College of Engineering News Room
Faculty Experts
Areas of Expertise | Faculty | More Information |
Surface Forces and Chemical Characterization, Micellar Surfactants, Nanoparticles, and Organic/Inorganic Thin Films |
Professor |
Biosensors, Plasmonics, Computational Catalysis |
Professor |
Solution Thermodynamics, Phase Equilibria, Environmental Monitoring and Modeling, Semiconductors Processing |
Correlates of Auditory Perception, Auditory Perception of the Pathological Voice, Models of Auditory Processing |
Interdisciplinary Professor |
Development of Bio-therapeutic Systems, Devices and Compounds for Treating Sensory Deficits; Emphasis on Bench-to-Bedside Investigations of the Auditory System, and Translational Research on Deafness and Other Neuroengineering Applications. |
Interdiscilinary Professor
Materials, Tissue Engineering, Mechanotransduction |
Interdisciplinary Professor
Material Science, Biomedical Systems, Electrochemotherapy, Electrogenetherapy, Instrumentation, Engineering Education, and Drug delivery |
Metabolic Engineering, Biorefining and Biofuels |
813.974.1223 |
Energy Conversion, Solar Energy, Hydrogen Energy and Fuel Cells, Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer, HVAC and Indoor Air Quality |
Distinguished University Professor |
Interfacial Phenomena, Polymeric Materials, Organic – Inorganic Composites, Self – Assembled Systems, Molecular Recognition, Nanoscale/Smart Materials |
Professor |
Polymer ultra-thin films and advanced membranes, Advanced materials and processes for semiconductor patterning, novel routes to manufacturing graphene and graphene devices |
Professor |
Drug and Gene Delivery, Electrofusion, Biomedical Instrumentation, Electrophoresis |
Interdisciplinary Associate Professor |
Modeling, Simulation and Control, Multi – Scale Modeling of Systems, Clean Liquid
Fuels from Biomass, Fischer – Tropsch Synthesis |
Tissue Engineering & Regenerative Medicine, Microscale Technologies, Biomaterials, Nanomedicine |
Associate Professor
Heterogeneous Catalysis, Materials Chemistry, Electro – Catalysis, Engineering Education, Renewable Energy |
John N. Kuhn
Biomechanics, Prosthetic Design, Creative Processes, Education |
Professor |
Vision Systems, Neural Signal Processing, Computational Modeling, Retinal Physiology and Disease |
Interdisciplinary Professor |
Nano-photonic chips for Biomedicine |
Associate Professor |
Polymers, Molecular Simulations, Dynamics of Glassy Systems |
Associate Professor |
Immunotherapy, Protein Engineering, Cell Engineering, Biomolecular Engineering, High-Throughput Screening Techniques |
Assistant Professor |
Systems Engineering, Supercritical Fluid Technology, Green Engineering, Product and Process Design |
Professor |
Responsive Polymers, Hydrogels |
Professor |
Neural Bases of Age – Related Hearing Loss, Brain Plasticity Following Injury, Neural Coding of Complex Sounds |
Interdisciplinary Professor |
Areas of Expertise | Faculty | More Information |
Airport Leadership, Transportation Research Dissemination, Volunteer Transportation Services, Strategic Planning, Organizational Governance |
727.415.9668 |
Maintenance Management and Analysis, Maintenance Training and Curriculum Development Trend Analysis, Fleet Performance Measurement and Analysis, Preventive Maintenance Planning and Development |
813.974.6693 |
Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety, Social Marketing, Transportation Demand Management |
813.974.9799 |
Transportation Safety, Transit Safety, Transportation Statistical Data Analysis, Transportation Trends and Conditions, Mobility Policy Research |
813.974.9771 |
Pedestrian, Bicyclist and Driver Safety Education, Safe Routes to School, Community Outreach, Policy Analysis |
813.974.6065 |
Naturalistic Driving Studies, Pedestrian & Bicycle Safety, Behavioral Analysis, Controlled Driving Tests, Intelligent Transportation Systems |
813.974.8073 |
Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs), Metropolitan Transportation Planning, Transportation Policy, Transportation Planning, Public Involvement in Transportation |
813.974.1397 |
