Faculty Publications

Faculty Publications 2017


Toman, E.*, J. C. Cochran, & J. K. Cochran. "Jailhouse Blues: The Adverse Effects of Pretrial Detention for Prison Social Order." Criminal Justice and Behavior.

Lynch, M.J., & P.B. Stretesky. "Social Structure and Sociobiology: A Radical Political Economic Reinterpretation". Journal of Theoretical & Philosophical Criminology. 9, 1: 68-83.

Leukefeld, C. G., Cawood, M., Wiley, T., Robertson, A. A., Fisher, J. H., Arrigona, N., Donohue, P., Staples-Horne, M., Harris, P. W., Dembo, R., Roysden, J., Marks, K. R., & JJ-TRIALS Cooperative (2017). The Benefits of Community and Juvenile Justice Involvement in Organizational Research. Journal of Juvenile Justice, 6(1), 112–124.


Burruss, G. W., Giblin, M. J., & Schafer, J. A. "Introduction to the special issue on police organizations." Journal of Crime and Justice, 40(1)

Song, H., Y.* Woo, H. D. Lee, & J. K. Cochran. "The Dynamics of Intra-Family Relationships during Incarceration and the Implications for Children of Incarcerated Parents." International Journal of Offender Therapy & Comparative Criminology.

Mitchell, O., Cochran, J. C., Mears, D. P., & Bales, W. D. "The effectiveness of prison for reducing drug offender recidivism: A regression discontinuity analysis". Journal of Experimental Criminology, 13(1), 1-27.


Burruss, G.W., Holt, T.J., Bossler, A.M. (Forthcoming) "Revisiting the Suppression Relationship between Social Learning and Self-Control on Software Piracy." Social Science Computer Review.

S. Belenko, D. Knight, G. Wasserman, M. Dennis, T. Wiley, F. Taxman, C. Oser, R. Dembo, A. Robertson, & J. Sales. "The Juvenile Justice Behavioral Health Services Cascade: A New Framework for Measuring Unmet Substance Use Treatment Service Needs among Adolescent Offenders". Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment.

Maskaly, J., Donner, C.M., and Fridell, L.A. (Forthcoming). "Police CEOs and subordinates' perceptions of workplace misconduct: Examining the effect of demographic similarity on attitudinal congruence." Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management.

Fox, B.H., & DeLisi, M. "From criminological heterogeneity to coherent classes: Developing a typology of juvenile sex offenders". Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice.

Heide, K.M. " Parricide Encapsulated". In F. Brookman, E.R. Maguire & M. Maguire (Eds.), The Handbook of Homicide (pp. 197-212). Malden, MA: John Wiley & Sons.

Lynch, M. J., K. L. Barrett, P. B. Stretesky, & M. A. Long. "The Neglect of Quantitative Research in Green Criminology and its Consequences". Critical Criminology 25, 2: 183-198.


911±¬ÁÏÍøsley G. Jennings, Tara N. Richards, M. Dwayne Smith, Beth Bjerregaard, Sondra J. Fogel. A Critical Examination of the "White Victim Effect" and Death Penalty Decision-Making from a Propensity-Score Matching Approach: The North Carolina Experience. Journal of Criminal Justice 42:384-398.

Chamberlain, A.& L.N. Boggess. (Forthcoming). "Parolee concentration, risk of recidivism, and the consequences for neighborhood crime". Deviant Behavior.

Cochran, J. K., Marier, C. J.*, Jennings, W. G., Smith, M. D., Bjerregaard, B., & Fogel, S. J. (2019). Rape, Race, and Capital Punishment: An Enduring Cultural Legacy of Lethal Vengeance? Race and Justice, 9(4), 383-406.

Fox, B.H. "It's nature and nurture: Integrating biological and genetic factors into Social Learning Theory of criminal behavior". Journal of Criminal Justice, 49, 22-31.

Pankow, J., Willett, J., Yang, Y., Dembo, R. et al. Evaluating Fidelity to a Modified NIATx Process Improvement Strategy for Improving HIV Services in Correctional Facilities. Journal of Behavioral Health Services and Research 45, 187–203 (2018).


