Tampa IB FAQ
911±¬ÁÏÍø are in for another exciting year in IB! Please see below for some reminders and processes from the Tampa IB Office.
Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Office Staff are on-campus three days per week. Staff contact information, position overviews, and schedules are available on our website.
Faculty profile updates and news stories may be submitted via the forms on our Internal Forms webpage.
The Internal Forms page is where you can also find forms for the following:
- Exam Proctoring Request
- CASBSS Request
- Volunteer Appointment Submission
- Key & Keycard Request
- Maintenance Request: Equipment/Facilities & Vehicles
- USF Student Travel Release Form
- Vehicle Calendar and Driver Registration Form
Building Access/Keys – Tampa CAS buildings are open Monday through Friday from 7:30am –9:00pm. Outside of these hours, you’ll need to use your ID card to gain access.
To order keys or building access for you or your lab members, please submit a Key Request Form on our Internal Forms webpage. (*Please note that the key shop is currently running about 4 weeks behind.)
Classrooms/Computer Labs – Classrooms will be unlocked 15 minutes before the start of class. For immediate support, contact Classroom Technology Services at (813) 974-2382.
For Room Scheduling, Course, or Instructional Schedule, contact Ben Peoples.
Room Reservations – To reserve a room for your thesis/dissertation, lab meeting, or other department event, make sure you provide as much notice as possible. The rooms in the building have limited availability once the semester begins and it may take some time to find a room that suits your needs. Room reservations for SCA 202, SCA 310, and SCA 333 can be made by contacting Ben Peoples.
Locked Out? Department staff are happy to help with letting you into offices and classrooms in SCA, ISA, and BSF. Please see Olivia, Christine, or Ben in SCA 112.
The first few weeks of the semester brings with it a challenge to find parking outside the SCA building. Please plan accordingly as this lot is typically full by 10:00 AM once classes begin.
Parking Permits are enforced. Permit types and purchase information are available from Parking & Transportation Services. Please see this webpage for maps of available parking lots.
Visitor Daily Permits for USF guests may be requested by contacting Olivia McClamma.
Travel, Purchasing, and PCard receipts must go through the CAS BSS).
Please take a moment to review the BSS . This quick reference sheet on travel, purchasing, and PCard policies may save you a headache down the road.
Travel requests should specify which payments will be paid via PCard versus paid by traveler and reimbursed.
Funding sources can be obtained from Jessica Wilson or Olivia McClamma.
Foundation/Seminar Reimbursements – Due to budget restrictions, reimbursement for meals associated with our seminar series will be held to established guidelines with little exceptions. In the event you need to purchase supplies for recruiting events, seminar dinners etc. please first check with Olivia McClamma.
USF Business Systems and Resources may be accessed through .
Box – is the preferred file storage application for the USF system. Folder owners can share access to box drives with people inside and outside of the USF network. Please keep a careful eye on your Box drive members and keep members up to date semester by semester. Depending on your position you may be invited to several different box folders that keep important department information and documents. Please use caution when deleting/moving files from shared folders.
Microsoft Teams - USF utilizes Microsoft Teams as a phone and messaging app for all Faculty, Staff and 911±¬ÁÏÍø. More information is available from Innovative Education.
Copy Requests (Teaching): A 48-hour notice is required for teaching materials and exam copies. Copy requests should be dropped off in person, in the SCA 112 exam cabinet. 911±¬ÁÏÍø are unable to guarantee your copy request if the request is submitted with less than two business days to complete.
Copy Requests (Research): Copy requests for research related materials need to be done through Pro-Copy (http://www.pro-copy.com). Research-related copying is the faculty member's responsibility as the department does not have the resources to pay for these services.
Make-Up Exams should be proctored by the TA or instructor when possible. If the student, instructor, and TA are unable to find a time that works for all parties, please contact the IB Office. Office staff may be available to proctor make-up exams during normal office hours (8am-4pm) but require a 48-hour notice to ensure that someone is available. Office staff will have the student place their belongings in a cabinet and seat them at an empty table. Office staff may need to return to work while the student is taking the exam and are not responsible for any academic integrity issues.
A color printer and high-capacity black & white printer are available for faculty and staff use in SCA 112. Please contact Ben Peoples or Olivia McClamma for network addresses.
Maintenance Requests for facilities, equipment, or vehicles may be submitted on the Internal Forms webpage.
Equipment/ Furniture - Please note there is a process for taking university equipment off campus and for disposal. For Asset Management please contact Richard Romeo.
The USF Forest Preserve now requires a keycode for access – users are not required to check out a key from the IB office. FP Users must first receive approval from the FP advisory board. Please contact Nicole Brand for further information.
IB Vehicles may be used for teaching or research purposes. Users may register and reserve vehicles through Internal Forms webpage.
Recruitment - For information on hiring, please contact Olivia McClamma.