Karst Paleo-Research Group


Italics: student advised; * corresponding author

Onac, B.P., Polyak, V.J., Mitrovica, J.X., Ginés, J., Gràcia, F., Fornós, J.J., Ginés, A., Asmerom, Y. 2024: New evidence for human arrival in Mallorca prior to 6000 years ago. Communication Earth and Environment, 5: 457

Palma, V., De la Rosa, J.M., Onac, B.P., Sauro, F., Martínez-Frías, J., Caldeira, A.T., González-Pérez, J.A., Jimenez-Morillo, N.T., Miller, A.Z. 2024: Decoding organic compounds in lava tube sulfates to understand potential biomarkers in the Martian subsurface. Communication Earth and Environment, 5: 530

Forray, F.L., Dumitru, O.A., Atlas, Z.D., Onac, B.P.* 2024: Past anthropogenic impacts revealed by trace elements in cave guano. Chemosphere, 360: 142447.

Palma, V., González-Piementel, J.L., Jimenez-Morillo, N.T., Sauro, F., Gutiérrez-Patricio, S., De la Rosa, J.M., Tomasi, I., Massironi, M., Onac, B.P., Tiago, I., González-Pérez, J.A., Laiz, L., Caldeira, A.T., Cubero, B., Miller, A.: 2024. Connecting molecular biomarkers, mineralogical composition, and microbial diversity from Mars analog lava tubes. Science of the Total Environment, 913: 169583.

Loncar, N., Faivre, S., Miklavic, B., Onac, B.P., Polyak, V.J., Asmerom, Y.: Sea-level stability during the 3.2 ka event inferred from phreatic overgrowth on speleothems on eastern Adriatic coast of Croatia. Quaternary Research, 1-12, doi:10.1017/qua.2023.65

Drăgușin, V., Ersek, V., Fleitmann, D., Ionita, M., Onac, B.P.*: Winter hydroclimate contrasts between southern and northern Europe at ~5.2 ka. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 632: 111863.

Onac, B.P., Cleary, D.M., Dumitru, O.A., Polyak, V.J., Povara, I., Wynn, J.G., Asmerom, Y. 2023: Bladed stalactites: a new cryogenic speleothem subtype. International Journal of Speleology, 52(1): 1-8.

Cleary, M.D., Stepchinski, L., Bertetti, F.P., Nunu, R., Green, R.T., Onac, B.P*. 2022: Guano stable isotopic evidence of Anthropocene climate change influence on aridity and vegetation dynamics. Ecological Indicators, 145: 109710.

Onac, B.P., Mitrovica, J.X., Gines, J., Asmerom, Y., Polyak, V.J., Tuccimei, P., Fornos, J.J., Hoggard, M.J., Coulson, S., Ginés, A., Soligo, M., Villa, I.M. 2022: Exceptionally stable pre-industrial sea level inferred from the western Mediterranean Sea. Science Advances, 8: eabm6185 (cover article).

Dumitru, O.A., Polyak, V.J., Asmerom, Y., Onac, B.P. 2021: Last interglacial (sensu lato, ~130 to 75 ka) sea level history from cave deposits: a global standardized database. Earth System Science Data, 13: 2077-2094.

Titus, T.N., Wynne, J.J., Malaska, M.J. ….. Onac, B.P. et al. 2021. A roadmap for planetary caves science and exploration. Nature Astronomy, 5: 524-525.

Dumitru, O.A., Austermann, J., Polyak, V.J., Fornós, J.J., Asmerom, Y., Ginés, J., Ginés, A., Onac, B.P.* 2021: Sea-level stands from 911±¬ÁÏÍøstern Mediterranean over the past 6.5 million years. Scientific Reports, 11: 261; .

Lucia, G., Polyak, V.J., Ginés, J., Fornós, J.J., Ginés, A., Asmerom, Y., Onac, B.P.* 2021: Chronology of middle Pleistocene coastal karst evolution and relative sea-level changes in Mallorca. Journal of Coastal Research, 37 (2): 408-420.

