Faculty Profiles
Dr. Eunsook Kim
Professor, educational measurement and research

Email: ekim3@usf.edu
Office: USF Tampa campus EDU 369
Curriculum Vitae
Eunsook Kim, Ph.D., has a broad interest in research methodology and psychometrics including structural equation modeling, multilevel modeling, latent class analysis, and factor mixture modeling. Her focal research interests include measurement invariance testing in multilevel and longitudinal data. She has recently focused on factor mixture approach to testing measurement invariance particularly with multilevel data and with a large number of groups. She has been involved in research groups studying propensity score analysis, multilevel confirmatory factor analysis, Bayesian estimation, and robust ANOVA in collaboration with faculty and graduate students.
Selected Publications
Kim, E. S., & Wang, Y. Investigating sources of heterogeneity with 3-step multilevel factor mixture modeling: Beyond testing measurement invariance in cross-national studies. Structural Equation Modeling.
Joo, S-H., & Kim, E. S. Impact of the strict invariance violations when testing a group mean difference and measurement invariance using MIMIC. Behavioral Research Methods.
Cao, C., Kim, E. S., Chen, Y-H., Ferron, J., & Stark., S. Exploring the test of covariate moderation effects in multilevel MIMIC models. Educational and Psychological Measurement.
Kim, E. S., Wang, Y., & Kiefer, S. M. Cross-level Group Measurement Invariance When Groups Are at Different Levels of Multilevel Data. Educational and Psychological Measurement.
Wang, Y., Kim, E. S., Dedrick, R., Ferron, J., & Tan, T. A multilevel bifactor approach to construct validation of the mixed-format 911±¬ÁÏÍø Confident in Mathematics Scale. Educational and Psychological Measurement.
Kim, E. S. & Wang, Y. (2017). Class enumeration and parameter recovery of growth mixture modeling and second-order growth mixture modeling in the presence of measurement noninvariance between latent classes. Frontiers in Psychology, 8:1499.
Wang. Y. & Kim, E. S. (2017). Evaluating model fit and structural coefficient bias: A Bayesian approach to multilevel bifactor model misspecification. Structural Equation Modeling, 24(5), 699-713.
Kim, E. S., Cao, C., Wang, Y., & Nguyen, D. T. (2017). Measurement invariance testing with many groups: A comparison of five approaches. Structural Equation Modeling, 24(4), 524-544.
Wang, Y., Rodriguez de Gil, P., Chen, Y-H., Kromrey, J. D., Kim, E. S., Nguyen, D. T., Pham, T. V., & Romano, J. (2017). Comparing the performance of approaches for testing the Homogeneity of Variance assumption in one-factor ANOVA models. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 77(2), 305-329.
Jang, S. R., Kim, E. S., Cao, C., Allen, T., Cooper, C. Lapierre, L., et al. (2017). Measurement invariance of life satisfaction across 26 countries. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 48(4), 560-576.
Kim, E. S., Dedrick, R. F., Cao, C. & Ferron, J. M. (2016). Multilevel factor analysis:
Reporting guidelines and a review of reporting practices. Multivariate Behavioral
Research, 51(6), 881-898.
Kim, E. S., Joo, S-H., Lee, P., Wang, Y., & Stark, S. (2016). Measurement invariance
testing across between-level latent classes using multilevel factor mixture modeling.
Structural Equation Modeling, 23(6), 870-887.
Kim, E. S., & Cao, C. (2015). Testing group mean differences of latent variables in
multilevel data using multiple-group multilevel CFA and multilevel MIMIC modeling.
Multivariate Behavioral Research, 50(4), 436-456.
Kim, E. S., Yoon, M., 911±¬ÁÏÍøn, Y., Luo, W., & Kwok, O. (2015). Within-level group factorial
invariance in multilevel data: Multilevel factor mixture and multilevel MIMIC models.
Structural Equation Modeling, 22(4), 603-616.
Rodriguez de Gil, P., Bellara, A. P., Lanehart, R. E., Lee, R. S., Kim, E. S., & Kromrey,
J. D. (2015). How do propensity score methods measure up in the presence of measurement
error: A Monte Carlo study. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 50(5), 520-532.
Kim, E. S., & Willson, V. L. (2014). Testing measurement invariance across groups in longitudinal data: Multi-group second-order latent growth model. Structural Equation Modeling, 21(4), 566-576.
Kim, E. S., & Willson, V. L. (2014). Measurement invariance across groups in latent growth models. Structural Equation Modeling, 21(3), 408-424.
Kim, E. S., Kwok, O., & Yoon, M. (2012). Testing factorial invariance in multilevel
data: A Monte Carlo study. Structural Equation Modeling, 19(2), 250-267.
Kim, E. S., Yoon, M., & Lee. T. (2012). Testing measurement invariance using MIMIC:
The likelihood ratio test with a critical value adjustment. Educational & Psychological
Measurement, 72(3), 469-492.
Kim, E. S., & Yoon, M. (2011). Testing measurement invariance: A comparison of multiple-group
categorical CFA and IRT. Structural Equation Modeling, 18(2), 212-228.
Thoemmes, F., & Kim, E. S. (2011). A systematic review of propensity score methods
in the social sciences. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 46(1), 90-118.