Meet The ASSL Team
Current Faculty

Erol J. Ozmeral, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Dr. Ozmeral is a cognitive neuroscientist with expertise in psychoacoustics and electrophysiology. He has primarily led research on the behavioral and neural mechanisms associated with sensorineural hearing loss across the adult lifespan. His research interests are in cognitive aging, speech perception, spatial attention, and emerging technologies in hearing instruments, including brain-computer interfaces.

Nate C. Higgins, Ph.D.
Research Assistant Professor
Dr. Higgins is an auditory neuroscientist with specialties in electrophysiology, auditory scene analysis, and neuroimaging. His work has spanned both human and animal models. Current research includes binaural modeling, online classification of electrophysiological potentials, and understanding the cognitive processes responsible for auditory stream selection.

Carrie Secor, Au.D., CCC-A
Senior Research Audiologist