Powers, R. A., Cochran, J. K., Maskaly, J., & Sellers, C. S. Social Learning Theory, Gender, and Intimate Partner Violent Victimization: A Structural Equations Approach. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 35(17-18), 3554-3580.

Fox, B.H. What makes a difference?: Evaluating the key distinctions and predictors of sexual and non-sexual offending among male and female juvenile offenders. Journal of Criminal Psychology, 7, 134-150.

Leiber, M.J. and Beaudry-Cyr, M.* (2017), "The Intersection of Race/Ethnicity, Gender and the Treatment of Probation Violators in Juvenile Justice Proceedings", Race, Ethnicity and Law (Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance, Vol. 22), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 269-290.

Lynch, M. J. "Conceptualizing Green Victimization, Green Criminology and Political Economy". Critical Sociology 43 (3): 473-478.


Belenko, S., Visher, C., Pearson, F., Swan, H., Pich, M., O'Connell, D., Dembo, R., Frisman, L., Hamilton, L., & Willett, J. (2017). Efficacy of Structured Organizational Change Intervention on HIV Testing in Correctional Facilities. AIDS Education and Prevention: Official Publication of the International Society for AIDS Education, 29(3), 241–255.


Dembo, R., Faber, J., Cristiano, J., DiClemente, R. J., Krupa, J. M.*, Terminello, A., & Wareham, J. (2017). Health Risk Behavior Among Justice Involved Male and Female Youth: Exploratory, Multi-Group Latent Class Analysis. Substance Use & Misuse, 52(13), 1751–1764.

Fegadel, A.R.* & Heide, K.M. "Offspring Perpetrated Familicide: Examining Family Homicides Involving Parents as Victims". International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 61(1), 6-24.

Leiber, M., Peck, J.* Lugo, M. & Bishop, D. "Understanding The Link Between Race/Ethnicity, Drug Offending, And Juvenile Court Outcomes" Crime & Delinquency. 63(14): pp. 1807–1837.

Leiber, M. Settlement Agreement – United States through the Department of Justice with Shelby County, Tennessee, the County Mayor and the County Attorney, and the Juvenile Court of Memphis and Shelby County (JCMSC). Ninth Compliance Report – Equal Protection. June. Pgs. 1-45.

Heide, K. M., Michel, C., Cochran, J., & Khachatryan, N.* Racial Differences Among Juvenile Homicide Offenders: An Empirical Analysis of 37 Years of U.S. Arrest Data. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 35(11-12), 2111-2141.


Lynch, M., Stretesky, P. & Long, M. State and green crimes related to water pollution and ecological disorganization: water pollution from publicly owned treatment works (POTW) facilities across US states. Palgrave Communications 3, 17070 (2017).

Shadmanfaat, S. M. (Shamila), Cochran, J. K., Muniz, C. N.*, & Kabiri, S. Soccer Hooliganism in Iran: A Test of Agnew’s General Strain Theory. Deviant Behavior, 40(5), 544–558.

Fridell, Lorie (2017). Producing Bias-Free Policing: A Science-Based Approach. New York, NY: Springer Publishing and the George Mason University Center for Evidence-Based Criminology.

Lynch, M.J., M. A. Long, P.B. Stretesky & K. L. Barrett. Green Criminology: Crime, Justice and the Environment. University of California Press.


Jennings, W. G., Cochran, J. K., Meade, C. N.*, Smith, M. D., Fogel, S. J., & Bjerregaard, B. "The impact of the rape/sexual assault statutory aggravating factor on death sentencing decision-making in capital murder trials in North Carolina (1977-2009): A propensity score matching approach." Women & Criminal Justice, 27, 139-150.

Parry, M. M., Moule, R. K., & Dario, L. M. (2017). Technology-Mediated Exposure to Police–Citizen Encounters: A Quasi-Experimental Assessment of Consequences for Citizen Perceptions. Justice Quarterly, 36(3), 412–436.

