Kate Tiedemann School of Business and Finance

Faculty Research

  • Lee, Joon Mahn, Jung Chul Park, and Guoli Chen, 鈥淎 Cognitive Perspective on Real Options Investment: CEO Overconfidence,鈥 Strategic Management Journal, Forthcoming 2022, .

  • Hanousek Jr, Jan, Hoje Jo, Christos Pantzalis, and Jung Chul Park, 鈥淎 Dilemma of Self-Interest vs Ethical Responsibilities in Political Insider Trading,鈥 Journal of Business Ethics, Forthcoming 2022, .

  • Pandey, V., T. Steigner, N. Sutton, 鈥淟earning in serial mergers: Evidence from a global sample," Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, forthcoming 2021, .

  • Bradley, D., Jame, R., Williams, J., "Non-Deal Roadshows, Informed Trading, and Analyst Conflicts of Interest." Journal of Finance, forthcoming. Available at SSRN:  or

  • Bradley, D., Mao, C. X., Zhang, C, "Does Analyst Coverage Affect Workplace Safety?" Management Science, Forthcoming. Available at SSRN:

  • Antia, M., Tandon, A. (2021). Interest Costs, Taxes and Value Creation. Rutgers Business Review, 2020_089.

  • J. Engelberg, L. Thompson, and J. Williams, (2020) "Stock Market Anomalies and Baseball Cards." Financial Review, 55(3): 461-479

  • Pacini, C., Forbes Stowell, N., Katz, I., Patterson, G., Lin, W. (2020). "An Analysis of Money Laundering, Shell Entities, and No Ownership Transparency That Washes Off and On Many Shores: A Building Tidal Wave of Policy Responses" Kansas Journal of Law and Public Policy, 30,1, 1 鈥 36.

  • Chang, K., Li, Y., & Yi, H. (2020) "Informed Equity Ownership and Bank Loan Contracting"  Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, forthcoming.

  • Schmidt, M. & Stowell, N. (2020) 鈥淭en Best Practices for Online Business Courses,鈥 Presented at the 2020 Financial Education Association/Academy of Business Education annual conference

  • Qi, J., N. Sutton, Q. Zheng, (2020) 鈥淭he Value of Innovation and the Spillover Effect on Alliance Partners,鈥 Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, Vol. 55, April 2020, pp. 1427鈥1457.

  • Smersh, G. (2020) "Pricing Moral Hazard in Residential Properties: The Impact of Sinkhole Claims on House Prices" Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics

  • Sanchez, E. Jr. & Oh, J. (2020) "The unexpected and stickiness behavior of institutional investors in index funds" Managerial Finance, Volume: ahead-of-print Issue (2020) ISSN: 0307-4358 Online ISSN: 1758-7743

  • Pantzalis, C.& Meng, Y. (2020) 鈥淔oreign-Born Resident Networks and Stock Comovement: When Local Bias Meets Home (Country) Bias鈥 Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis

  • DiGiovanni, Y., Hirshleifer, D., and Jiag, D. (2020) "Mood beta and Seasonalities in stock returns" Journal of Financial Economics, VOL, 137/1, pp. 272-295                                                   
  • Kwoka, J. & Wang, P. (2020) "Raising Rivals Costs by Customer Diversion: Evidence from Airline Baggage Fees" International Journal of the Economics of Business DOI: 10.1080/13571516.2020.1805279                                                                                                 
  • Sanchez, E. Jr. (2020) "The Unexpected and Stickiness Behavior of Institutional Investors in Index Funds" Managerial Finance                                                                                                          
  • Schmidt, M.K. (2020), "Ask the Experts: Best Business-Credit-Card Practices" WalletHub           
  • Stowell, N.F., Pacini, C., Schmidt, M.K. and Wadlinger, N. (2020), "Senior health care fraud under investigation" Journal of Financial Crime, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.                                                                                                                                                                
  • Stowell, N.F., Pacini, C., Schmidt, M.K., Wadlinger, N., and Crain, J. (2020), "Investigating Healthcare Fraud: Its Scope, Applicable Laws, and Regulations" William & Mary Business Law Review, VOL, 11 No.2, pp. 479-527

  • Antia, M.,Pantzalis, C., Park, J. (2020) "Does CEO Myopia Impede Growth Opportunities?" Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting

  • Choi, J., Le,L., and Williams, J. (2019) 鈥淎symmetric Learning from Prices and Post-Earnings-Announcement Drift鈥 Contemporary Accounting Research, 36(3): 1724-1750.


