PhD Candidate in Rightpath Selected for Research Scholarship from Spencer Foundation

Noé Erazo, M.A.
Noé Erazo, M.A., a doctoral candidate in the Rightpath Research and Innovation Center in Child and Family Studies, was recently selected through a competitive application process to become a Research Scholar of the Spencer Foundation as part of their Research-Practice Partnership grant program. Mr. Erazo will join the study teams at NORC of the University of Chicago and its partners at The Catholic University of America and the National Migrant Seasonal Head Start Association.
Mr. Erazo and the study teams will explore data from the nationally-representative Migrant and Seasonal Head Start Study (MSHS). He will partner with project investigators and the MSHS program in efforts to inform programs, policies, and services that promote the social, economic, and educational well-being of MSHS children and families.