Current Courses
911±¬ΑΟΝψ are encouraged to design their curricula around their chosen interests and scholarly goals. M.A. and Ph.D students compose a formal "plan of study," after one year of coursework, which must be approved by advisor(s), faculty supervisory committees, and the graduate director. This plan of study details the particular curriculum each student will accomplish, indicates which classes fulfill particular requirements, and charts a direction for scholarship.
The below list provides our anticipated graduate courses to help students and faculty construct plans of study.
911±¬ΑΟΝψ from outside the Communication Department who wish to take one of our graduate courses should contact the instructor via email for a permit.
This schedule is subject to changes and revisions. Some course titles may be altered when published.
Spring 2025 - View Course Descriptions
COM 6121 - Organizational Communication (Jensen)
COM 7345 - Critical Methods (Maldonado)
SPC 6934 - The Politics of Mental Health (Bartesaghi)
SPC 6934 - Applied Communication Research (Dean Kruzel)
SPC 6934 - Latinx & Popular Culture (Leon-Boys)
SPC 6934 - Family Communication (Pollino)
SPC 6934 - Communication, Media, & Democracy (Scacco)
Fall 2024 - View Course Descriptions
COM 6001: Theories and Histories of Communication (Berry & Buzzanell)
COM 6345: Contemporary Cultural Studies (Durham)
COM 7325: Quantitative Methods (Wilson)
SPC 6934: Power and Control in Organizations (Pal)
SPC 6934: Health Communication and Marginalization (Basu)
SPC 6934/ORI 4931: Performance and Video (Huber)
Spring 2024 - View Course Descriptions
COM 7325: Qualitative Methods (Bartesaghi)
SPC 6934: Communication and Identity (Berry)
SPC 6934: Applied Communication Research (Dean Kruzel)
SPC 6934: Latinx and Popular Culture (Leon-Boys)
SPC 6934: Communication, Technology, and Society (Li)
SPC 6934: Listening, Sound, and Performance (McRae)
Fall 2023 - View Course Descriptions
COM 6001: Theories and Histories of Communication (Pal & Scacco)
COM 7325: Critical Methods (Durham)
SPC 6391: Interpersonal Communication (Wilson)
COM 6025: Health Communication (Basu)
SPC 6934: Health, Illness, Narratives, and Performance (McElearney)
SPC 6934: Critical Ethnography (Huber)
Spring 2023 - View Course Descriptions
COM 7325: Computational Communication Research (Li)
SPC 6934: Communication and Resistance (Pal)
SPC 6934: Autoethnography (Berry)
SPC 6934: Critical Cultural Studies (Dubrofsky)
SPC 6934: Language, Mind, and Social Interaction (Bartesaghi)
ORI 6456: Performance Theory (McRae)
Past Courses
Fall 2022 - View Course Descriptions
COM 6001: Theories and Histories of Communication (Jorgenson & Wilson)
COM 7325: Qualitative Methods (Ivancic)
COM 7933 (Ph.D. Seminar): Black Feminism Now (Durham)
COM 7933 (Ph.D. Seminar): Content Analysis (Scacco)
SPC 6934: Careers (Buzzanell)
SPC 6934: Communication Pedagogy (Huber)
COM 6121: Organizational Communication (Pal)
Spring 2022
COM 7325 β Critical Methods: Textual Analysis (Dubrofsky)
SPC 6934 β Interpersonal Health Communication (Dean Kruzel)
SPC 6934 β Communication and Bullying (Berry)
COM 7933 β Latinxs and Popular Culture (Leon-Boys)
COM 7933 β The Communicative Performance of Resilience (Buzzanell)
Fall 2021
COM 6001 β Theories and Histories of Communication (Scacco and Pal)
COM 7325 β Quantitative Methods (Wilson)
COM 6025 β Health Communication (Basu)
SPC 6934 β Organizational Communication (Ivancic)
COM 7933 β Listening, Communication, and the Body (McRae)
COM 7933 β Critical Ethnography (Huber)
Spring 2021
COM 7325 β Qualitative Methods (Jorgenson)
COM 7933 β PhD Seminar: Materiality and Communication (Ivancic)
COM 7933 β PhD Seminar: Difficult Conversations (Wilson)
SPC 6934 β Race and Ethnicity in Communication (Durham)
SPC 6934 β Narrative Inquiry (Berry)
SPC 6934 β Power and Control in Organizations (Pal)
Fall 2020
COM 6001 β Theories and Histories of Communication (Roscoe & Basu)
COM 7325 β Critical Methods (Dubrofsky)
COM 7933 β PhD Seminar: Critical Pedagogy (Huber)
COM 7933 β PhD Seminar: Content Analysis (Scacco)
SPC 6934 β Communication and Identity (Berry)
