Awards and Scholarships
Psychology Department Awards and Scholarships
Awards and Scholarships
The Jonathan Stav Endowed Scholarship
Deadline Friday, March 14, 2025
Scholarship for junior, senior or graduate students majoring in Psychology. Student must have financial need.
In addition to this application, please attach the following documents:
- ESSAY - Provide an essay explaining in detail why you want to enter this field of study and earn this degree (minimum 500 words).
- STUDENT RESUME - List of jobs, community/volunteer work, any achievements from high school to present day.
The Stephen and Phillip Deibler Memorial Scholarship
Deadline Friday, March 14, 2025
The Department of Psychology is pleased to announce the Stephen and Phillip Deibler Memorial Scholarship Award. The Deibler Scholarship for $1,000 is awarded annually to a graduating senior Psychology major at USF who plans to pursue graduate study in Clinical or Counseling Psychology or to a first year graduate student in clinical psychology at USF.
Recipients will be chosen on the basis of the following sources of information:
- High grade point averages both in Psychology and overall
- Evidence of career-related activities both within the University (including participation in the Psychology Department's Honors Program) and in the outside community
- Letters of recommendation from professors or others (e.g., employers or supervisors in Psychology-related fields) who can address your qualifications for this award
- Personal statement
- Evidence of application and admission to a graduate program in Clinical or Counseling Psychology
A committee of three members of the Psychology faculty will review applications. If funding amounts allow, awards can be given to multiple eligible USF undergraduate students and first year clinical psychology students.
Undergraduate Awards and Scholarships
Jose Antonio Rojas Memorial Scholarship
Deadline Friday, March 14, 2025
The Department of Psychology is pleased to announce the Jose Antonio Rojas Memorial Scholarship. The Jose Antonio Rojas Memorial Scholarship for up to $1,000 ($500 awarded in the Fall and $500 in the Spring) to an undergraduate student who is active in the Hispanic community, with preference for those active in the Puerto Rican community, and preference for a first generation student. The scholarship was established by a psychology alumna of the undergraduate and graduate program as a way to honor her father’s dedication to the education of and professional advancement of students involved in the Hispanic community.
Recipients will be chosen on the basis of the following sources of information:
- High grade point averages both in Psychology and overall (minimum of 3.0).
- Financial need (as defined by FAFSA. 911±¬ÁÏÍø must have a FAFSA on file for the year they will receive the scholarship.)
- Evidence of activity in the Hispanic community and/or activity in the Puerto Rican community, and first generation status (Please include this information in the personal statement mentioned below).
- Career-related activities both within the University (including participation in the Psychology Department's Honors Program or the Undergraduate Psychology Association) and in the outside community (Please include this information in the personal statement mentioned below).
- Personal statement – (500 words or less) Please explain your activity in the Hispanic community and/or your activity in the Puerto Rican community (past, present, and future) and please comment on whether or not you are first generation status in college. Please include comments about your career-related activities both within the University and in the outside community. Finally, please comment on your career plans.
- One letter of recommendation from a professor or other (e.g., employers or supervisors) who can address your qualifications for this award.
A committee of three members of the Psychology faculty will review applications. If funding amounts allow, the funding will be provided in the Fall and Spring to the same recipient (pending continued eligibility). 911±¬ÁÏÍø from USF Tampa and St. Petersburg campuses are eligible.
Ronald J. Ovarlet Scholarship in Psychology
Deadline Friday, March 14, 2025
The Department of Psychology is pleased to announce the Ronald J. Ovarlet Scholarship in Psychology. The Ronald J. Ovarlet Scholarship in Psychology for $1000 is awarded once a year based on financial need with special consideration for students who are working part or full-time. A separate $500 book award can go to the same student so long as it does not interfere with any other financial aid the student receives.
Recipients will be chosen on the basis of the following sources of information:
- Minimum 2.75 GPA
- Financial need (based on FAFSA)
- Evidence of part-time or full-time employment
- Personal statement
A committee of three members of the Psychology faculty will review applications. 911±¬ÁÏÍø from the USF Tampa campus are eligible.
The PAR Scholarship for Excellence in Psychology
Deadline Friday, March 14, 2025
The Department of Psychology is pleased to announce the PAR Scholarship for Excellence in Psychology. The PAR Scholarship for $5000 will be awarded to an exceptional undergraduate Psychology major at USF who will be graduating in the Spring or Summer of 2026 and expects to pursue graduate work in Psychology. This scholarship can be used to help defray the costs of the recipient's undergraduate education for the 2025-2026 school year.
Recipients will be chosen on the basis of the following sources of information:
- High grade point averages both in Psychology and overall
- Evidence of career-related activities both within the University (including participation in the Psychology Department's Honors Program) and in the outside community
- One letter of recommendation from a faculty member in the USF Psychology Department who can address your relevant qualifications.
