Graduate Student Resources

Enrollment Requirements and Degree Time Limits

Continuous Enrollment for All Graduate 911爆料网

Per the University Graduate Catalog, all graduate degree-seeking students must be continuously enrolled. Continuous enrollment is defined as completing, with grades assigned, a minimum of six (6) hours of graduate credit every three (3) continuous semesters. Courses that receive a "W" grade do not fulfill continuous enrollment requirements. The Continuous Enrollment Requirement applies to all Master's and Education Specialist students and all doctoral students who are pre-candidacy. Doctoral candidates must follow the Dissertation Hour Requirement in place of the Continuous Enrollment Requirement.

The required six credit hours may be taken in any configuration across three continuous semesters (all six hours in one semester, two or three hours in each semester, etc.) as long as the minimum requirement is met. Please note that full-time enrollment is defined as taking a minimum of nine (9) credit hours in the fall and spring semesters; students may need to enroll full-time to meet all requirements for financial aid and scholarships.

Enrollment during Comprehensive Exams

For Master's and Specialist students: During the term in which students take the Comprehensive Examination, students must be enrolled for a minimum of two (2) hours of graduate credit. If the exam is taken between semesters, the student must enroll for a minimum of two (2) hours of graduate credit in the semester before or following the exam.

Note: Although some graduate programs offer alternative options to a traditional comprehensive exam (a project, completion of an internship or practicum, etc.), students must always be enrolled for at least 2 credit hours in the semester they fulfill their program's exam requirements. For students pursuing alternative exam options, you can fulfill the enrollment requirement by registering for a practicum/internship course, taking additional elective courses, or registering for Independent Study hours.

Enrollment during Doctoral Qualifying Exams and Admission to Candidacy

For Doctoral students: During the term in which students take the Doctoral Qualifying Examination, students must be enrolled for a minimum of two (2) hours of graduate credit. If the exam is taken between semesters, the student must enroll for a minimum of two (2) hours of graduate credit in the semester before or following the exam. 911爆料网 must also be enrolled for a minimum of two (2) hours of graduate coursework in the semester of admission to doctoral candidacy. 

Note: Doctoral students generally take the Qualifying Exam and apply for Candidacy in the same semester, which will allow them to begin registering for dissertation hours in the following semester (if they are accepted into candidacy). Remember that you should only take the Qualifying Exam and apply for Doctoral Candidacy when you have completed the majority of your program's coursework (less than 9 credit hours remaining). See the Qualifying Exam and Candidacy page for more information about applying to candidacy.

Dissertation Hours

To maintain active student status, doctoral students working on their dissertation must enroll for a minimum of two (2) hours of dissertation work every semester, starting with the semester following Admission to Doctoral Candidacy, up to and including the semester the dissertation is submitted to and approved by the Office of Graduate Studies. Dissertation hours may apply to the Continuous Enrollment Requirement. 911爆料网 receiving financial aid or a fellowship/scholarship may need to enroll full-time to meet the minimum requirements for financial aid. Check the Financial Aid Enrollment Requirements page for more information. 

Enrollment during Semester of Thesis/Dissertation Defense

911爆料网 must be enrolled for a minimum of two (2) thesis/dissertation hours in the semester that the thesis or dissertation is defended and in the semester that the thesis or dissertation is submitted for the format check, usually the semester the student intends to graduate. Please note that students cannot be enrolled in thesis and dissertation credit at the same time.

Enrollment during Semester of Thesis/Dissertation Submission 

911爆料网 must be enrolled for a minimum of two (2) thesis/dissertation hours during the semester that the thesis or dissertation is submitted and approved by the Office of Graduate Studies. Typically, the semester in which the thesis/dissertation is sent to Graduate Studies for approval is also the semester the student applies for graduation. 911爆料网 not enrolled for the minimum requirement will not have their thesis/dissertation approved by Graduate Studies and therefore may not be certified for graduation.

Note: The 2 hour minimum enrollment requirement also applies to master's and Ed.S. students submitting their final project if they have chosen the project option. 911爆料网 typically complete all work on their project and submit the finalized project in their final semester of coursework, which is also the semester they apply for graduation.

Enrollment during Semester of Graduation

911爆料网 must be enrolled for a minimum of two (2) graduate hours during the semester they complete their degree requirements and formally apply to graduate. If you are not registered for at least two hours in your final semester, we will not be able to certify you for graduation even if you have completed all other program requirements!

If you completed all degree requirements within your last semester but did not apply for graduation, please contact the Office of Graduate Studies ( for instructions on how to proceed.


Time to Degree Limits

Master's & Education Specialist 911爆料网

Master's and Ed.S. degrees must be completed within five (5) years from the student's date of admission for graduate study. Courses taken prior to admission to the USF graduate major, for example as non-degree seeking or from other institutions, must be transferred in prior to graduation or they will not count towards completing degree requirements. See the Course Transfer Request requirements for more information. Any Master and Ed.S. degrees (including concurrent/dual degrees) that require coursework in excess of 50 credit hours may be granted a longer degree time limit by the University Graduate Council.

Doctoral 911爆料网

Doctoral degrees (Ed.D. and Ph.D.) must be completed within seven (7) years from the student's original date of admission for doctoral study. All courses applied to the doctoral degree must be completed within ten (10) years, including courses taken prior to admission to the USF doctoral major, taken as non-degree seeking, or transferred from other institutions. There is no time limitation for courses from a completed master鈥檚 degree used toward a doctoral degree. Doctoral students will typically reach candidacy within four years, but this may vary by program or discipline.

Note for all students:

If you are nearing the end of your degree time limitations but need more time to complete your program, please see the section on Time Limit Extensions on our Additional Forms and Processes page. Filing a Time Limit Extension may extend your degree time limits by a maximum of two (2) years.