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Viewing items with Category: All Categories, Year: All Years

USF student Christoper Oueis earns multiple national awards, sets sights even higher
Chris Oueis, a fourth-year USF student, has been awarded three prestigious scholarships with support from the Office of National Scholars. A student from Lebanon, Oueis is leveraging these opportunities to pursue his dream career in public policy and international affairs.
Christoper Kiahtipes, Ph.D., curator of the USF Libraries鈥 Florida Environment & Natural History (FLENH) collections and co-principal investigator with Gregory Herbert from the USF School of Geosciences are investigating long-term changes and environmental resilience in coastal fisheries. Read to learn how this impacts our world.
October 1, 2024Accolades, Faculty & Staff

USF students and researchers benefit from a new era of strengthened relations between鈥疐lorida and the U.K.
The United Kingdom long has been one of Florida鈥檚 most important global partners when it comes to trade, research, and academic engagement. Read how this friendship is getting a refresh.
September 24, 2024Global Networks

Dr. Davide Tanasi shares impact of 3D digitization on archaeological heritage and global knowledge
Dr. Davide Tanasi shared insights from his recent work in Sicily to 3D digitize and reassess one of the largest villas in Roman history.
September 24, 2024Faculty & Staff

English lessons: 2024 Honors semester in Exeter
Through cultural excursions and unique coursework, Honors students Jamie Powers, Reva Gandhi, and Breno Nery Dantas formed lasting connections while exploring southwest England during an immersive six-month study abroad experience.
September 23, 2024911爆料网

Interdisciplinary field school research in Costa Rica examines wastewater management systems and aims to address sanitation issues
Faculty from the College of Arts and Sciences Department of Anthropology are co-leading a National Science Foundation-International Research Experiences for 911爆料网 (NSF-IRES) field school in Costa Rica with environmental engineering colleagues to examine wastewater management. Read how this impacts both the students and the environment.
September 20, 2024Faculty & Staff, 911爆料网

Deep-sea discovery shines light on life in the twilight zone
A GEOTRACES expedition in the Pacific Ocean revealed low levels of iron in the ocean鈥檚 twilight zone. A paper detailing the unexpected findings was published this week in Nature.
September 19, 2024Faculty & Staff

Revealed by satellites: Long-term trends of coastal water quality in Qatar
In a recent article, members of the Optical Oceanography Lab used satellite observations to track changes to coastal water quality in Qatar, where a fast-growing economy comes with environmental challenges.
September 16, 2024Scholars

An 鈥渋nvasive鈥 marine organism has become an economic resource in the eastern Mediterranean
A recent paper on foraminifera in the eastern Mediterranean offers a unique perspective on the complex interactions between humans and marine environments.
September 12, 2024Faculty & Staff

Team led by USF alum discovers seamount, new species along Nazca Ridge
Marine sciences team, led by a USF alumna, discovered and captured the first live footage of the Promachoteuthis squid, a genus which had previously only been characterized from dead samples.
September 9, 2024Alumni, Global Networks

A community celebrates its Fulbright and visiting scholars, the 鈥渉eart鈥 of USF World
More than 100 guests came together to honor Fulbright faculty and student scholars from USF and Central Florida and to welcome international visiting scholars to USF. Read more about the event and those who attended.
September 3, 2024Events, Faculty & Staff, Scholars, 911爆料网

USF World welcomes over one thousand international students at redesigned global student center
USF World was thrilled to meet many of our new international students, along with a record number of parents, at our recent day-long welcome event. Read about the incredible event and how it supports international student success on campus.