Traffic Safety, Traffic Engineering and Operations, Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety, Wrong-way Driving Prevention, Congestion Management, Incident Management, Traffic Signal Operations, Traffic Studies |
813.974.4910 |
Bus Rapid Transit, Bus Safety, Vehicle Assist and Automation Technology in Transit |
813.974.5113 |
Sustainable Transportation, Sustainable Transportation Policy, Alternative Fuels, Department of Energy Clean Cities |
813.974.1885 |
Transit Operations Management, Risk and Safety Management, Americans with Disabilities Act, Continuity of Operations Planning, Data Collection and Analysis |
813.974.1446 |
Roadway Access Management, Complete Streets, Metropolitan Transportation Planning, Multimodal Planning, Sustainable Transportation and Development |
813.974.9807 |
Areas of Expertise | Faculty | More Information |
Corrosion Diagnosis and Control, Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy, Multi-Physics Modeling |
Assistant Professor |
Drinking water quality and treatment, sustainable potable water provisions, US and international water quality regulation, community support of drinking water technology and utilities |
Assistant Professor
Water Resources Management in Large River Basins; Ecohydrology of 911±¬ÁÏÍøtlands; Ecological Engineering; Hydropower and Environmental Flows |
Assitant Professor |
Clean-up of Contaminated Water and Soil, Climate Change, Environmental Engineering, Water Pollution, Water Treatment |
Associate Professor |
Environmental Engineering, Biological Treatment Processes, Biological Nutrient Removal, Anaerobic Digestion, Biological Waste to Energy Technologies, Wastewater Treatment, Sustainable Aquaculture Technologies, Low Impact Development Technologies for Stormwater Management, Onsite Wastewater Nutrient Removal |
Professor |
Geotechnical Engineering, Highway Pavement Engineering, Numerical Methods in Civil Engineering, Probabilistic Methods in Civil Engineering, Seepage and Subsurface Drainage |
Professor and Chair |
Research Areas: Connected automated traffic analysis and control, Sustainable infrastructure systems design, Sensor networks |
Associate Professor, Susan A. Bracken Faculty Fellow
Program Director, ITS, Traffic Operations and Safety, Center for Urban Transportation Research | Pei-Sung Lin
Pavement engineering, Asphalt mix design, Pavement management system, Transportation infrastructure management, Steel bridge deck surfacing |
Associate Professor
tatistical & econometric methods, Highway safety, Transportation economics, Automobile demand, Travel behavior |
Professor and Associate Dean for Research
Travel Behavior, Travel Demand Forecasting, Choice Modeling, Modeling Social Interactions, Emerging Transportation Technologies, Sustainable Transportation, Travel Survey Methods |
Assistant Professor |
Director, National Center for Reinventing Aging Infrastructure for Nutrient Management Research Areas: Sustainability, Impact of anthropogenic stressors on water resources, Water supply, Water reuse, Nutrient management, Water/sanitation/hygiene (WASH) in the developing world, Engineering |
James R. Mihelcic
Samuel L. and Julia M. Flom Endowed Professor |
Foundation Load Testing, Foundation Rehabilitation, Structural/Geotechnical Instrumentation, Quality Assurance of Drilled Shafts, Post Grouted Drilled Shaft Design/Construction | Gray Mullins
Professor |
Hydraulics & Water Supply Systems, Soil & Ecosystem Hydrology, Flow & Contaminant Transport in Porous Media, Stochastic Hydrology |
Professor |
Water Resources, Hydraulic & Water Quality Modeling, GIS in Hydrology, Development of Lake & Estuary Water Quality Management Models & Estuary Sediment Dynamics |
Professor |
Computational Mechanics, Numerical Analysis, Composite Materials, Computational Engineering |
Associate Professor |
Air Pollution, Atmospheric Chemistry, Environmental Computational Modeling, Urban Design & Human Exposure to Transportation Emissions |
Associate Professor |
Numerical Simulations of Turbulent Flows; Vertical Turbulent Mixing in the Upper Ocean and Coastal Shelves; Mixing/hydraulic Efficiency of Water and Wastewater Treatment Systems; Finite Element, Finite Difference and Spectral Methods for Fluids; Parallel Computing |
Associate Professor |