SPC 6934 β Perspectives on the Changing Workplace: Negotiating Precarity and Possibility
Spring 2020 - View Course Descriptions
COM 7325 β Quantitative Methods (Scacco)
COM 7933 β Career Theory (Buzzanell)
COM 7933 β Communication and Design Thinking (Steier)
COM 6121 β Organizational Communication (Jorgenson)
SPC 6934 β Critical Approaches to Media Studies (Dubrofsky)
ORI 6506 β Performance Criticism (McRae)
Fall 2019
COM 6001 β Theories and Histories of Communication (Wilson and Pal)
COM 7325 β Qualitative Methods (Bartesaghi)
COM 7933 β Applied Communication (Dean Kruzel)
COM 7933 β Communication Ethics (Roscoe)
COM 6345 β Contemporary Cultural Studies (Durham)
SPC 6934 β Autoethnography (Berry)
SPC 6934 β Pedagogy and Performance (Huber)
Spring 2019
Critical Methods (Durham)
Postcolonial thoughts in Communication (Basu)
Framing and Sensemaking (Jorgenson)
Interpersonal Communication (Wilson)
Power and Control in Organizations (Pal)
Patient-Centered Communication (Dean Kruzel)
Fall 2018
Theories and Histories of Communication (Buzzanell and Dean-Kruzel)
Quantitative Methods (Scacco)
PhD Seminar: Autoethnography (Berry)
PhD Seminar: Critical Surveillance Studies (Dubrofsky)
Performance Theory (McRae)
Narrative Medicine (Roscoe)
Discourse Analysis (Bartesaghi)
Spring 2018
Qualitative Methods (Basu)
PhD Seminar: Reflexivity (Steier)
PhD Seminar: Listening, Communication, and the Body (McRae)
Critical Media Studies (Dubrofsky)
Career Theory and Strategies (Buzzanell)
Organizational Communication (Pal)
Interpersonal Communication (Berry)
Fall 2017
Theories and Histories of Communication (Jorgenson & Pal)
Critical Methods (Payne)
PhD Seminar: Lang/Mind/Social Interaction (Bartesaghi)
PhD Seminar: Autoethnography (Ellis)
Health Communication (Roscoe)
Race and Ethnicity in Communication (Durham)
Work, Identity and Org in Communication (Jorgenson)
Social Construction of Reality (Bochner)
Spring 2017
PhD Seminar: Ethics (Roscoe)
PhD Seminar: Framing and Sensemaking (Jorgenson)
Patient-Centered Communication and Professionalism (Dean Kruzel)
Communicating Illness, Grief, Loss (Ellis)
Performance as Cultural Study (McRae)
Critical Cultural Studies of Comm (Dubrofsky)
Fall 2016
Histories and Theories of Communication (Roscoe/McRae)
Qualitative Methods (Bartesaghi)
PhD Seminar: Resistance (Pal)
PhD Seminar: Afrofuturism (Durham)
Culture & Health Communication (Basu)
Narrative Inquiry (Bochner)
Interpersonal Communication (Berry)
Organizational Communication (Steier)
Spring 2016
Critical Methods (Payne)
PhD Seminar: Surveillance (Dubrofsky)
PhD Seminar: Queering Communication (Berry)
Performance Theory (McRae)
Working Life and Organizations (Jorgenson)
Health Communication (Dean Kruzel)
Communication Pedagogy (Huber)
Fall 2015
Histories and Theories of Communication (Jorgenson/Payne)
Organizational Communication (Pal)
Qualitative Methods of Comm Research (Basu)
Communication Systems Practice (Steier)
Critical Cultural Studies of Comm (Durham)
Doing Research w/ Discourse Analysis (Bartesaghi)
PhD Seminar: Radicalism & Critique (Khan)
PhD Seminar: Inquiries in Language and Social Interaction (Noy)
Spring 2015
PhD seminar: Autoethnography (Ellis)
PhD seminar: Communication and Community (Steier)
Critical Methods (Payne)
Critical Approaches to Media Studies (Dubrofsky)
Race and Ethnicity in Communication (Durham)
Communication at the End of Life (Roscoe)
Ethnography of Communication (Noy)
Fall 2014
PhD Seminar: Globalization (Basu)
PhD Seminar: Narrative (Bochner)
Theories and Histories of Communication (Roscoe and Khan)
Qualitative Methods (Bartesaghi)
Communicating Identity (Berry)
Power and Control in Organizations (Pal)
Race and Racism (James)
Performing Human Rights (Erincin)
Spring 2014
Emotions, Trauma, and Intimate Interviewing (Ellis)
Psychiatric Authority and the Politics of Mental Health (Bartesaghi) (counts as a
PhD seminar; open to MA students)
PhD seminar: Framing and Sensemaking (Jorgenson)
Communication in Close Relationships (Bochner)
Studies in Culture and Communication (Durham)
Kenneth Burke and Critical Thought (Payne)
Advanced Ethnography (Noy)
Performance Studies (McRae)