  • Kwasnica, T., Velthuis, R., Williams, J. (2019) 鈥淒id You See what I Saw? Interpreting Others鈥 Forecasts when their Information is Unknown鈥 Review of Finance, 23(2): 325-361.

  • Kim, I., Hong, W., Wang, B., and Yang, T. (2019) "Institutional Investors and Corporate Environmental, Social, and Governance Policies: Evidence from Toxics Release Data," Management Science 65(10): 4901-4926 
  • Antia, M. (2019) "The Impact of Climate Change on GDP Growth and National 911爆料网alth." Rutgers Business Review 

  • Antia, M. (2019) "Preferred Stock Awards: A Novel Idea for Manager Compensation." Compensation and Benefits Review

  • Lee, J.M., Park, J.C., and Folta, T.B. (2018) 鈥淐EO Career Horizon, Corporate Governance, and Real Options: The Role of Economic Short-Termism,鈥 Strategic Management Journal 39(10): 2703-2725.

  • Chang, K., Jo, H., & Li, Y. (2018). "Is there informational value in corporate giving?" Journal of Business Ethics, 151(2), 473-496.

  • Antia, M. (2018) "The Need for Policy Focused Finance Research." Rutgers Business Review

  • Antia, M. (2018) "Regulations and Economic 911爆料网lfare." Muma Business Review
  • Bradley, D., Pantzalis, C., and Yuan, X. "The influence of political bias in state pension funds," Journal Financial Economics, Forthcoming.

  • Chang, K., Kim, I., & Li, Y. (2014). "The heterogeneous impact of corporate social responsibility activities that target different stakeholders." Journal of Business Ethics, 125(2), 211-234.

  • Bradley, D., Clarke, J., Lee, S., and Ornthanalai, C. (2014) "Are analysts' recommendations informative? Intraday evidence on the impact of time stamp delays," Journal of Finance 69, 645-674,

  • Borghesi, R., Houston J., and Naranjo, A. (2014) "Corporate Socially Responsible Investments: CEO Altruism, Reputation, and Shareholder Interests," Journal of Corporate Finance 26, 164-181.   

  • Kabongo, J. D., Chang, K., & Li, Y. (2013). The impact of operational diversity on corporate philanthropy: An empirical study of US companies. Journal of Business Ethics, 116(1), 49-65.                                                                                                                             
  •  Williams, J. (2013) "Financial Analysts and the False Consensus Effect,"  Journal of Accounting Research, 51, 855-907,

  • Antia, M., Kim, I., Pantzalis, C. (2013) "Political Geography and Corporate Political Strategy." Journal of Corporate Finance 

  • Antia, M., Meyer, R. (2013) "Should the SEC Outsource Research to Academia?" Financial Analysts Journal

  • Buchanan, B., Netter, J., Poulsen, A. and Yang, T. (2012) "Shareholder Proposal Rules and Practice: Evidence from a Comparison of the US and UK," American Business Law Journal 49 (4): 739-803                                                                                                                                                         
  • Kim, C., Pantzalis, C., and Park, J.C. (2012) "Political Geography and Stock Returns: The Value and Risk Implications of Proximity to Political Power," Journal of Financial Economics 106, 196-228

  • Engelberg, J., Sasseville, C., and Williams, J. (2012) "Market Madness? The Case of Mad Money," Management Science, 58, 351-364

  • Brau, J.,  Couch, R., and Sutton, N., (2012) "The Desire to Acquire and Long-Run IPO Underperformance," Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 47, 493-510

  •  Antia, M., Meyer, R. (2012) "Fault the Tax Code for Low Dividend Payouts: A Comment," Financial Analysts Journal

  •  Antia, M. (2011) "Volatility Management and 911爆料网alth Creation: A Long-Term Perspective," Journal of 911爆料网alth Management

  •  Antia, M., Pantzalis, C., Park, J. (2010) "CEO Decision Horizon and Firm Performance: An Empirical Investigation," Journal of Corporate Finance

  • Brau, J., N. Hatch, N. Sutton, (2010) 鈥淒ual-Track versus Single-Track Sell-Outs: An Empirical Analysis of Competing Harvest Strategies,鈥 Journal of Business Venturing, Vol. 25, 4, July 2010, pp. 389-402.