Sustainability, Water Quality, Ecotourism & Small Scale Mining Impacts on Sustainable Livelihoods, Climate Change, Environmental Engineering Education in Formal & Informal Settings in the U.S. and in Developing Countries |
Professor |
Water Purification, Wastewater Resource Recovery and Life Support in Challenging, Off-Grid and Remote Environments; Autonomous, Self-powered Water Machines; Anaerobic and Phototrophic Membrane Bioreactors; Food-to-food (F2f) Biorecycling; Innovations at Water-energy-food Nexus |
Professor |
Cementitious Systems, Construction Materials Durability |
Professor |
Green Engineering, Sustainability, Life Cycle Assessment, Water-Energy Nexus, Coupled Nature-Human System Modeling, Environmental Fate & Transport Modeling, Water Supply & Treatment, Engineering Education |
Associate Professor and Vasant Surti Faculty Fellow |
Research Areas: Transportation systems modeling & analysis, Air traffic management & performance evaluation, Sustainable transportation, Energy & Environment, Autonomous systems, Logistics & freight transportation, Transportation safety |
Associate Professor |
Areas of Expertise | Faculty | More Information |
Brain-Computer Interfaces, Human-Computer Interaction, Human-Drone Interaction, Quantified-Self, Affective Computing |
813.974-8421 |
website |
Computer Vision, Biometrics, Affective Computing, HCI, Image Processing |
813.974.3137 |
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Socio-Technical Systems, Cyber Security, Smart Health, Cyber-Physical Systems, Mobile Computing |
813.974.1379 |
website |
Performance Evaluation of Computer Networks; High-Speed Packet Switch Architectures; Energy-Efficient Networks (Green Networks) |
813.974.4761 |
website |
Computational Social Science; Network Science; Data Science |
813.976.9349 |
website |
Evolutionary Algorithms; Computing Education Research; Computer Assisted Learning; Intelligent Tutoring Systems |
813.974.2932 |
website |
Medical Image Analysis; Image and Video Processing; Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition; Ethics and Computing; Bioinformatics and Bioengineering |
813.974.4055 |
website |
Data Mining, Clustering, Machine Learning, Medical Image Understanding, Fuzzy Sets in Intelligent Systems |
813.974.4195 |
website |
Distributed Systems; Computational Sociology |
813.974.5357 |
website |
Hardware Security, Internet-of-Things (IoT), Biomedical Implants, Reconfigurable Computing / Field Programmable Gate Arrays |
813-974-4148 |
website |
Computational imaging; PDE-constrained inverse problems; Computational sensing; Sampling theory and applications |
Assistant Professor
Embedded System Design, Smart Transportation, Smart Health Hardware Security, VLSI Chip Design Automation |
813.974.5737 |
Ubiquitous Sensing; Computer Networks |
813.974.3260 |
website |
Artificial Intelligence |
813.974.6212 |
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Runtime Security Mechanisms; Authentication; Policy Composition; Injection Attacks;
Enforceability Theory; Type Systems; Subtyping; |
813.974.0908 |
website |
Network Security; Wireless Technologies |
813.974.1079 |
website |
Fault Diagnosis and Tolerance in Cryptography; Cryptographic Engineering; Computer Arithmetic |
813.974.2671 |
website |
Scalable Biometrics; Mobile Biometrics; Computer Vision; Authorship Attribution; Human-centered Authentication; Soft Biometric Classification; Emotion Recognition |
813.485.4384 |
website |
Cyber Security; Cyber Physical Systems; Programming Languages; Cloud Computing; Human Aspects of Computing |
813.974.4522 |
website |
Artificial Intelligence; Neural Networks; Genetic Algorithms |
website |
Computer-aided Design; Geometric Modeling; Computer Graphics and Analysis; Design of Geometric Algorithms |
813.974.5234 |
website |
Data Visualization; Computer Graphics; Human Computer Interaction; Visual Literacy Education; Computing Entrepreneurship |
813.974.2282 |
website |
Computer Vision, Image Analysis, Video Analytics and Processing, Biometrics, Pattern Recognition |
813.974.2308 |
Intelligent Systems, Robotics, Cyber Physical Systems, Virtual Reality, Computer Vision, Medical Image Processing |
813.974.7508 |
website |
Database Systems, Big Data Management, Scientific Data Processing, Parallel Computing, GPU Computing |
