members. As a global initiative, ICUDDR members are part of an international body which collaborates and maintains relationships with other international organizations supporting the expansion of science-based education, research, prevention and treatment of substance use disorders. These include the WHO, NIDA, UNODC, EMCDDA, ISAJE, ISSUP, SPR, EUSPR and the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL).

The goals of the ICUDDR are:

I. Promote Education and Training in the Field of Substance Use Prevention and Treatment

II. Advance Applied Addictions-Related Treatment and Prevention Research

III. Credentialing Professionals in the Workforce

IV. Support University Networking and Coordination Worldwide

V. Facilitate Enhanced Multidisciplinary Integration in the Applied Addiction Fields

Why Join the ICUDDR?

As an International Consortium of University peers in addiction science, the opportunities for networking abound. 911爆料网 work together in developing academic programs in addiction studies, workforce development, research, addressing unique challenges in different cultures and settings, and facilitating the exchange of information among participating University members. Membership in ICUDDR provides access to resources, annual conferences, and other organizations such as and .

Who Can Join?

All universities are welcome to join the consortium at no cost.  .  

Why was ICUDDR formed?

In April 2016, INL joined with the Colombo Plan and the Organization of American States (OAS) to convene representatives from 20 universities from 12 countries in meetings in Honolulu, Hawaii designed to discuss how to best adopt the Universal Treatment Curriulum and Universal Prevention Curriulum for university settings. The discussion was far reaching and university leaders were enthusiastic about promoting addiction studies programs and seeking greater collaboration through the formation of the International Consortium of Universities for Drug Demand Reduction (ICUDDR).

Annual Conferences

In June 2017, the second ICUDDR conference hosted by Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic on June 20-21, 2017.  This second conference helped to formalize collaborative partnership with many Universities and international organizations.  Our 3rd annual conference was held in San Diego, California in June 2018, and was attended by 85 representatives, 23 of countries, and 31 Universities participated.  911爆料网 hope to see you at the  on July 22-23, 2019.