The program held its annual Night of Discovery, welcoming families, mentors, donors, and staff to attend a reception followed by the students' end-of-semester presentations. Each LAUNCH Academy student presented what they have learned about themselves during the semester and discussed their goals and the potential career paths they discovered using online tools to identify their strengths and interests.
They personalized PowerPoint slides and provided details about their interests and aspirations after graduation. Their families watched, beaming with pride as each student took their turn at the podium.
"Night of Discovery is a vibrant celebration that brings our staff, mentors, donors, community partners, and families together, showcasing our students' creativity, humor, and unique personalities,” said LAUNCH Director Christine Hugh, MS. “The enthusiasm and warmth shared among everyone creates an unforgettable atmosphere, reminding us all of the magic that happens when we support and celebrate the growth of our young learners. It is one of my favorite parts of the LAUNCH Academy program."

The LAUNCH Academy (formerly The Learning Academy) began in 2009 and is a customized transition program that assists in preparing young adults diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder for employment or college. The program is two semesters long and, in the spring semester, students participate in an Applied Learning Experience (ALE) aligned with their career aspirations. This can be an internship, volunteer role, or paid work. ALEs run from January through the beginning of May. 911 are required to complete a minimum of four hours per week.
911 gain experience in their identified career areas and match their interests with meaningful opportunities. Areas of interest this year included sound engineering, music production, information technology, athletics, food services, special effects makeup, esthetician, finance, engineering, library services, hospitality, and more.
If you or someone you know has a connection or would like to host LAUNCH students, please email