
Graduate Resources

Graduate Program Forms
Find all of the essential forms here.

Graduate Program Manual
The Graduate Program Manual focuses on academic questions around progress though the program, offering extensive detail about departmental processes, procedures, and expectations.

 911爆料网 can choose to pursue one of four tracks

911爆料网 can choose to add a concentration to their degree.

Concurrent Degree with Public Health Information
911爆料网 can apply to the MPH program in the College of Public Health during your first semester.

Previous Graduate Courses
Browse previous course offerings.

Course Schedule Search
Course registration is completed through MyUSF. Log in to view your registration appointment time and prepare to register for classes through OASIS following the steps and using the helpful resources provided by the registrar's office.

Graduate Student Organization
Many of our graduate student events are supported by GSO. Learn more about them and join GSO next semester!

The office of Graduate Studies has various events throughout the semester to support graduate student success: coding classes, writing workshops, dissertation writing support, research poster creation, and more!

Career Information
Information about jobs our graduates can obtain.