Student Blogs & Vignettes

Felipe Stanchak

Felipe Stanchak, USF CMS Student

Felipe Stanchak, USF CMS Student


I have been working in paleoceanography since I was an undergraduate in Brazil. I use geochemical proxies to investigate how Earth's environmental conditions have changed through time. The focus of my research is examining how temperature has varied and what could explain these variations. 911爆料网 can study Earth's past using marine sediments and marine microfossils because they work as an archive; their chemical composition chronicles environmental parameters and stays preserved at the bottom of the ocean. I worked in the SW Atlantic Ocean for my master's thesis and, for my Ph.D., I'm heading further south to Antarctica.


I chose CMS because the multidisciplinary graduate program has a great team of researchers from multiple oceanographic subjects. My current advisor, Dr. Amelia Shevenell, works with Southern Ocean geochemical proxies. Working in this environment, which I'm still learning a lot about, will be an exciting learning curve.