Research Overview
MHLP strives to develop new knowledge and disseminate this information to address some of society's most challenging problems. 911爆料网 use advanced methods of training, technical assistance, and knowledge dissemination to promote the application of research related to behavioral health and justice issues. Key research initiatives examine court-based and other diversion programs, interventions that address substance use and co-occurring mental disorders, managed care and other delivery and finance mechanisms for Medicaid-funded behavioral health services, ethical issues among vulnerable research populations, pharmacy management approaches for Medicaid recipients, legal processes involving persons with mental disorders, treatment, and reentry services in jails and prisons, and innovative strategies for veterans and homeless persons who have behavioral health disorders.
Current Projects:
Baker Act Reporting Center
In partnership with the Florida Department of Children and Families, USF operates the Baker Act Reporting Center. This Center has been in existence since 1996 and is the only center of its kind in the country. The Baker Act Reporting Center receives documents from mandated reporters, enters data from them, stores the documents electronically, and produces reports from the data, and provides technical assistance to the Florida Department of Children and Families and other stakeholders about our data specifically and the Baker Act generally. The Baker Act Reporting Center receives and enters data from forms for over 200,000 involuntary (Baker Act) examinations each year that are submitted by Baker Act receiving facilities and over 40,000 documents received from Clerks of Court statewide for longer-term civil commitment.
- Principal Investigator: Annette Christy, PhD
- Funding Agency: Florida Dept of Children & Families
Data Analysis of Problem-Solving Courts
Principal Investigator: Kathleen Moore, PhD
Funding Agency: 13th Judicial Court Hillsborough County
Center for Disseminantion and Implementation at Stanford (C-DIAS)
Principal Investigator: Kimberly Johnson, PhD
Funding Agency: National Institute on Drug Abuse
Do More Feel Better: 3/3 Lay-delivered Behavioral Activation in Senior Citizens
The Do More, Feel Better project uses Behavioral Activation delivered by lay volunteers to address the large numbers of senior center clients who suffer from untreated depression. The focus of Behavioral Activation is to guide clients to reengage in daily pleasant and rewarding activities, and reduce depressive symptoms. The goal is to determine if the lay delivery model has a positive impact in comparison to MSW-delivered Behavioral Activation, leading to an effective intervention that can be used by a large untapped workforce of older adult volunteers across the nation.
- Principal Investigator: Amber Gum, PhD
- Funding Agency: National Institute of Mental Health
Up To Me: Erasing the Stigma of Mental Illness on College Campuses
- Principal Investigator: Kristin Kosyluk, PhD
- Funding Agency: DHHS Administration for Community Living / National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research
Summer Research Institute at the Florida Mental Health Institute (SRI@FMHI)
Principal Investigator: Kathleen Moore, PhD
Funding Agency: National Institute on Drug Abuse
Research Examining Factors Associated with the Opioid Crisis among Underserved African Americans (REFOCUS)
Principal Investigator: Khary Rigg, PhD
Funding Agency: National Institutes of Health / University of Kentucky Research Foundation
Adapting and Testing an Intervention for Families with a Parent in Methadone Treatment
Principal Investigator: Khary Rigg, PhD
Funding Agency: Foundation for Opioid Response Efforts
Criminal Justice, Mental Health, and Substance Abuse Technical Assistance Center
Principal Investigator: Abigail Shockley
Funding Agency: Florida Dept of Children & Families
VA CIS IPA for On-Line Curriculum Revisions
Principal Investigator: Matthew Scott Young, PhD, Deborah Heller, M.A.
Funding Agency: Dept of Veterans Affairs / James A. Haley Veterans Hospital
Low Demand Safe Havens Project
Principal Investigator: Matthew Scott Young, PhD
Funding Agency: Dept of Veterans Affairs
Evaluation of Meridian Behavioral Healthcare Supportive Services for Veteran's Families Program
Principal Investigator: Matthew Scott Young, PhD
Funding Agency: Meridian Behavioral Healthcare, Inc.