Article Listing
Viewing items with Category: All Categories, Year: All Years

Aging studies expert presents at USF on assisted living facilities
Paula Carder, PhD, shared her research as part of the School of Aging Studies and Florida Policy and Exchange Center on Aging Distinguished Lecture Series.
November 4, 2024College News, School of Aging Studies

Aging studies researchers receive $1.8M to educate dementia care providers on palliative care
Faculty in the School of Aging Studies have been awarded $1.8 million from the National Institutes of Health (NIH): National Institute on Aging.
October 30, 2024School of Aging Studies

ABA student receives award at FABA Conference
Gabriela Salazar was honored with the Jose Martinez-Diaz Memorial Award at the 44th Annual Florida Association for Behavior Analysis (FABA) Conference.
October 25, 2024Child and Family Studies, College News

Criminology faculty member reflects on journey working in higher education
Colby Valentine recently was a recent guest on The Criminology Academy podcast.
October 25, 2024College News, Criminology

Social work assistant professor of instruction to serve as chair of Faculty Council on Student Admissions
The council advises on matters pertaining to the establishment and maintenance of policies, principles, and regulations affecting the selection and admission of undergraduate students.
October 7, 2024College News, School of Social Work

CFS researchers awarded $9.9M to enhance employment services for individuals with disabilities
The project will integrate virtual reality and artificial intelligence technologies into LAUNCH at USF's employment and transition programs to address the critical shortage of skilled labor and promote inclusivity in the workplace.
September 23, 2024Child and Family Studies, College News

Documentary filmmaker speaks to criminology class about drug use in America
Charlie Minn, a "victim-driven" documentary filmmaker, spoke to students in the Drugs and Crime class at USF.
September 23, 2024College News, Criminology

Criminology faculty and student share research in Romania
The team traveled to Bucharest, Romania, to share their research at the European Society of Criminology Conference.
September 23, 2024College News, Criminology

KIN-TECHâ„¢ Kinship Navigator program earns high rating by Prevention Services Clearinghouse
The Kinship Navigator program is implemented by the Children's Home Network and School of Social Work faculty.
September 23, 2024College News, School of Social Work

FMHI leadership discusses children's mental health initiative with Rep. David Silvers
The group met to discuss the work of the Florida Mental Health Institute (FMHI) related to HB 945, the Children’s Mental Health bill.
September 20, 2024College News, Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health Institute, Mental Health Law and Policy

MFT students win second place in AAMFT Student Ethics Competition
Two USF students placed second in the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT) annual Student Ethics Competition.
September 20, 2024Child and Family Studies, College News

Executive director selected to lead Florida Center for Behavioral Health Workforce
Courtney L. Whitt, PhD, is a licensed psychologist and leader in providing integrated primary care within traditionally underserved populations.
September 18, 2024College News