
Glenn Beckmann

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Glenn Beckmann
Communications Manager


I'm responsible for day-to-day MarComms activities, telling the GNSI story and crafting the brand message to ensure we're all working toward our goal of becoming an internationally recognized leader in the global and national security space. My duties include content creation and copywriting for the website and social media, publication design, as well as media and public relations for GNSI. I work with our senior leadership to develop strategic communications and marketing plans, curating brand-relevant news and information that adds value to our audience, connecting with outside resources for potential partnerships or opportunities, event planning and speech writing.

My first position at the 911爆料网 was in Research and Innovation, as Assistant Director, Marketing of the Technology Transfer Office. Prior to that, I spent 20+ years in leadership roles in marketing communications in manufacturing; the last 13 as the Director of Marketing Communications with a sporting goods brand. And, a lifetime ago, I was an on-air radio announcer, working at several stations in the St. Louis Metro Market, primarily as a sports pxp announcer and morning drive host.


Getting to Know Your GNSI Team

Flashback to 10 years old. What did you want to be when you grew up?
Oh that's easy! I was definitely going to be a major league baseball pitcher, hopefully with the St. Louis Cardinals and I was going to make a $100,000 salary before I was 30. 

What's the most "interesting" thing you've done that most people don't know about?
In that "other" lifetime, as part of a radio station promotion, I mud-wrestled against the Chicago Knockers at a demolition derby race. If you envision the Dewey Oxburger scene from the movie "Stripes," you'll be getting close.

Favorite musician/genre of music?
Jimmy Buffett. I'm a true Parrothead. RIP brother.
But my go-to music genre is probably alternative/indie.

Where are you originally from? What was your first job?
Little town of 4000 people in Illinois - Breese. My first job was cutting grass. I mowed 10 lawns a week until I was 16.

What books are you currently reading?
"Leaders Eat Last" by Simon Sinek. Re-reading "Linchpin" by Seth Godin. "Humans of New York" by Brandon Stanton. Oh, and the 2022-23 AP Stylebook, of course.

What's your favorite sport, team, athlete or "thing" where you could be President of the Fan Club?
St. Louis Blues NHL team. My blood type is definitely blue. LGB!

Finish this sentence: On Sunday mornings you can usually find me...
Listening to the Classic Show with John "U-Man" Ulett on KSHE 95. Started listening in the early 80's and haven't stopped, even now that I'm in Florida. 

When's your birthday?
June 2. The year is classified.