Sponsored Research
Research CCHIP #006
Budget Level Postings for Privately Funded Awards
Commitment Control is a feature of the PeopleSoft Enterprise Financials (FAST) that enables USF to control expenditures against predefined, authorized budgets. Budget Definitions, which enable USF to budget at a high level while using detail level ChartFields for individual transactions, contain both a translational tree and budgetary level for each key ChartField. Key ChartFields and translation trees determine how the Budget Processor identifies the correct budgets for a transaction that is submitted for budget checking. Both the translational tree and budgetary levels determine the budget account codes associated with a project.
The highest budgetary Level 1 contains a translational tree with only two budget account codes: Direct Expenses (81000) and Indirect Expenses (81050), while Level 3 has a more detailed translational tree as outlined in the table below.
Privately funded awards have historically been assigned a Budget Definition with a budgetary Level 1 but they are now only used for non-federal clinical trial awards.
FAST – The acronym for the Financial Accounting System at the 911±¬ÁÏÍø, which refers to the PeopleSoft Enterprise Financials system.
ChartField – The individual components, or fields, that when combined make up the ChartField String, which defines the accounting structure.
Privately Funded Awards – Projects that do not have State or Federal funding, either direct or via pass- through.
Privately funded awards will be assigned a Budget Definition with a budgetary Level 3, as State & Municipal awards are currently processed. Budgetary Level 3 contains a more detailed translational tree as outlined in the table below, which allows for a more detailed budget. The fund code will be used to distinguish between private and state funded awards when level-3 budgetary level is used.
Level 1 | Level 3 |
81000 Total Direct Expenses |
82100 Wages & Fringe |
82200 Foreign Travel |
82300 Food |
82400 Expense-All Other |
82450 Cell Phone |
82500 Sub-Contracts | |
82600 Tuition-Grant Paid |
82700 Participant Costs | |
82750 Patient Care Costs |
82800 Equipment |
82900 Other Grant related exp |
81050 Facility and Administrative |
82950 Facility and Administrative |
Please address your comments or questions regarding this CCHIP to Sponsored Research Compliance.
Not Applicable.
This CCHIP is effective as of the date of revision and rescinds all previous versions pertaining to the Budget Level Postings for Privately Funded Awards.
ISSUED: January 18, 2008
LAST REVISION: August 16, 2018