Turner, F., & Fox, B.H. "Public servants or police soldiers? An analysis of opinions on the militarization of policing from police executives, law enforcement, and members of the 114th congress U.S. House of Representatives". Police Practice and Research

Fridell, L.A. "Explaining the disparity in results across studies assessing disparity in police use of force: A research note. American Journal of Criminal Justice, 42: 502 – 513.

Powers, R.A., Kaukinen, C., & Jeanis, M.* "An examination of recidivism among inmates released from a private reentry center and public institutions in the state of Colorado". The Prison Journal, 97(5), 609-627.


Burruss, G.W., Holt, T.J., & Wall, A. "The Hazards of Investigating Internet Crimes Against Children: Digital Evidence Handlers' Experiences with Vicarious Trauma and Coping Behaviors." American Journal of Criminal Justice.

Mitchell, O., Landers, M., & Morales, M. "The Contingent Effects of Fatherhood on Offending". American Journal of Criminal Justice.

Khachatryan, N.*, Heide, K. M., Rad, J.*, & Hummel, E. V. "Post-incarceration recidivism of lone vs. group juvenile homicide offenders". Behavioral Sciences and the Law, 34, 709-725.

Mitchell, O., & Morales, M. The effect of switching to mandatory online course assessments on response rates and course ratings. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education.

Lynch, M. J. "The Sentencing/Punishment of Federal Environmental Criminal Offenses, 2000-2013". Deviant Behavior. 38 (9): 991-1008.


Boggess, L. N. (Forthcoming). "Disentangling the reciprocal relationship between change in crime and racial/ethnic change". Social Science Research.

Marier, C.J.*, Cochran, J.K., Smith, M. D., Fogel, S. J., & Bjerregaard, B. (2017). Victim age and capital sentencing outcomes in North Carolina (1977–2009). Criminal Justice Studies, 31(1), 62–79.

Jennings, W.G., Fridell, L.A., Lynch, M., Jetelina, K.K., Gonzalez, J.M.R. "A quasi-experimental evaluation of the effects of police body-worn cameras (BWCs) on response-to-resistance in a large metropolitan police department." Deviant Behavior, 38(11), 1332-1339.

Burruss, G.W. "Defense Attorney." in Christopher Schreck, Michael Leiber, Holly Miller, & Kelly 911±¬ÁÏÍølch (Eds.), The Encyclopedia of Juvenile Delinquency and Justice. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley-Blackwell.

Schreck, C. (Editor-in-Chief), Leiber, M., 911±¬ÁÏÍølch, K. and Miller, H. (Associate Editors). Encyclopedia of Juvenile Delinquency and Justice. Wiley-Blackwell.


Mitchell, O. (2017). Research Designs in Crime and Violence Prevention. In: Teasdale, B., Bradley, M. (eds) Preventing Crime and Violence. Advances in Prevention Science. Springer, Cham.

Leiber, M., Peck, J.*, Valentin Rosa, M.* & Shreve, T*. "The Relationship between the Gender of the Probation Officer and Judicial Sentencing: Implications for Black Male Offenders" in J. Ulmer and M. Bradley (Eds.) Handbook on Punishment Decisions: Sites of Disparity. Routledge. Pgs. 265-290.

Burruss, G.W. and Dodge, C.* (Forthcoming). "The Criminality of Digital Piracy: Is it a Pathway to More Serious Offending?" in Steven Caldwell Brown and Thomas J. Holt (Eds.) Digital Piracy: A Global, Multidisciplinary Account. London: Routledge.

Merlo, A. & P. Benekos. Reaffirming Juvenile Justice: From Gault to Montgomery. Taylor Francis. Leiber, M. Endorsement.

Howell, C.*, Maimon, D., Cochran, J., Jones, H., & Powers, R.A. "The restrictive deterrent effect of warning banners in a compromised computer system". International Journal of Cyber Criminology, 11(1), 63-77.

Leiber, M., Peck, J.* & Fields, M. "An Examination of the Effects of Race on Intake Decision-Making in Four Jurisdictions at Two Different Points in Time" in Parsons-Pollard, N. Y. (Ed.). Disproportionate Minority Contact: Current Issues and Policies, 2nd edition. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press. Pgs. 61-88.

*Denotes student or former student