813.974.2114 |
website |
Robotics, Computational Neuroscience |
813.974.4905 |
website |
Applied Cryptography; Privacy Enhancing Technologies; Light-911±¬ÁÏÍøight Cryptography; Cybersecurity for Critical Cyber Infrastructures [E.g., Internet-of-Things (IoT) and Cloud Systems]; Network Security |
813.974.0419 |
website |
Hardware/Software Testing and Verification; Embedded Systems; Computer Architecture; VLSI Design; Electronic Design Automation |
813.974.4757 |
website |
Areas of Expertise | Faculty | More Information |
Wireless Communications, Cognitive Radio, Digital Communications |
Professor |
Nano-Computing; Emerging Computing Frameworks; Nature and Physics-Inspired Computing; Security and Authentication of Emerging Systems. |
Professor and Associate Dean for Academics and Student Affairs |
Systems Theory, Guidance and Control of Aerospace Vehicles, Navigation and Estimation Theory, Advanced Navigation Algorithm Development with Fast-to-Flight Characteristics, Integrated Navigation and Guidance for Planetary Precision Landing, Small Satellites and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles |
Professor and Dean |
Computer and Wireless Networking Systems, Program Analysis for Cybersecurity and Privacy-Preserving Internet Computation; Energy-Aware Mobile and Cloud Systems; Energy-Efficient Wireless Networks |
Professor |
Wireless Networks, Vehicular Communication, Internet-of-Things (IoT), Cybersecurity, Big Data Analytics |
Professor |
Radio Frequency and Microwave Measurements and Modeling, Millimeter-Wave Device Characterization and Modeling, RF and Microwave Circuit Design, RF and Microwave System Design, Wireless Circuits and Systems |
Professor |
Renewable Energy Source Grid Integration, Modeling and Control of Energy Systems, Large-scale Power System Planning and Operation |
Professor |
Photovoltaics Electro-Optics (Opto Electronics) Electronics; Semiconductors Solar Cells; Electronic Materials |
Professor and Chair |
Cyber Infrastructure Design, Networking, Disaster Recovery, Cloud Computing, Cyber-Physical Systems (Integrated Power Grids) |
Professor |
Afterglow Chemical Processing of Materials for Electronics, Sensor, and Mems Applications; Oxide Formation on Si & Sic, Diamond Processing, Surface Conditioning, Noncontact Corona Kelvin Metrology of Electronic Materials; Dielectrics, Sic, Corona Ion-Assisted Delivery of Drugs and Dna to Skin and Tissue, Noncontact Voltage and Corona Characterization of Cells and Tissue, Contamination Monitoring and Control in IC Manufacturing, Microsystem and Mems Fabrication, Integrated Circuit Manufacturing and In-Line Testing, and Workforce Development and Training for Technology Professionals |
Professor |
Biomedical Systems, Biomedical Imaging and Biomedical Image Processing, Communication Systems and Networks, Digital Image and Video Processing, VLSI implementations; System On a Chip (Bio-Sensing, DNA Microarrays, Opto-Electronics, MEMS, Digital, Analog), and 3-D SOCs |
Dinstinguished University Professor |
Network Science, Cyber Security, Data Analytics, Wireless and Mobile Communication Networking, and Cyber-Physical Systems |
Assistant Professor |
Smart Grid Automation, Electric Power System Modeling and Simulation, Microgrid Technologies to Integrate Renewable Energy and Energy Storage, and Power Market |
Associate Professor |
Solar Energy, Photovoltaics, Electronic Materials, Thin-film Technology, Solar Cells, LED's, Vacuum Deposition Technologies |
Professor |
Energy, Power Electronics, Controls Option Supervisor, System Integration for Industrial Applications, Industrial Controls & Instrumentation, Robotics, Digital Signal Processing, Reconfigurable Architectures, Analog-Digital Mixed Signal Design & Synthesis, Communications and Biomedical Engineering, Electronic Circuitry Interconnects and Test Validation of VLSI Fault Tolerant Designs, Laser Restructuring for Quick Prototyping of Electronic Circuits; Laser Machining and Multimedia & Instructional Technologies Solutions for Engineering Education including Distance Learning |
Professor |
Intrusion Detection System Design for Fixed & Wireless High-Value Networks, High-Density, High-Capacity Living Network Architectures, Cybersecurity, BioEngineering, Expert Witness/Expert Consultant – Electrical Engineering & Bioengineering |
