Registered Student Organizations
Reservation Overview
- The Reservation Form must be completed and returned to Recreation & 911±¬ÁÏÍøllness at least twenty (20) days prior to the scheduled event.
- Events impacting other University entities must be submitted at least sixty (60) days in advance for University approval.
- Event space is on a first come, first serve basis.
- Registered Student Organizations reservations are subject to be canceled or relocated
due to USF or Non-USF event bookings.
- You will receive notification from Recreation & 911±¬ÁÏÍøllness of any modification to your reservation.
- Reservations are also subject to change due to any break week or holiday.
Reservation Process
- Event request forms are reviewed on a weekly basis.
- It may take five (5) to seven (7) business days to be reviewed and confirmed.
- Once your application has been received, our staff will take an initial review to ensure the request form meets all requirements and verify that the requested date and time are available.
- A meeting may be required between the event leaders and Recreation & 911±¬ÁÏÍøllness staff.
- Approval and confirmed reservation may be granted at this time.
- Once the initial review is completed, Recreation & 911±¬ÁÏÍøllness will provide you with
a cost estimate for your event.
- At this time, method of payment must be declared.
- Event charges are due thirty (30) days following the event.
- Event space is only confirmed once usge agreements are signed by both parties.
Spring 2022 submissions are NOW CLOSED
Summer 2022 submissions will open May 15 -
Fall 2022 submissions will open August 29 -
- Registered Student organizations shall not use their privileges for access to Recreation & 911±¬ÁÏÍøllness space and services inappropriately to "front" for a Non-USF group, USF Department, or commercial vendor in order to avoid or reduce expenses and/or provide access to campus for those entities.
- Registered Student organizations are not to reserve space for events in which they are not directly involved and present.
- All instances of "fronting" for other student organizations, off-campus groups, other USF Departments, or commercial vendors will result in an adjustment of all related fees to the non-university rate and may result in the loss of reservation privileges.
Food Policy
Indoor Reservations
- Food is not permitted inside of Recreation & 911±¬ÁÏÍøllness. Concession stands are approved
on a case by case basis.
- If food is approved, additional rental and direct costs associated with floor tarps will be incurred and added to the invoice.
- Groups that wish to have concession stands must run the stand themselves.
- Reservations that wish to have drinks sold are only permitted to sell drinks that are re-sealable.
Outdoor Reservations
- Food is permitted on a case by case basis.
- If you plan to have a food truck present at your event, you must fill out this link.
- This process needs to be approved through the University.
- If you have any questions about food on campus for your event, you should contact Savanna Newsom at newsom-savanna@aramark.com.
- To cancel an event, student groups must notify Sosie Kae Quarrie (sosoniaquarrie@usf.edu) at least 72 hours of before the start of an event.
- If a group does not cancel an event appropriately, the group will be billed for 50% of what the rental would have cost and full estimated direct costs. This will be sent to the group as an invoice with instructions on how to pay the associated costs.
- The organization will also lose their privileges for the specified term.
Reservation Guidelines
- The organization must be a recognized student organization in good standing by the University through the Center for Leadership and Civic Engagement (CLCE) and on BullsConnect.
- Registered student organizations are allowed one event each semester (Fall, Spring,
and Summer) without paying a facility rental fee.
- Additional events during the specified term will result in facility rental fees and operational costs.
- Registered student organizations may be charged fees for direct costs (facility staff, lifeguards, custodial, security, lights, field lining, additional restrooms, etc).
- Additional fees will be charged to the organization for damage to any university facilities directly relating to the event.
- Registered student organizations with delinquent charges will not be allowed to reserve facility space until that charge is paid in full.
- Registered student organizations are not allowed to make an on-going reservation on
the outdoor fields (i.e. Tuesdays at 8:00 pm).
- If you are interested in an activity that requires you to utilize the fields more than a single event, please contact the Sport Club Office and find out if you qualify as a sport club.
- On-going reservations for indoor facilities are reserved at the beginning of each semester after internal programming has been scheduled.
Contact Us
Sosie Kae Quarrie, Special Events Coordinator
Email: rec-reservations@usf.edu