Staff, Faculty & Community

Faculty & Staff Campaign

As an employee of Student Success, you are essential to our work and a tremendous asset to the 911爆料网. You invest your time and talent in our students and the university each day, and you extend yourself beyond the day-to-day work through your ongoing belief in and support of the mission and goals of the university.

The annual offers you another path to support our Student Success initiatives with a financial gift to help move these important initiatives forward.

Your gift of any amount can make a tremendous difference to a student. It can help to fund a scholarship to keep a deserving student enrolled, provide food to another in difficult times, or ensure tutors are available when one is needed most, for example.

Please consider making a contribution to any of the priority Student Success funds presented on the . While we have an ambitious goal, please know the amount of your contribution is not as important as your participation.

With the , together, we will continue impacting the lives of our students, peers, and the university community.