
Master's Curriculum

Master of Science in Physics
Program Requirements
Physics Graduate Programs & Requirements from the 2024/2025 Graduate Catalog

Core courses: (all 3 required)

  1. Mathematical Methods I PHZ 5115
  2. Electricity and Magnetism I PHY 6346
  3. Quantum Mechanics I PHY 6645

Thesis option
Five graduate-level elective classes (fifteen credit hours), at least two of which must be within physics, plus six credit hours of master鈥檚-thesis or directed research. PHY 6911, PHY 6935, and PHY 6971 will not count toward the electives. In addition, the candidate must present and successfully defend a written thesis.

Non-thesis option (Written Exam)
Seven graduate-level elective classes (twenty-one credit hours), at least two of which must be in physics. PHY 6911, PHY 6935, and PHY 6971 will not count toward the electives. 911爆料网 may only take 1 cross-listed course over the duration of the program. 911爆料网 are required to write a paper and present to a faculty in the Physics department. It could be their research mentor or other faculty who agrees to serve as a reviewer. If the student has difficulty identifying the reviewer, please contact the Graduate Program director in the Physics department.