
Undergraduate Student Research Poster

12th Psychology Expo Posters

Presentation Title Presenter
A Stable Index of Reward Processing: Reward Positivity is Not Moderated by Anhedonia, Worry, or Effort Heindorf, G. 
Alignment of Affective and Economic Valuations for Positive and Negative Experiences  Bentley, H., Lu, W., Froozan, K., Orman, R.
Analyzing Rates Suicidality and Substance Use in Justice Involved Adolescents with ADHD Remarais, D.
Analyzing Scores Between LGBTQ and Non-LGBTQ Among HIV, Sexual Health Knowledge, Belongingness, and Satisfaction with Life Castrillon-Escobar, A., Rodriguez Perez, A.
Bouncing Back: Investigating the Interplay of Team Resilience, Positive Affect, and Performance Smith, D., Gonzalez, A., Bilichenko, O., Davalath, S.
Criterion Validation of the Work-Related Decision-Making Style (WDS) Measure Butler, S., Beskaly, A., Romero, A., Zuloaga, B. 
Do Frequency and Intensity of Exercise Modify the Relationship Anxiety and Perceived Stress Levels? Milholland, A. 
Does Depression/Rumination Predict Performance on the Iowa Gambling Task?  Le, N., Eihl, V.
Does Rumination/Depression predict Performance in Blackjack? Xiao, W., Hanks, M.
Exploring Relationships Between News Expectations, News Behaviors and Political Views Jensen, S., Spencer, C., Gagnon, I.
Exploring Sex Differences: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of Risk Factors and Substance Use Disorder in Sexually Abused Justice-Involved Adolescents  Barringer, J.
Exploring the Cognitive Impact of Depressive Rumination: Pupillary Activity During a Working Memory Task Whittle, S. 
Exploring the Effect of a Back-Support Exoskeleton on User Comfort and Exertion Balashova, T., Shah, N., Purkayastha, S.
Exploring the Effects of Defendant and Victim Age on Mock Jurors’ Decisions: A Look Into the Methodology Mami,M., Heffner, A.
Exploring the Impact of Religiosity on 911±¬ÁÏÍøll-Being and Meaning in Life Moran, E. 
Exploring the Novelty of Romance  Metcalfe, N.
Exploring Treatments for Major Depressive Disorder in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease Bonaventura, M., Hazel, C., Mansoor, S., Corona, A., Davalath, S., Khair, M., Freda, I., Chen, R.
Ghost in the Machine: Attribution of Mind and Source Credibility Perceptions of Artificial Intelligence Kuntz, A.
Grandparental Cognition: Grandparenthood as a Means of Social Interaction and its Impact on Subjective and Objective Measures of Cognition Smith, D. 
How Impulse Control and Emotional Problems Affect In-Custody DBT Treatment Outcomes in Coping Skill Improvements Serra, C.
How Religious Importance Affects Meaning Presence Foy, C.
IGT Behavioral Computation Model Arrington, C. 
JAK/STAT Pathway Inhibitors to Treat Neuroinflammation: A Novel Treatment for Parkinson Disease Patients Shah, R.
Measuring Engagement with Music in Dementia Patients  Dayanandaswamy, C., Chen, R.
Mirror of Morals: Parasocial Relationships with Antiheroes Studying Parasocial Relationships with Antihero Characters and Its Correlation to Self-Worth O'Grady, S. 
Mystical Experiences and Altruism Mobley, L., Pollard, S., Lam, B., Quneibi, S.
Perceptual Load Effects in Rejection Sensitivity Across Facial and Non-Facial Stimuli Buchanan, B.
Psychology Internship Experiences at USF Wally S., Parbhoo, A.
Rumination, Decision-making, and Depressive Symptoms Among Young Adults: A Network Analysis Ochoa, S., Hanks, M.
Savoring a Higher-Level Meaning: The Association Between Action Identification and Amplifying Savoring Brennan, S.
Still Thinking About the Title: Unpacking Rumination and Team Dynamics Zucker, M., Boos, D., Brinkman, A., Piper, O.
Sudoku and Emotional Memory Interference Jenkins, A., Ross, A.
The Effects of Structured Activity Involvement on Opioid Misuse in Justice-Involved Adolescents Aguilar, E.
The Evaluation of Emerging Adulthood Perceptions on Helicopter Parenting Behaviors Among Mothers and Fathers Dorfman, A.
The Evaluation of Emerging Adults’ Perceptions of the Effectiveness of Inductive Discipline in Response to Prudential Transgressions​ Zeron, B., Lucas, N.
The Impact of the Number of Positive Adult Relationships on Treatment Participation Among Justice-Involved Adolescents with Substance Use Disorder Ortega, N., Munoz, E., Ruiz-Arevalo, E.
The Influence of Subtle Orthographic Errors on Reading Behavior and Lexical Processing Trendova, S.
Think Plausitive: Parafoveal Vision and Later Semantic Components in Sentence Reading Sulcaj, N.
Timing of Mental Events in Color Priming Kusma, M., Calle, J., Johnson, B.
Trauma and Attachment as Unique Predictors of Relationship Exclusivity   Bakari, Z.
Work to Retirement: Examining the Role of Retirement in the Association Between Awareness of Aging and Sleep Health Dewansingh, N.
Working from Home, Climbing the Ladder: The Importance of Quality Mentorships for Remote and Hybrid Workers Geismar, J.

