Article Listing
Viewing items with Category: All Categories, Year: All Years

Monica Nelson successfully defends dissertation
Nelson's dissertation is titled, "Contribution of Contextual Factors and Neuropathology to Dementia."
May 31, 2023School of Aging Studies

Aging studies faculty member selected for Rising Star Early Career Faculty Award
Nasreen Sadeq, PhD was selected by the Gerontological Society of America and the Academy for Gerontology in Higher Education.
May 31, 2023College News, School of Aging Studies

CRMHC associate professor to serve as journal's associate editor
Tammy Jorgensen Smith, PhD, CRC has been invited to serve as an associate editor for Frontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences.
May 26, 2023Child and Family Studies, College News

Aging studies researcher shares expertise on caregiver disaster preparedness
Lindsay Peterson, PhD presented her research on caregiver disaster preparedness at the 8th Annual Senior Education Summit.
May 26, 2023College News, School of Aging Studies

Social work group documents travels through Spain in online blog
A group of social work students curated a blog to journal the daily activities of their study abroad experiences.
May 26, 2023College News, School of Social Work

Social work associate instructor joins Council on Faculty Issues
Melissa Thompson, MSW, LCSW is a new voting member of the USF Council on Faculty Issues.
May 26, 2023College News, School of Social Work

USF to offer free course to the public that addresses mental health in the workplace
The free online course is designed to help managers and employees become more well-versed in addressing mental health and its impact on organizations.
May 22, 2023Mental Health Law and Policy

Social work PhD candidate receives Global Faculty Award
Stephanie Rosado recently represented the School of Social Work as she received a Global Faculty Award at the Inaugural HIPUR Faculty Awards Ceremony.
May 22, 2023College News, School of Social Work
The lab is tasked with collecting and analyzing statewide data to better understand the magnitude and trends in human trafficking across the state and over time.
May 17, 2023College News, Criminology

CBCS food drive surpasses goal, collects over 1,700 items
The Battle of CBCS Food Drive collected over 1,700 non-perishable food items for the USF Feed-A-Bull Food Pantry.
May 15, 2023College News

Aging studies student awarded graduate assistantship
Jessica Yauk's funded research is titled "Black Caregivers' Perceptions of Care Recipients' End-of-Life Care Planning."
May 15, 2023College News, School of Aging Studies

Aging studies associate professor speaks on GSA panel
Debra Dobbs, PhD, FGSA participated in a panel for the Gerontological Society of America (GSA) titled "Developments in Advance Care Planning in the Context of COVID-19."
May 15, 2023College News, School of Aging Studies