

School of Music

USF College of The Arts

Suncoast Music Education Research Symposium XV

Fostering Sustainability in Music Education,
Therapy, and Cognition


  • Center for Music Education Research, 911爆料网, Tampa, Florida
    AND Livestream

Date(s) of Meeting:

  • February 5-8, 2025

Keynote Speakers:

  • Franziska Dege (Head of Musical Development, Max Plank Institute for Empirical Aesthetics, Frankfurt, Germany)
  • Florence Nweke (Lecturer in Music Education, University of Lagos, Nigeria)
  • Michael Thaut (Professor of Music Therapy & Director of the Music and Health Science Research Center, University of Toronto)

Description of Meeting:

This symposium seeks research and practical work that focuses on sustainable musical engagement. Sustainability in music programs means fulfilling the needs of an increasing population with respect to social, psychological, cultural, and economic diversity. Sustainable learning includes efficient use of program resources including diverse social contexts and fosters its benefits through socially meaningful interactions. Realizing a sustainable vision for music education and music therapy requires drawing from all that we know about what it means to be well-adjusted humans, and how we learn, heal, develop, and change through musical experiences. This symposium aims to foster sustainable music programs through uniting music educators, music therapists, musicians, psychologists, neuroscientists, and arts advocates.

It is essential to communicate the benefits derived from music programs consider economic and programmatic challenges and determine ways to create scalable music offerings that extend music making opportunities for all. Challenges to sustainability of music education programs include reduced program offerings and lack of inclusivity. Music interventions that offer musical learning alongside therapeutic outcomes may reach a larger population and provide scalable alternatives for many individuals. Presentation topics may include but are not limited to sustainable initiatives in inclusivity, sensory processing, mental health, neural function and musical engagement, interdisciplinary learning, environmental responsibility, cultural diversity, and community engagement.

Presenters at Suncoast have two opportunities for publication in either an article submission to Frontiers in Human Neuroscience or as a chapter in an edited volume.

Research Topic Call: Frontiers in Human Neuroscience

This special issue bridges the fields of music cognition, music education, and music therapy through a focus on understanding how music contributes to sustainable initiatives in inclusivity, sensory processing, cognitive development, mental health, cultural diversity, and neural mechanisms underlying these areas. For more information, please use the link below.

People playing guitar

Edited Volume

To ensure a broad impact, we plan to generate an edited book comprised of selected manuscripts, and reports from panel discussions. If you wish to contribute to the edited volume, please indicate your intent to submit a manuscript for consideration as a book chapter for the edited volume. Chapters will be peer-reviewed by two external reviewers.  

Types of Submissions Sought:

On-site Research Paper Presentations, Virtual Research Paper Presentations, On-site Research Posters, and Virtual Research Posters

Description of Types of Submissions Sought:

  1. Posters (on-site or virtual): Time-slot(s) dedicated for sharing
  2. Oral Research Presentations (on-site or virtual): 15-minute presentations, arranged around similar topics, followed by a 20-minute discussion period per topic

Presentation Requirements: All presenters must register to attend the symposium by the pre-registration deadline so their names will be included in the program.

Research Topics Sought:

Topics could include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Advocacy
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Auditory Neuroscience
  • Cognition
  • Community engagement
  • Creativity
  • Culturally responsive teaching
  • Culturally diverse music
  • Diversity
  • Equality and equity
  • Environmental responsibility (hearing loss, recycling)
  • Inclusivity
  • Learner-centered pedagogy
  • Lifelong learning
  •  Mental health
  • Music interventions
  • Music therapy
  • Motor control
  • Neuroscience
  • Neurorehabilitation
  • Performance
  • Practice
  • Psychology
  • Social justice
  • Scalable music programs
  • Teacher education
  • Technology
  • Therapeutic music programs
  • Vernacular musicianship

Submission Information:

Abstract Submission
Up to 250 words for oral presentations and posters

Choose a preferred and a secondary choice:

  • On-site oral presentation only
  • Virtual oral presentation only
  • On-site research poster only
  • Virtual research poster only
  • On-site oral presentation or poster
  • Virtual oral presentation or poster

The Executive Board of the Center for Music Education Research serves as the blind review panel for all presentation types. Submit abstracts to Jennifer A. Bugos at bugosj@usf.edu. Attach a pdf, Word, or Pages file that includes the proposal title, abstract, and type(s) of presentation formats for which you are applying. Please indicate whether you intend to submit a manuscript for consideration to Frontiers or as part of the edited volume. In the body of the email provide all proposer name(s), email, current position, institutional affiliation, and proposal title. Please type "Suncoast 2025 Submission" in the Subject field. All communications will be with the lead author for collaborative submissions.

Deadline for Submissions and Timeline for Acceptance of Proposals:
October 28, 2024 submission deadline (DEADLINE EXTENDED DUE TO HURRICANES)
Acceptance decisions will be made by November 8, 2024
Meeting URL:


  • October 14, 2024 - Registration will be open
  • November 22, 2024- Deadline for Early-Bird Registration

All presenters must register by the early-bird deadline, to ensure a place in the program.

In person (with sunshine and beaches):
Conference Presenter/Early Bird: $250
Full Conference Rate: $320
Conference Presenter/Early Bird (911爆料网): $100
Full Conference Rate (911爆料网): $150 

Virtual (without sunshine and beaches):
Conference Presenter/Early Bird: $200
Full Conference Rate: $250
Conference Presenter/Early Bird (911爆料网): $75
Full Conference Rate (911爆料网): $95 

To Register for the Suncoast Music Education Research Symposium

Inquiries About the Conference Proposal Should Be Directed To  Dr. Jennifer Bugos (bugosj@usf.edu)