  • Doukas, J., Kim, C., and Pantzalis, C., (2010) "Arbitrage Risk and Stock Mispricing," Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 45, 907鈥934

  • Chari, M. D., & Chang, K. (2009). Determinants of the share of equity sought in cross-border acquisitions. Journal of International Business Studies, 40(8), 1277-1297.

  • Linck, J. S., Netter, J., and Yang, T. (2009) "The Effects and Unintended Consequences of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act on Corporate Boards," Review of Financial Studies 22(8): 3287-3328   
  • Linck, J.S., Netter J., and Yang, T. (2008) "The Determinants of Board Structure," Journal of Financial Economics 87: 308-328                                                                                                            
  • Bradley, D., Jordan, B., and Ritter, J. (2008) "Analyst behavior following IPOs: The bubble period evidence," Review of Financial Studies 21, 101-133

  • Khorana, A., Servaes, H., and 911爆料网dge, L. (2008) "Portfolio Manager Ownership and Fund Performance," Journal of Financial Economics, 89, 175-204

  • Francis, B., Hasan I., and Hunter, D. (2008) "Can Hedging Tell the Full Story? Reconciling Differences in U.S. Aggregate-and Industry-Level Exchange Rate Premium," Journal of Financial Economics, 90, 169-196

  • Khorana, A., Tufano, P.,  and 911爆料网dge, L., (2007) "Board Structure, Mergers and Shareholder 911爆料网alth: A Study of the Mutual Fund Industry," Journal of Financial Economics, 85, 571-598

  • Antia, M., Linn, B., Pantzalis, C. (2007) "Cultural Distance and Valuation of Multinational Corporations," Journal of Multinational Financial Management

  • Antia, M., Pantzalis, C. (2006) "Security Analyst Incentives and Quality of Analyst Generated Information," Journal of Investing

  • Antia, M., Meyer, R. (2006) "Fault the Tax Code for Low Dividend Payouts," Financial Analysts Journal

  • Francis, B., Hasan, I., and Hunter, D. (2006) "Dynamic Relations between International Equity and Currency Markets: The Role of Currency Order Flow," Journal of Business 79, 219-258

  • Doukas, J., Kim, C., and Pantzalis, C., (2006) "Divergence of Opinion and Equity Returns," Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 41, 573-606

  • Rutherford, R., Springer, T., and Yavas, A. (2005) "Conflicts between principals and agents: Evidence from residential brokerage," Journal of Financial Economics, 76, 627-665

  • Bradley, D., Cooney, J., Jordan, B.,  and Singh, A. (2004) "Negotiation and the IPO Offer Price: A Comparison Between Integer and Non-integer IPOs, 2004, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 39, 517-540

  • Kanatas, G.,  and Qi, J. (2004)  "Dividends and Debt with Managerial Agency and Lender Holdup," Management Science, 50, 1249-1260

  • Bradley, D., Jordan, B., Ritter, J. (2003) "The Quiet Period Goes Out With a Bang," Journal of Finance, 58, 1-36

  • Brau, J., Francis, B., and Sutton, N. (2003) "The Choice of IPO Versus Takeover: Empirical Evidence," Journal of Business, 76, 583-612

  • Kanatas, G. and Qi, J. (2003) "Integration of Lending and Underwriting: Implications of Scope Economies," Journal of Finance, 58, 1167-1191

  • Doukas, J., Kim, C., and Pantzalis, C. (2002) "A test for the Errors-in-Expectations Explanation of the Value/Glamour Storck Returns Performance: Evidence from Analysts' Forecasts," Journal of Finance, 57, 2143-2165

  • Bradley, D. and Jordan, B. (2002) "Partial Adjustment to Public Information and IPO Underpricing," Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 37, 595-616

  • Kanatas, G. and Qi, J. (2001) "Imperfect Competition, Agency, and Financing Decisions," Journal of Business, 74, 307-338

  • Ang, J. and Sutton, N. (2000) "Earnouts in Mergers: Agreeing to Disagree and Agreeing to Stay,"  Journal of Business, 73, 445-476