Professor |
Electromagnetic Theory, Computational Electromagnetics, THZ Imaging Systems, Metamaterials and Their Applications to Small Directive Radiators and Printed Miniature Antennas |
Associate Professor |
Network Science, Stochastic Processes, System Modeling, Network Mining, Network Analytics,
Machine Learning, Prediction Models With Applications in Communication Networks, Cyber-Physical-Human Systems, Smart Grids, and Their Reliability, Security and Performance Evaluation |
Assistant Professor |
Novel Biomedical Instrumentation and Imaging Techniques With Optics, Bedside Diagnoses/Monitoring of Brain Injuries (E.g., Strokes, Traumatic Brain Injury), Intraoperative Imaging, and Critical Care Monitoring |
Assistant Professor |
Silicon Carbide Growth, Semiconductor Technology, Neural Implants, Glucose Sensors, Blood Pressure Sensors |
Professor |
Wireless Communications, Networking, Signal Processing, Resource and Mobility Managements of Wireless Cellular, Ad-Hoc, and Sensor Networks, Energy-efficient Protocol Design, Cross-layer Optimization, Feature Extraction, Coding, and Recognition to Machine Learning Applied to Speech, Biomedical and Other Signals and in Integrating Intelligent Techniques, Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic in the Simulation, Modeling, and Design of High Performance and Robust Systems, 911±¬ÁÏÍøarable Sensors and Health Care Technologies |
Professor |
Spray-Based Deposition of Macro-Molecular Thin Films and Interfaces, Photoemission Spectroscopy on Organic Semiconductor/Bio-Materials Interfaces, Work Function Measurements, Directed Assembly of Macromolecular Materials, Biosensors, Thin Film Photovoltaics, and Electronic Structure and Growth Phenomena of Atomic Layer Deposition Thin Films |
Professor |
Renewable Energy, Solar Energy, Thermal Energy Storage, Electrical Energy Storage, Smart Materials/Devices |
Professor |
Renewable Energy, Bio/Organic Solar Cells, Emerging Materials |
813.974.1121 |
Advanced Materials for Applications in Alternative Energy Sources, Sustainable Environments,
and Bio-Applications for Nano-Electro Mechanical System (NEMS) Devices, Nanowires and Nanoparticles, Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) Growth Nucleation, Film Characterization, Device Fabrication of III-V and II-IV Materials |
Sylvia Thomas Associate Professor 813.974.4011 |
Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID), Internet-of-Things (IoT), Machine Learning, Data Analytics, Signal Processing |
Associate Professor |
Nano/Microfabrication, Nanomaterials, RF MEMS Devices, on-chip Power Generation, Microfluidics, MEMS Transducers, RF Integrated Circuit, Wide Bandgap Materials, Polymer Nanocomposite and Responsive Polymers |
Professor |
Machine Learning and Statistical Signal Processing With Applications in Cybersecurity,
Big Data Analytics, IoT Networks, Social and Environmental Systems, Cyber-Physical Systems, Smart Grid, Smart City, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Autonomous Driving, and Wireless Communications |
Assistant Professor |
Areas of Expertise | Faculty | More Information |
Multi-Objective Optimization, Operations Research, Integer Programming |
Assistant Professor |
Health Care Systems Engineering, Applied Probability and Statistics |
Assistant Professor |
System Performance Optimization, Carbon Emissions Control for Electric Power Networks, Smartgrid and Microgrid Modeling and Design, Influenza Pandemic Outbreak Mitigation, Breast Cancer Detection and Intervention Strategies |
Professor and Chair |
Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Data Mining, Image Processing, Computational Geometry |
Associate Professor |
Bayesian Data Analytics, Data Mining, System Informatics |
Assistant Professor |
Lean Six Sigma, Collaborative Networks, Supply Chain |
Associate Professor |
Design of Resilient Cyber-Physical Systems, Decision Support for Influenza Pandemics |
Associate Professor |
Research Interests: Cybersecurity Analytics, Deep Reinforcement Learning, Adversarial Machine Learning, Combinatorial Optimization, Stochastic Dynamic Programming |
