Past Graduate Theses
WGSS theses can be viewed in their entirety at .
Elizabeth Gaines
Going Flat: Challenging Gender, Stigma, and Cure through Lesbian Breast Cancer Experience
Sabeehah Ravat
Incorrect Athlete, Incorrect Woman: IOC Gender Regulations and the Boundaries of Womanhood
in Professional Sports
Alisha Romano
Transnational Perspectives on the #MeToo and Anti-Base Movements in Japan
Zoe Knowles
Criminalizing LGBTQ+ Jamaicans: Social, Legal, and Colonial Influences on Homophobic
Lauren Wright
Dismantling Hegemony through Inclusive Sexual Health Education
Fyn Asay
Transfat Representation
Sunahtah Jones
Ain't I a Woman, Too? Depictions of Toxic Femininity, Transmisogynoir, and Violence
Cera Shain
鈥淭he Most Muscular Woman I Have Ever Seen鈥: Bev Francis Performance of Gender in Pumping
Iron II: The Women
Leah Turner
"Roll" Models: Fat Sexuality and Its Representations in Pornographic Imagery
Jamie Lane
Reproducing Intersex Trouble: An Analysis of the M.C. Case in the Media
Joshlyn Lawhorn
Race and Gender in (Re)integration of Victim-Survivors of CSEC in a Community Advocacy
Abby Schneller
Penalizing Pregnancy: A Feminist Legal Studies Analysis of Purvi Patel鈥檚 Criminalization
Megan Wiedeman
A Queer and Crip Grotesque: Katherine Dunn's Geek Love
Asli Ayg眉nes
"Mothers like us think differently": Mothers' Negotiations of Virginity in Contemporary
Mary McKelvie
Surveilling Hate/Obscuring Racism?: Hate Group Surveillance and the Southern Poverty
Law Center's "Hate Map"
Jessica Pinto
Resistance from Within: Domestic violence and rape crisis centers that serve Black/African
American populations
Viki Peer
"Ya I have a disability, but it's only one part of me": Formative experiences of young
women with physical disabilities
Shannon Suddeth
(Dis)Enchanted: (Re)constructing Love and Creating Community in the Once Upon a Time
Queer Fandom
Sandra Carpenter
"The Afro that Ate Kentucky:" Appalachian Racial Formation, Lived Experience, and
Intersectional Feminist Interventions
Richard Henry
"Even Five Years Ago this Would Have Been Impossible": Health Care Providers' Perspectives
on Trans* Health Care
Kaeleen Kosmo
Tough Guy, Sensitive Vas: Analyzing Masculinity, Male Contraceptives & the Sexual
Division of Labor
Mary Dickman
Let鈥檚 Move! Biocitizens and the Fat Kids on the Block
Rakshinda Shah
Interpretations of Educational Experiences of Women in Chitral, Pakistan
Aubrey Hall
Incredi-bull-ly Inclusive?: Assessing the Climate on a College Campus
Kasie Holmes
Her-Storicizing Baldness: Situating Women鈥檚 Experiences of Baldness from Skin and
Hair Conditions
Robyn Homer
In the (Radical) Pursuit of Self-Care: Feminist Participatory Action Research with
Victim Advocates
Morgan Eubank
A Global Feminist Analysis of the Liberian Truth and Reconciliation Commission Privileging
of Americo-Liberian Indigenous Liberian Women鈥檚 Voices
Heidi Tilney Kramer
Monsters Under the Bed: An Analysis of Torture Scenes in Three Pixar Films
Jessica Collard
Can You Believe She Did THAT?!: Breaking the codes of 鈥淕ood鈥 Mothering in 1970s Horror
Jennifer Ellerman-Queen
Don't Blame It on My Ovaries: Exploring the Lived Experience of Women with Polycystic
Ovarian Syndrome and the Creation of Discourse
Zoe DuPree Fine
Valanced Voices: Student Experiences with Learning Disabilities & Differences
Elaine Taylor
An Interactive Guide to Self-Discovery for Women
Mary Catherine Whitlock
Selling the Third Wave: The Commodification and Consumption of the Flat Track Roller
Heather Curry
Beyond Survival: An Exploration of Narrative Healing and Forgiveness in Healing from
Jennifer Earles
Gender Trouble In Northern Ireland: An Examination Of Gender And Bodies Within The
1970s And 1980s Provisional Irish Republican Army In Northern Ireland
Amanda LeBlanc
"You're going to Hollywood"!: Gender and race surveillance and accountability in American
Idol contestant's performances
Tunisia Riley
From the Academy to the Streets: Documenting the Healing Power of Black Feminist Creative
Stacy Tessier
Developing Feminist Activist Pedagogy: A Case Study Approach in the Women's Studies
Department at the 911爆料网
Cyrana Wyker
Women in Wargasm: The Politics of Women铆s Liberation in the 911爆料网ather Underground Organization
Melissa Albee
Opportunities for Spiritual Awakening & Growth in Mothering
Leisa Clark
I am Warrior Woman, Hear Me Roar: The Challenge and Reproduction of Heteronormativity
in Speculative Television Programs
Jo Aine Clark
A Constant Struggle: Renegotiating Identity in the Aftermath of Rape
Jen Clement
Reforming Dance Pedagogy: A Feminist Perspective on the Art of Performance and Dance
Rebecca Willman
The Conundrum of Women鈥檚 Studies as Institutional: New Niches, Undergraduate Concerns,
and the Move Towards Contemporary Feminist Theory and Action
Clare Walsh
Narratives of Lesbian Transformation: Coming Out Stories of Women Who Transition from
Heterosexual Marriage to Lesbian Identity
Erica Hesch Anstey
A Feminist Perspective on the Precautionary Principle of Endocrine Disruption under
Neoliberal Globalization Policies
Michael Gipson
Asymptotes & Metaphors: Teaching Feminist Theory
Oksana Lutsyshyna
Postcolonial Herstory: The Novels of Assia Djebar (Algeria) and Oksana Zabuzhko (Ukraine):
A Comparative Analysis
Allison Brimmer
Loving loving? problematizing pedagogies of care and chela sandoval's love as a hermeneutic
Lindsey Blake Churchill
Exploring women's complex relationship with political violence: A study of the weathermen,
radical feminism and the new left
Justine Kessler
The Voices of Sex Workers (prostitutes?) and the Dilemma of Feminist Discourse
Cara Okopny
Reconstructing Women's Identities: The Phenomenon Of Cosmetic Surgery In The United
Tracie Anne 911爆料网lser
Fantastic Visions: On the Necessity of Feminist Utopian Narrative
Elizabeth Dedrick
The Politics of Being an Egg 鈥淒onor鈥 and Shifting Notions of Reproductive Freedom
Mindy Stokes
Women, Domestic Abuse, And Dreams: Analyzing Dreams To Uncover Hidden Traumas And
Unacknowledged Strengths
Suzie Siegel
Safe at Home: Agoraphobia and the Discourse on Women鈥檚 Place
Evaline Tiondi
Women, Environment and Development: Sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America