- Personal statement
A committee of members of the Psychology faculty and staff will review all applications and select a recipient.
The Outstanding Psychology Student Award (USF St. Petersburg campus 911±¬ÁÏÍø Only)
Deadline Friday, April 25, 2025
The Outstanding Psychology Student Award provides support scholarships for full or part-time junior level undergraduate students, pursuing a Psychology major in the College of Arts and Sciences on the USF St. Petersburg campus.
Review of applications and selection of the scholarship recipient will be conducted by the USF St. Petersburg College of Arts & Sciences Scholarship Committee.
- 911±¬ÁÏÍø will be evaluated on academic merit and must:
- Be a junior USF St. Petersburg campus psychology major
- Complete written responses about why they are suitable for the award
- Have a letter of recommendation from a USF St. Petersburg campus Psychology faculty member sent to the review committee chair, Max Owens:
- The student who receives the award will receive $500.
- The student who receives the award will receive an individual plaque and will also have his/her name engraved on a plaque in the Department of Psychology.
Graduate Awards and Scholarships
James J. Jenkins Scholarship for Research Supplies for CNS 911±¬ÁÏÍø
To support CNS students, we have made available a limited, non-replenishing fund—established to honor the late James J. Jenkins, former cognitive psychology professor and past chair of the USF Psychology Department—to support students’ research. 911±¬ÁÏÍø aim to support students whose research requires supplies, such as equipment or software. Funding is limited to $250 per student and one award per academic year. 911±¬ÁÏÍø must be in good standing in the CNS program at the time of the application.
To apply
Send Jamie Goldenberg (, CNS Area Director, an email with the subject line: James J. Jenkins Scholarship for Research Supplies. Include the following in the body of the email:
- Brief description of your funding needs
- Invoice or receipt for purchase (note that reimbursement is capped at $250)
- Letter of support from your mentor
It is possible to apply for this scholarship after the purchase, as long as the purchase was made within two weeks of the application date.
Important: Receiving this award may affect other loans or scholarships. Please check with financial aid before applying or accepting it.
James J. Jenkins Scholarship for Travel for CNS 911±¬ÁÏÍø
To support CNS students, we have made available a limited, non-replenishing fund—established to honor the late James J. Jenkins, former cognitive psychology professor and past chair of the USF Psychology Department—to support students’ research. 911±¬ÁÏÍø aim to support students whose travel for presenting is not covered by the USF Conference Presentation Grant Program (CPGP), their professional organizations, or their mentors. Funding is limited to one award per academic year and to CNS students who are in good standing at the time of the application.
To apply
Send Jamie Goldenberg (, CNS Area Director, an email with the subject line: James J. Jenkins Scholarship for Travel. Include the following in the body of the email:
- Brief description of your funding needs
- Details of your presentation (conference name, location, dates)
- Proof of acceptance (an email inviting you to present or program with your name)
- Cost breakdown (note that reimbursement is capped at $250 for in-state, $500 for out-of-state domestic, and $750 for international travel)
- Proof of application and denial from the CPGP (required for travel-related requests)
- Letter of support from your mentor
It is possible to apply for this scholarship after travel, as long as the travel took place within two weeks of the application date.
Important: Receiving this award may affect other loans or scholarships. Please check with financial aid before applying or accepting it.
Professor Charles D. and Carol Spielberger Endowed Fund Award
Deadline: None
The Professor Charles D. and Carol Spielberger Endowed Fund Award is an annual award given to a graduate psychology student(s) studying the relevance of planned or on-going research in the priority fields of study, which are Emotions, Personality, and Clinical and Health Psychology.
The Professor Charles D. and Carol Spielberger Endowed Fund Award will be used to provide summer funding for incoming graduate students. This award will be given to an incoming clinical psychology student who plans to study in the priority fields of study, which are Emotions, Personality, and Clinical and Health Psychology.
The award will be $5000 which will be deposited to the student's Student Self-Service account prior to the summer during which it will be used.
Guidelines for Selection
Clinical faculty will select one or more incoming clinical graduate students for this award. If there are no appropriate incoming students worthy of this award, then clinical faculty have the option to provide the award to a clinical psychology graduate student already in the program.
Criteria for Selection
Clinical faculty will make this selection based on the priority fields of study, the incoming applicant's credentials (including but not limited to GREs, GPA, research productivity, and letters of recommendation), and the competitiveness of the applicant for selection at other programs. Thus, the Spielberger Award will be used as a stipend enhancement in order to make the admissions offer more competitive.
Professor Paul E. Spector Endowed Award
Deadline: None
The Professor Paul E. Spector Endowed Award is open to full-time graduate students studying Industrial and Organizational (I-O) Program in Psychology at USF Tampa campus.