Assistant Professor |
Applied O.R., Computer Numeric Methods, Scheduling |
Associate Professor |
Health and Engineering Systems Modeling, Analytics Applications, Engineering Education |
Associate Professor |
Healthcare Systems Engineering, Economic and Cost Systems, Manufacturing and R&D strategy |
Professor and Executive Associate Dean |
Transportation Systems Analysis, Service Operations, Risk Management |
Changhyun Kwon |
Areas of Expertise | Faculty | More Information |
ehabilitation Engineering, Prosthetics |
Research Professor |
Manufacturing; Smart and Sustainable Systems; Data-Driven Modeling |
Assistant Professor
Applied Biomechanics, Rehabilitation Engineering, Prosthetics |
Assistant Research Professor |
Rehabilitation Robotics; Prosthetics and Orthotics, Dynamic Systems and Controls |
Professor and Chair |
Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering |
Associate Professor |
Acoustics, Microfluidics, Fluid Mechanics, Sensors, Transducers |
Associate Professor |
Vibrations, Friction, Fasteners |
Professor |
Engineering Education Online Education, Flipped Classrooms, Higher Education Access, Learning Sciences |
Professor |
Nanomaterials, Microelectronics, Thin Film Technology |
Professor |
Compliant Mechanisms and Biomechanics |
Associat Professor |
Fluid Mechanics, Animal Biomechanics, Oil Spills |
Assistant Professor |
Computational Fluid Dynamics and Cardiovascular Biomechanics |
Assistant Professor |
Haptics, Robotics, Rehabilitation, Gait Correction, Biomechanics |
Associate Professor |
Thin Films Adhesion and Mechanical Properties, Materials, Characterization, |
Associate Professor |
Nano-Science and |
Assistant Professor |
Energy Systems Design, Bionomic Engineering |
Associate Professor |
Guidance and Control of Ground and Aerial Autonomous Vehicles, Distributed Estimation and Control of Networked Multiagent Systems (Swarms), Resilient and Secure Robotics, Human-In-The-Loop Systems, and Cyber-Physical Systems, Large-Scale, Modular, Complex Systems Analysis and Control |
Associate Professor |
Energy Management Technologies and Smart Health Improvement Systems |
Assistant Professor |
Areas of Expertise | Faculty | More Information |
Neuroengineering, Sensory Systems, Biomedical Engineering, Aging Neuroscience, Drug Development |
Investigate the molecular mechanism of age-related hearing loss and especially characterize the role of autophagy, a highly conserved cellular process, in the auditory system with aging. |
Research Assistant Professor |
Nucleic acid electrotransfer, Non-viral gene therapies, Pattern recognition receptors |
Major focus is to develop effective drug and gene delivery. The emphasis is on translational studies that include the development and testing of new protocols or devices that can be utilized for potential therapies for cancer, wound healing, metabolic disorders and vascular diseases (peripheral and coronary ischemia) as well as vaccine and immunotherapy protocols. |
Professor |
Drug and Gene Delivery, Electrofusion, Biomedical Instrumentation, Electrophoresis |
Associate Professor |
Diffuse optical tomography (DOT), photoacoustic tomography (PAT), fluorescence molecular tomography (FMT), and bioluminescence tomography (BLT) |
Professor |
Vision Systems, Neural Signal Processing, Computational Modeling, Retinal Physiology and Disease |
Professor |
Cancer immunotherapy |
Research Assistant Professor |
Research in the Spirou laboratory is focused on formation of neural circuits in early development and on construction of connectomes, or neural wiring diagrams, at nanoscale resolution. The generation of large image volumes for this work necessitated development of tools to understand these complex data sets. Leveraging long-standing interest in 3D reconstruction of brain structure, he and collaborators joined the revolution in immersive virtual reality to develop software for viewing, annotating and analyzing images. Their software, called syGlass, is marketed by their company, IstoVisio, Inc., which began operation in summer, 2017. |
Professor |
Optical-based imaging technologies for in vivo visualization of tissue at both the macroscopic and microscopic scales |
Research Faculty |