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The online platform was developed by researchers affiliated with the USF Trafficking in Persons - Risk to Resilience Lab.
February 23, 2023College News, Criminology

USF students reduce stigma surrounding mental health through creative expression
Rehearsals are underway for the USF production of This Is My Brave: College Edition. New this year is the integration of a Photovoice exhibit.
February 20, 2023College News, Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health Institute, Mental Health Law and Policy

Gerontological Society of America leaders share the importance of professional societies
James Appleby, CEO, and Jim Nelson, president, of the Gerontological Society of America visited faculty and doctoral students in the USF School of Aging Studies.
February 20, 2023College News, School of Aging Studies

CBCS faculty receive grants for interdisciplinary research projects
The selected submissions reflect the highly collaborative nature of USF faculty.
February 20, 2023College News, Criminology, School of Social Work

Criminology faculty member discusses cybercrime research in new podcast episode
Tom Hyslip, PhD joined host Michael Joyce for the 80th episode of the Cybercrimeology podcast.
February 20, 2023College News, Criminology

CBCS employees celebrated for reaching career milestones at USF
Faculty and staff from across the college gathered in the MHC Atrium to celebrate those who have reached significant milestones in their career at USF.
February 20, 2023College News, School of Aging Studies

CBCS researchers awarded travel grants
These grants support USF faculty to attend major international professional meetings and conferences and give keynote speeches, plenary presentations, or performances.
February 20, 2023Child and Family Studies, College News, School of Aging Studies

CFS professor to serve as member of NHLBI Single-Site and Pilot Clinical Trials Study Section
Marilyn Stern, PhD, CRC, professor in the Department of Child and Family Studies (CFS), will begin her term in July.
February 17, 2023Child and Family Studies, College News

CRMHC career fair connects students with future employers
The USF Clinical Rehabilitation and Mental Health Counseling (CRMHC) Program recently hosted their annual Field Placement and Employment Fair.
February 17, 2023Child and Family Studies, College News

Spotlight: Substance Misuse and Addiction Research Traineeship
The initiative, led by Micah Johnson, PhD, aims to expand pipeline of addiction researchers from underrepresented backgrounds.
February 16, 2023College News, Mental Health Law and Policy

Aging studies students tour retirement community
911爆料网 studying aging sciences and long term care toured Unisen Senior Living to learn more about living and working at the facility.
February 9, 2023College News, School of Aging Studies

Criminology professor among six USF faculty members to earn national recognition
Richard Dembo, PhD was named a Fellow by the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
January 31, 2023College News, Criminology