Article Listing
Viewing items with Category: All Categories, Year: All Years

Social Work Society elects new leadership
The USF Social Work Society has selected a new team of officers to lead the group in 2024.
January 29, 2024School of Social Work

CBCS faculty recognized with USF gold quality online designation
These faculty members are recognized for elevating the standards of online learning.
January 29, 2024Child and Family Studies, College News, Communication Sciences and Disorders, Criminology, Mental Health Law and Policy, School of Aging Studies, School of Social Work

Aging studies PhD students publish blog post for National Council on Aging
In the post, Cassidy Doyle and Britney Veal discuss requesting cognitive evaluations at Medicare鈥檚 annual wellness visit.
January 29, 2024School of Aging Studies

Criminology adjunct instructor recognized by Florida Department of Corrections
Manley Jaquiss, MA, received the Regional Director鈥檚 Excellence Award from the Florida Department of Corrections.
January 29, 2024College News, Criminology

Social work assistant professor joins CSWE leadership
Dasha Rhodes, PhD, LMSW, will serve as the co-chair of the Council on Social Work Education Student Presentations Track.
January 29, 2024College News, School of Social Work

School of Social Work launches new international collaboration
The project will facilitate networking and international dialogues on social work, social services, and social policy.
January 22, 2024College News, School of Social Work

Aging Studies PhD student awarded CDC Public Health Law Fellowship
This highly competitive fellowship is only awarded to 20 individuals within the nation.
January 12, 2024College News, School of Aging Studies
The lab reached important milestones recently with the launch of its BRIGHT network and its designation as the statewide repository for human trafficking data.
January 12, 2024College News, Criminology

CABH program celebrates largest graduating class
The Child and Adolescent Behavioral Health (CABH) Master of Science program had its largest graduating class to date in fall 2023.
January 8, 2024Child and Family Studies, College News

CFS leadership serve as keynote speakers at conference on positive behavior support
George and Gaunt shared research and resources regarding positive behavior supports.
January 8, 2024Child and Family Studies, College News

Aging studies PhD student passes comprehensive exam with distinction
Cassidy Doyle's dissertation topic aims to expand and diversify cognitive "SuperAging" research by using a population-based dataset and machine learning techniques.
January 5, 2024School of Aging Studies

Criminology visiting assistant instructor uses webinars to discuss shame and self-care
Cary Hopkins Eyles, MA, is also a Certified Addictions Professional and registered yoga teacher.
January 5, 2024College News, Criminology