Guidelines for Selection
I-O faculty will select one or more accepted I-O graduate applicants to be offered this award if they enroll in the USF I-O program. If there are no appropriate accepted applicants in the priority fields worthy of this award then the I-O faculty may provide the award to accepted I-O applicants who are outside of the priority fields.
Criteria for Selection
I-O faculty will make this selection based on the competitiveness of the applicant and priority fields of study including students conducting research applying psychological/organizational principles to study one of the following topics: job stress, occupational safety, occupational health, workplace violence/aggression, counterproductive work behavior, and organizational research methodology. In summary, the Professor Paul E. Spector Endowed Award will be used as an enhancement in order to make the admissions offer more competitive.
Stefanie and Adele Gilbert Award for Research on Women
Deadline Friday, March 14, 2025
The psychology department is seeking applications from graduate students for the STEFANIE AND ADELE GILBERT AWARD FOR RESEARCH ON WOMEN. This is an annual award given to a person who completes research on issues of relevance to women. Graduate students from all areas of psychology are eligible to apply. The winner of the award will receive $300.
Guidelines for Submission of Proposal
- Entries may be submitted only by those who have completed a research product within
the past 12 months. Research products include, but are not limited to, a thesis, a
dissertation, a manuscript submitted to a journal, a conference poster proposal, and
a conference presentation proposal.
- Each entrant should submit an application that is not to exceed three double-spaced
pages. The application should include a description of the research and how it relates
to issues of relevance to women. The entrant should also provide a copy of the entire
research product.
- The name of the entrant, current mailing address, phone number, and e-mail address
should appear on the title page of the application.
- The entrant must provide a letter of support from his or her research adviser; the letter should specify the date that the research product was completed.
Criteria for Evaluation and Submissions
- The degree to which the research addresses a phenomenon that is of significance to
the field of psychology and relevant to women in particular.
- The extent to which the research shows appropriate consideration of relevant theoretical
and empirical literature. This should be reflected in both the formulation of hypotheses
tested and the selection of methods used in their testing.
- The degree to which the research has produced findings that have high levels of validity
(i.e., internal, external, construct, and statistical conclusion).
- The extent to which the author (a) offers reasonable interpretations of the results
of his or her research, (b) draws appropriate inferences about the theoretical and
applied implications of the same results, and (c) suggests promising directions for
future research.
- The degree to which the research yields information that is both practically and theoretically
relevant and important.
- The extent to which ideas in the research product are logically, succinctly, and clearly presented.
The Eve Levine Graduate Teaching Award
Deadline Friday, March 14, 2025
The Eve Levine Graduate Teaching Award is awarded annually to an outstanding graduate student instructor in the Psychology Department. The award includes a cash award, a certificate, and the winner’s name on a plaque displayed in the department. In order to be eligible, you must have been the primary instructor in two or more courses between Spring Semester 2023 and Fall Semester 2024.
A portfolio documenting your teaching accomplishments will be required. This portfolio should be submitted as a .pdf document and should be no longer than 30 pages and contain a statement of your teaching philosophy and items such as syllabi, teaching materials you developed, course evaluations, and evidence of efforts to improve your teaching effectiveness (e.g., participation in teaching workshops and NITOP). A letter of endorsement from your advisor or area director is also desirable. If you have had a faculty member observe and evaluate your classroom teaching, please have this person write a letter. If you have a teaching website, you may submit a link as a supplement to your portfolio document. For more information on preparing a teaching portfolio, you may contact the Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning. *Preference will be given to applicants who have not received this award in past years.
If you have enjoyed teaching, we encourage you to apply for this award. Please let us know if you have any questions.
Walvoord Verizon Wireless Work-Family Research Endowment in Honor of Dr. Tammy D. Allen
Download Application (Deadline Monday, March 3, 2025 by 4pm)
In cooperation with Verizon Wireless, a USF alum has established a research endowment to support work-family research conducted by USF psychology graduate students. The endowment honors Dr. Tammy Allen for her dedication to mentoring graduate students. The purpose of the award is two-fold: 1) Facilitate work-family research by underwriting the cost of research materials, and 2) Encourage research that results in manuscript submission to an appropriate peer-reviewed research journal. The $1000 scholarship will be awarded annually.
Recipients will be chosen based on the following criteria:
- 911±¬ÁÏÍø from the industrial and organizational area are eligible. Projects that involve students from other areas working with an I-O student as collaborators are welcome.
- Preferred proposal topics will focus on organizational and work-family variables (submissions addressing other areas of the work-family domain may also be considered).
- Research topic contributes to the work-family literature by examining new relationships and/or concepts, driving theoretical development, and proposing high-quality/advanced methodology.
- Research will be carried out as part of thesis, dissertation, or other graduate student-led research.
- Application describes a research project that the student has not already carried out (although prior pilot work is encouraged).
- Research will be supervised by a USF psychology faculty member.
Please email all required materials to