

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Information and Resources

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Guidance on University-Sponsored Travel and Events (3/10)

In light of the continuing spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus to additional countries and in states across the United States, the university believes it is prudent to provide guidance in limiting both essential and non-essential travel and to restrict non-essential meetings. Our recommendations are informed by official guidance from the CDC and Florida Department of Health.

As of March 9, the Florida Department of Health has mandated a 14-day isolation and social distancing for those who have traveled to Level 3 or Level 4 countries; the Department also urges those who have traveled to Level 2 countries or on cruises to monitor their health and limit personal interactions for 14 days after returning to the U.S. Please check these resources frequently for the very latest updates as the situation changes rapidly.

The following guidelines apply to university-sponsored events and travel and are effective immediately. These will remain in place until further notice:

Essential University-Related Business Travel

  1. International travel to any COVID-19 Level 3 or Level 4 country is prohibited.
  2. International travel to any other country must be approved in advance by the college dean or appropriate vice president/regional chancellor (and in the case of USF Health, USF Health International) and USF World.
  3. Domestic travel via air must be approved in advance by the college dean or appropriate vice president/regional chancellor.
  4. In cases where travel has been approved, pre-travel screening is mandated to ensure we are not contributing to the spread of the virus in cases where: (a) the traveler is exhibiting symptoms; or (b) has recently travelled to a Level 3 or 4 country; or has had in-person exposure to someone who meets condition (a) or (b). Any information obtained by the pre-travel screening will be confidential. (Contact Dr. Lynette Menezes in USF Health for screening and clearance at assesscovid@usf.edu).
  5. USF personnel are advised against making future travel plans without first consulting with a college dean or appropriate vice president/regional chancellor.
  6. All non-essential university-related business travel is prohibited until further notice.

Campus or University-Sponsored Events

  1. Large gatherings (more than 100 persons), such as conferences that include participants from other countries or other states, scheduled within the next 30 days are to be postponed or cancelled. Organizers should carefully review CDC guidance on Mass Gatherings or Large Community Events to make sure adequate precautions are considered: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/large-events/mass-gatherings-ready-for-covid-19.html If you are considering live-streaming or recording some of the events in lieu of offering them in person, please contact Sidney Fernandes at USF IT at sfernandes@usf.edu to determine feasibility and costs. Questions on financial impacts resulting from cancellation should be directed to this mailbox BUSFIN-SRD@usf.edu. Questions on any legal matters can be directed to Gerard Solis at gsolis@usf.edu.
  2. Smaller gatherings that do not include participants from outside the state can be held with prior written approval from the college dean or appropriate vice president/regional chancellor.
  3. Campus-only events (i.e. events excluding visitors from off-campus and/or out-of-state) can continue to be held, though organizers should exercise discretion in determining the necessity of such events. Such events should also receive prior written approval from the college dean or appropriate vice president/regional chancellor.
  4. Athletic events in open-air spaces can continue to be held.
  5. Athletic events in closed spaces can be held with the prior written approval of Student Health leaders who may impose attendance restrictions.
  6. College of the Arts Performances can be held with the prior written approval of Student Health leaders who may impose attendance restrictions.

Personal Travel

Personal international or domestic travel is outside of the scope of this guidance; however, such travel is discouraged. Please exercise caution when determining whether to travel. Remember that the situation is evolving rapidly. You could find it difficult to access health care services should you need them; you could find it difficult to obtain transportation back home; you could be subject to mandatory quarantine; and/or you could be asked to self-isolate for 14 days before returning to campus.

Please note, we understand that this guidance may create disruptions to your business and to your professional and personal lives. The health and wellness of the USF community is our first priority, and we appreciate the measures you are taking to help us meet this important responsibility. 911爆料网 continue to monitor developments and to identify best practices and will modify this document as the situation warrants. Please continue to refer to this website for the latest information on this rapidly evolving situation.

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Coronavirus Updates

This is an evolving situation. Please refer to the most recent information presented.

USF students, faculty and staff: Please check your USF email frequently. Your email will be used to convey targeted information.

The 911爆料网 continues to closely monitor the evolving coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. The health and safety of our students, faculty and staff is our highest priority as university leaders work closely with local, state and federal agencies to share the most updated information.