11th Psychology Expo Posters

Presentation Title  Presenter
Exploring Relationships of Political Affiliation and Interest in the News Bentley, H. 
Dementia-Related Stigma, Knowledge, and Willingness to Undergo Cognitive Screening Among Older Adults Crisci, A. 
The Effectiveness of Stress Balls in Reducing Fidgeting Behavior Crispo, K.
College Student Stressors and Coping Mechanisms Crowder, M.
The Moderating Role of Premeditation on the Relationship Between Food Craving and Disordered Eating Cooper, A., Geismar, J., Hockaday, A.
Psychology Internship Experiences at USF Garcia, D.
Community Violence Predicting Opioid Use Among Justice-Involved Adolescents Godfrey-Andrade, T.
Inheriting Trauma: An Exploration into the Epigenetic Effects of Intergenerational Trauma on Early Childhood Development Jason-Vikram, S. 
Beyond Single Identities: The Impact of Intersectional Stereotypes on Economic Backlash  Javanjavidan, V.
Does Visceral Sensitivity Change the Association Between Body Dissatisfaction and Mental Health Outcomes? Milholland, A.
The Effects of Childhood and Adult Pet Attachment on the Association Between Childhood Adversity and Long-Term Health Monterde, L.
Rumination and Decision Making  Ruddell, D. 
Deer Vigilance Behaviors by Species and Herd Positionality Skidmore, E. 
Relationships of Monetary and Affective Valuations of Experiences Spencer, C.
Caught Between Worlds: Existential Isolation and Dual Identity Among 1st and 2nd Generation Immigrants   Taherkalateh, D., Naresh, L.
A Multiple Regression
Analysis on the
Relationship Between Stimulus Monitoring
ERP Components and
Psychiatric Symptoms
Thakurdesai, S.
Impact of Sleep Quality and Relationship Style on Emotion Detection  Trikkha, K.
Retrospective investigation of adolescent substance use and adult mental health  911±¬ÁÏÍøiner, M. 
Do Judgments about a Face Affect Its Perceived Attractiveness and Its Memorability?  Zeigler, M.
Press the Red Button: Psychological and Physiological Antecedents and Outcomes in Decision Making Task Zucker, M., Smith, D., Dougherty, J., Beskaly, A., Lewis, A. 

9th Psychology Expo Posters

Presentation Title Presenter
Body Dissatisfaction Bridges Disordered
Eating Behaviors and Nonsuicidal Self-Injury in Female College 911±¬ÁÏÍø
Alboukrek, D.
Do individuals high on impulsivity report lower sense of belongingness due to the psychological impact of COVID-19? Alvarez, A.
How does visual similarity and sentence context impact word recognition? Caliskan, N.
Confirmator Silos in COVID-19-Related Attitudes and Behaviors Cumberbatch, M.
Reducing Racial Bias: The Effect of Implicit Bias Remedies on Jurors Deaton, L., Sanchez, Y., Smith, K., Thakurdesai, S.
Psychology Internship Experiences at USF Espinet-Pizarro, K.
Is Parafoveal Vision Sufficient for Semantic Integration?: Evidence from Event-Related Potentials Estevez, V
What Makes a Role Model? Examining Respondent Perceptions of a Work Peer as a Role Model Gregory, A.
Associations Between Unwanted Sexual Contact and Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, Drinking to Cope, and Low Self-Esteem Haskett, M., Rose, A., Loos, M. 
Body Image Discrepancy in Diverse Women Jirikowic, C.
Indirect Exposure to Police Violence in Black Americans on Social Media Khan, L.
An Intersectional Analysis of Manhood and Masculinity Ideology through Race/Ethnicity and Sexual Orientation Sullivan, J.
The Implicit Enemy: Countering Unconscious Racial Bias in the Courts Sykes, E., Erdem, S., Orogade, A., Pagan, S.
Investigating the Impact of Lexical Quality in Word Processing using Sentence Context with VariousSpelling Abilities: Evidence from the N400 ERP Component Thomas, H., Elaboudi, A., Rodriguez, S. 
Associations between Gender, Perceived Vulnerability, and Social Coping when Facing Cancer-Related Stress Velasquez, A.
Interpersonal Factors,
Interoception, and Non
Suicidal Self Injury
Wilson, R.

8th Psychology Expo Posters

Presentation Title Presenter
Undergraduate Internship Experiences at USF Accius, A.
Differences in Mental Health and Drinking Behaviors between Couples
Concordant for Aggression versus Couples with No Aggression
Bradham, H.
Age of Appropriateness for Helicopter Parenting Behaviors Cooper, J.
Eye-Tracking Guilt Induction Ellison, C.
The Effects of Religious Belongingness on Americans’ 911±¬ÁÏÍøllbeing Amid COVID-19 Elnagaar, N.
Juror Decision Making Regarding Intellectual Disability Fleischer, A.
COVID’s effect on mental health, drinking, and employment in heterosexuals compared to sexual minorities Grossman, C.
Utilization of Mental Health Services among College 911±¬ÁÏÍø Hasan, S.
Rumination Decreases Cognitive Efficiency in a Working Memory Task Healy, A.
Stress and rhythm patterns as elements of contextual predictions in silent reading Hodges, M.
A Review on the Effectiveness of Correctional Programs on Reentry and Mental Health Outcomes Hua, M.
Being Happy, Performing 911±¬ÁÏÍøll and Doing it Autonomously: An investigation of the relationship of Job Autonomy and Job Performance Via Job Satisfaction Hunt, A.
Social Media & Dehumanization of the Self on Marginalized, Immigrant Populations Meyer, A.
COVID-19: Rumors, Behaviors, and Trump Approval O'Keefe, W.
Understanding Conflicting Personal Strivings and Social Anxiety: A focus
on emotion regulation, avoidance, and interpersonal relationships
Pernice, A.
Daily Affect and Emotional Tone of Dreams Richardson, C.
Cultural Trauma, Sexism, and the 2016 Election Thompson, J.
Daily Association Between Sleep and Stressors: Role of Personality Traits Venetto, A.