Past Courses
Classical Mechanics Fall 2021
Newtonian mechanics, oscillatory motion, gravitation, Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Dynamics, Central-Force Motion, Dynamics of a System of Particles, Dynamics of Rigid Bodies, and Non-linear and coupled oscillations.
20 students
In Person Course
Book: Classical Mechanics Book by John R. Taylor
Classical Mechanics Spring 2021
Newtonian mechanics, oscillatory motion, gravitation, Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Dynamics, Central-Force Motion, Dynamics of a System of Particles, Dynamics of Rigid Bodies, and Non-linear and coupled oscillations.
20 students
Hybrid Course
Book: Classical Mechanics Book by John R. Taylor
General Physics I Fall 2020
First semester of a two semester sequence of calculus-based general physics (mechanics, wave motion, sound, thermodynamics, geometrical and physical optics, electricity, and magnetism) for physics majors and engineering students.
135 students
Asynchronous Online Course
Book: University Physics w\Modern Physics, 15th ed., USF Custom Canvas Integration, by Young & Freedman, with Mastering Physics Homework and Learning Catalytics
Office Hours: Tu 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Impromptu Problem Solving
PHZ 2102 Problems in General Physics Fall 2020
First semester of a two-semester sequence on solving problems in General Physics I. A course designed to be taken with the lecture course and to help students with developing problem-solving skills.
30 students
Synchronous Online Course
Hours: 911爆料网d 5:00-5:50 PM All Online