Smith, M.E., Wynn, J.G., Scharping, R.J., Moore, E.W., Garey, J.R., Onac, B.P.* 2021: Source of saline groundwater on tidally influenced blue holes from San Salvador Island, Bahamas. Hydrogeology Journal, 29: 429-441,

Onac, B.P., van Beynen, P. 2021: Caves & Karst. In: Encyclopedia of Geology (2nd ed.), Alderton, D. & Elias, S. (eds.), vol. 6, Academic Press, London, p. 495-509

Onac, B.P., Baumann, S.M., Parmenter, D.S., 911±¬ÁÏÍøaver, E., Sava, T.B. 2020: Late Holocene droughts and cave ice harvesting by Ancestral Puebloans. Scientific Reports, 10: 20131,

Cleary, D.M., Onac, B.P. 2020: Using isotopic ratios in cave guano to assess past environmental changes. Geological Society, London, Special Publication, 507;

Davis, M.C., Messina, M.A., Nicolosi, G., Petralia, S., Baker, M.D., Mayne, C.K.S., Dinon, C.M., Moss, C.J., Onac, B.P., Garey, J.R. 2020: Surface runoff alters cave microbial community structure and function. PloS ONE 15 (5): e0232742;

Onac, B.P. 2019: Minerals in caves. In: Encyclopedia of Caves (3rd ed., White, W.B., Culver, D.C., Pipan, T., Eds.), Academic Press, New York, 699-709.

Dumitru, O.A., Austermann, J., Polyak, V.J., Fornos, J.J., Asmerom, Y., Gines, J., Gines, A., Onac, B.P.* 2019: . Nature, 574: 233-236

Polyak, V.J., Onac, B.P., Fornos, J.J., Asmerom, Y., Hay, C., Dorale, J.A., Gines, J. Tuccimei, P., Gines, A. 2018: Nature Geoscience, 11: 860-864; 

Cleary, D.M., Onac, B.P., Tantau, I., Wynn, J.G., Forray, F.L., Ionita, M., Tamas, T. 2018: A guano-derived d13C and d15N record of climate since the Medieval Warm Period in NW. Journal of Quaternary Science, 33 (6): 677-688.

Staubwasser, M., Dragusin, V., Onac, B.P., Assanov, S., Ersek, V., Hoffmann, D.L., Veres, D. 2018: PNAS,

Dumitru, O.A., Forray, F.L., Fornos, J.J., Ersek, V., Onac, B.P. 2017: An assessment of stable isotopes variability in precipitation, cave drip, and groundwater from Mallorca Island, 911±¬ÁÏÍøstern Mediterranean. Hydrological Processes, 31: 104-116; doi: 10.1002/hyp.10978

Cleary, D.M., Wynn, J.G., Ionita, M., Forray, F.L., Onac, B.P. 2017: E Scientific Reports, 7, 14095

Persoiu, A., Onac, B.P., Wynn, J.G. Blaauw, M., Ionita, M., Hansson, M. 2017: Scientific Reports, 7: 1196 DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-01397-w

Onac, B.P., Hutchison, S.M., Geanta, A., Forray, F.L., Wynn, J.G., Giurgiu, A.C., Coroiu, I. 2015: Quaternary Research, 83: 437-448; doi:

Onac, B.P., Forray, F.L., Wynn, J.G., Giurgiu, A.M. 2014: Environment Earth Sciences, 71 (9): 4061-4071;
DOI: 10.1007/s12665-013-2789-x

Onac, B.P., Effenberger, H.S., Wynn, J.G., Povara, I. 2013: . American Mineralogist, 98: 1302-1309.

Onac, B.P., Wynn, J.G., Sumrall, J. 2011: . Chemical Geology 288: 105-114; DOI: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2011.07.006

Dorale, J.A., Onac, B.P., Fornos, J.J., Gines, J., Gines, A., Tuccimei, P., Peate, D.W. 2010: Science, 327: 860-863.